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bapi_inspoper_recordresults, Force-close issue

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hi, dear All:

Now i am facing one critical issue when use the BAPI - bapi_inspoper_recordresults.

My problem is:

Provide the Insp.characteristics's Inspect number is 3, now i just inspected 1. Now, i am closing the Chara. using "Force-Button" (Just like QE51N).

In ABAP, i just entered the parameter:




However, i cannot save it, it will check the number is all inspected(if the Insp.scope is 'Fixed')...It seems that this BAPI (bapi_inspoper_recordresults) can not handle the action of "Force-clsoe".

Does this is true?

Or anyoneelse have the same experince?

Thanks a lot,

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Answers (3)

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Are calculated characteristics compatible with this BAPI? I've been trying in several ways but they never get updated in SAP and always show me the "Errors occured during the calculation of formulas" error.

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Dio you ever get a response? I am having the same problem.

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hi Dear,

In that particular Bappi, u assigned all but one thing keep in ur mind inspect number change as 1 than 3 and than 5, if it is 3 than system not allowed u to close the characteristics, u need to update the inspect number as 5, for proper closure, as ur Q? related to Force Closure than for tha in tha particular Bappi u need to call the function which ask u for force closure, that function u get from UD posting.

U need to Put X= Force closure method.


Shailendra Gaur


Edited by: D GURU on Nov 10, 2011 9:45 AM

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Let me know if you any idea of how to do force closure using any FM while doing result recording .

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If you have nt enterd results for a char,

and if you try to input followin parameters




then it will not close those char.

that even happens in regular result recording also.

for "force closing" the inspection itself there is one button in QA11 while doing UD .Explore that !!