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append structute into BSEG table

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i append a structure in BSEG table and add some field to it ,

but the additional fields does not show in layout of 'FBL5N" tcode

Is there a solution to this problem?

thank you in advance

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In ordert to insert new fields you need to make the next steps.

  1. Expand the RFPOS and RPOSX structures, add the new field to be displayed in the report.
  2. Execute the FIBF tcode to start the implementation of the BTE and consulting from the menu Environment-> System info (P / S) we will find the event for our case. Event: 00001650 (Fill data by position)
  3. Copy the standard BTE function SAMPLE_INTERFACE_00001650 to a Z function
  4. Implement the source code within the Z function so that it achieves our objective in the new field.
  5. Create a client product from the FIBF tcode-> Options-> Products -> ... of a client
  6. Assign the function module Z to the event 00001650, from the tcode: FIBF-> Options-> P / S modules -> ... of an SAP application
  7. Regenerate the structures of the standard reports executing the RFPOSXEXTEND and BALVBUFDEL programs. This must be done in each client.

Please, refer Alex Mijael's blog in order to find more information: (In Spanish, but very useful).

Add fields to FBL3N FBL5N FBL1N


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(I will suppose you use classic GL, not new one, nor universal one from your question)

For fields

In some cases execution of reports RFPOSXEXTEND and BALVBUFDEL may be required.

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Hi, Try through implementing BADI - FAGL_ITEMS_MENUE03 and this will address the requirement

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AFAIK this BAdI manages some additional function keys 'Follow-Up Actions' on new GL detail report?

To add additional fields, use BAdI FAGL_ITEMS_CH_DATA for new GL