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Budget is being consummed twice on FMAVCR01 even though commitmt is correct

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Our business requirement for O&M(costs going to cost centers) is to consume budget for soft commitments when purchase requisition/PO is created. For Capital (costs going to networks) we consume budget for actuals upon receipt/ invoice. We have 2 availability control ledgers set up, Z1 for O&M, ZC for capital. To acheive consuming capital only on the hard commitment, the ZC ledger for capital excludes Purchase Requisitions and PO's.

We thought this would work, but we have found 2 issues-

Issue 1-

For Z1 O&M, the budget is being consumed twice at the control object level on FMAVCR01, once when the Req/PO is created and then again when the PO is received. So lets say you had a $1000 budget. You create a PO for $600. There should be $400 available. You do a receipt for $300. You should still have $400 available, but when you try to enter another PO for the remaining $400 you get hard stop Annual budget exceeded by 300 USD (GRU O&M Control) for document item 00010.

If FMAVCREINIT is run, the consumed amount gets corrected and the available becomes $400 again. Then the $300 requisition can be entered.

Issue 2-

This issue pertains only to O&M Service PO's to a cost center. The added problem is, if the available budget is less that the amount of the service entry sheet, the sheet cannot be accepted and you get the error message

RC = 3 FMAVC 005 Annual budget exceeded by 00001 2 for document tiem 12,345 USD (GRU 0Z1/2010/5001/127/59999

Even if FMAVCR01 has been run and the available amount is correct, if the available is less than your entry sheet, you will not be able to save it. The only work around we have is to add budget, have the user do their entry sheet, run fmavcreinit, and remove the budget that was added.

Does anyone have any ideas as to why the budget is being checked and seemingly consumed twice? I'm new to SAP but have looked all over configuration and haven't found a reason for either problem. Is there a setting somewhere to exclude service entry sheets from checking?

Thank you for any suggestions

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Former Member
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Hi! do you the solution for your problem??? I have the same problem, and I do not know how to solve it.



Former Member
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No. I still haven't found any information or a solution to this problem.

0 Kudos

Hi, do you have the solution for this problem ? We have the same problem and we need an urgent solution.

Thanks in advance !