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Can we have multiple Best Practice client in DEV S/4 HANA ?


Dear Experts,

I'm just thinking if this is possible. We are planning to create additional Best Practice client for us to explore it ourselves. Currently, we have activated best practice client for our sister company (which is also our customer).We don't know if there are issues that will affect our current Best Practice client. We are using S/4 HANA 1709 SP02.

Thank you so much.

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Active Contributor
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that depends what exactly would you like to do. If you want to create a new client based on exisitng one, where the Best Practices are already activated, then you can just copy it using the SAP_ALL profile (or any other that suit your needs).

But in case you'd like to perform the new activation, then of course you have to follow the Best Practices Activation Guide (like doing the /FTI/T_NOCLN000)

Active Contributor
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Yes, you can have mutliple clients with best practices in a single dev system. For example the S/4HANA Fully Activated Appliance is configured in a such way. Just keep it isolated (don't move transports to the production) and be careful when doing client idependend configuration.

0 Kudos


Thanks for your response. If we create a new client for our 2nd BP Client. Can we perform the normal local client copy or we need to do the prerequisite steps first for Best Practice? Like doing the /FTI/T_NOCLN000 thing etc.


Active Contributor
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It is possible to have DEV system have multiple clients.

It depends on customer SAP landscape different systems (DEV, QA, PRD) creation with multiple clients. Please check the following SAP documentation to copy best procatice client.

For more info check with the basis team.

Best Regards,


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I know this Best Practice Document. Unfortunately, I can't find in this guide on how to do client copy for Best Practice Client. The instructions in this document are only for prerequisite client copy from 000 to your designated Best Practice client.

I don't know if we'll gonna perform the usual local client copy or we should do the prerequisites first such as registering the best practice client v2.0 in /FTI/T_NOCLN000 then perform local client copy.
