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Action button and workflow in QM notification

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Hi All,

Can any body explain how to configure the action button and workflow in qm notification 

I need to do ud in qm notification.

Also i need to trigger mail to respective distribution list when the notification is triggered.

Also how to configure the partner in QM notification.

Please share any doc that could help

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for automatic email sending to distribution list you would need to get developers help. For manual sending it can be customized.

To configure action box activity to record UD you need to follow the customizing path: 

Quality Management -> Quality Notifications -> Notification Processing -> Additional Notification Functions -> Define Action Box

You define an activity for your notification type . Function module used is QMLR_PROCESS_MANUAL_UD. You also need to define a code in task catalogue (QS41, catalogue type 2 ) with follow up activity with function module QMLR_PROCESS_MANUAL_UD_FA

To define follow up functions you need to follow the customizing path:

Quality Management -> Quality Notifications -> Notification Processing -> Additional Notification Functions -> Define Follow-Up Actions for Tasks


To define partners you need to follow the customizing path:

Quality Management -> Quality Notifications -> Notification Creation -> Partners -> Define Partner Determination Procedures

You need to define partner functions (if the ones that came with the system do dot suit you) assign them to partner determination procedure and assign the partner determination procedure to notification type.


Best regards, Matjaž.





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Configuration is already there. But UD is not possible as the button is not clickable
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Greetings. Yes it is a dependant activity. If you want you can remove the setting following the same path as it is used to customize the activity. Per standard, the UD activity depends on "Transfer Post. Unrestr.->Insp."
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When it will be activated and in which business process pls