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Calculate Tax Automatically Field in the downloaded template in Import Supplier Invoices App.

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Unable to Calculate Tax Automatically Field in the downloaded template in Import Supplier Invoices App.  I have unhided all the rows and columns but couldn't find the Calculate Tax Automatically Field in the downloaded template in Import Supplier Invoices App.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

This filed is not required to upload AP invoices.

Here is the list of all available header fields:

Here is example file that works with VAT TAX 16% in the invoice.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

Hello Marcin,

How do you unhide these fields? I can't see them in my template.

Also, what I'm really keen to know is why in the S-system I don't have the tax date field when creating a supplier invoice. Ideally, I would like to have the Q-system as the S-system since in Q I have Tax Reporting date and Tax date which is mandatory and that's why I get the error when uploading the template. I must be missing something in the configuration.



0 Kudos

Hello, I have the same question.

In the S-system when I try to create a supplier invoice, in the tax tab I only have one field called "Tax Reporting Date" and it is not mandatory. However, in the Q-system, I have two fields under Tax, once called "Tax Reporting Date" and the other called "Tax Date" which is mandatory. What is the purpose of this Tax date? How can I hide it and make it optional instead of mandatory?

The issue is when I try to upload the template, I get an error saying there is not tax date in the template, but this field doesn't exist in such template.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Arturo,

Please unhide column AP in the header section of the upload file. I have attached example file that works.

