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Assmbly information in PS BOM Explosion

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Dear PS Expert,

I am adding BOM assembly in the project structure via CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2FM. I am doing the following steps.

1. Assembly material will be added manually to the Project structure.

2. Once press enters through custom logic I am checking if the Component has BOM. If yes, then I am using CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2, I am getting child items of subject material BOM.

3. I am passing BOM child component details to BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD.

The components are getting added correctly, I am not able to populate the assembly information in the RESB table under the newly added compoent, which will be added in case of std BOM explosion or BOM trasnfer.

Any inputs on how to populate this assembly informaiton in RESB table.


Atul Rajmane

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Check your PS configuration for material components so there is only one option for the procurement indicator when adding a component.