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commitment\statistical cost\actua cost

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Hi All,

The process of PR\PO\GR have already been done in the last year, statistical cost came to project when I do the Goods Receipt (GR).

In this current year, when I do the goods issue, the real actual cost will hit project.

In this scenerio, the budget is assigned for yearly, but the actual cost is consume last year budegt, no budget in current year.

The budget and actual cost do not match in one year.

I look forwards to all the SAP Experts how to think about this scenerio.

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I am using valuated stock in my project, after cancle the cost element for inventory account, commitment for PO PR and statistical cost for GR both not appearling on WBS, just GI lead to actual cost.

Who know statistical cost element not cretaed, but commitment raise?

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Please give me possible solution.


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In my tests, the current year can do goods receipt without budget, because the actual cost is increased by 100, the statistical cost decreased by 100.

Another problem, who can tell me why the receipt will take up the budget, this time there is no delivery, no actual cost.

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Hi Jie,

Note 46209 explain the reason why based on the standard design SAP doesn't check the budget at the time for GRN/SES. However there is a fix for this via Note 696362.

Check whether this is implemented in your client's system.



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This note just implement whether GR control agasint AVAC or not, but the assigned value is recorded GR value in any case.

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Hi Jie,

Just want to check few things,

I believe the Budget control is based on Annual Release value and not Overall Release Value (can check in Budget Profile)?

If it is Annual, have you performed Commitment and Budget carry-forward function?



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Thank you for your reply.

Budget control is based on annual value, and not perform t-code CJCF CJCO.

The last year have done PR PO GR, and goods issue postings in current year.

The client confirm just value type 04 as actual cost, so no budget and actual cost 100 in current year, budget 100 and no cost in last year, that what I say budget and cost no match in one year.

This case is test success in system, because value type 11 have value 100 as cost in last year, type 11 value -100 and type 04 value 100 ( total cost 0 as cost ) in current year, so last year have budget 100 and cost 100, the current year have budget 0 and cost 0.

The client ask me why the receipt will take up the budget, this time there is no delivery, no actual cost.

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Hello Jie,

check in your case two time budget had been used 1st at the time of GRN and 2nd at the time of GI to project.

so butdget consumption might be double let say if GRN is 100 Rs  and GI 100 then total actual cost would be 200 Rs and budget should be as 200

so if this is not happend with you then can you please  share CJi3 and cj30 screenshot for compare.

as you said cost came statistical then may be the reason for not matching actual cost and budget.



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Hi Sanjeev,

GR and GI both in the same year , there is no problem ,statistical cost 100 when the goods actually received, goods issue postings lead to actual cost 100 in project and corresponding reductions statistical cost 100.

Problem is GR in the last year and GI in the current year, statistical cost 100 and budget 100 match in last year, but real actual cost 100 and budget 0 do not match in current year.

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can you please check budget availability was activate at the time of GI to project. if not then this is the issue like budget not be checked and system allowed to GI without budget check so budget is still 0 while actual cost is 100 in current year.

so reconstruct project database then activate AVAC status then try to check by report.

better if you could share screenshort for what you are saying.



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Thanks for you reply, I am very sorry not in the office today and no screenshort to share for you.

If release budget 100 in current year, plus the last year budget 100 ,then the total budget is 200, but real  actual cost only 100, the statistical cost reduce to 0 when goods issue.

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yes this is stadard behavior of sap like PR-> PO-> GR == CR even frieght charger CR if any, and stock/inventory account = DR so when you GI automatically GR reduces 0 like when you check stock by MMBE system will display 0.



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Why the total budget is 200 and actual cost only 100?

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budget can be more thn actual cost but actual cost never be more then budget if budget functionality is activate.

because whatever fund you have to purchase material that you allocated based on ruffcutt planning by cj30.



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That is what I say the budget and real actual cost do not match, and why actual cost only 100 but need to release total budget 200.

BTW, goods receipt to the project stock but no consume ( GI ) , why GR lead to actual cost increase 100 ?