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Cost center in internal order

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Hi All

What is the role of Responsible costcenter and requesting costcenter in Internal order master data?

(what is the difference between costcenter in settlement receiver and costcenter in assignments tab)

plz dont send me any links

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Former Member
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Dear Prasad,

Q1 : If there are multiple cost centers created in a company. Say, A company has three manufacturing plants & all of them are created as cost centers viz A, B, C. Now these plants again sub divided in various cost centers viz A1, A2, A3 etc. Further, there is a project going on in cost center A1, and a machin has been requested to plant B. So here cost center A1 is a requesting cost center where as B is responsible cost center.

Q2: Cost center in assignement fields are informative fields. Where as,to the cost center in Assignemnt field you can settle the internal order. e.g. All your project cost has been accumulated in a IO. On completion, a project has been created as cost center to book further cost related to it, so this IO cost will be settled to cost center mentioned in assignment field.

Hope this clears ur doubt.


Ajay Gupte