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50% Accelerate tax depreciation Romania

0 Kudos


I have an issue with the setup of a specific dep key that is needed for the dep area Tax.

I have to setup a dep key that will depreciate 50% of the acquisition value in the first year and as of year 2 it has to depreciate as normal.

I have setup the following calculation methods

Ord Dep -> Phase 1 -> 0011 (Base Method) - 001 - 006 (per control) - 001 (multilevel)

Changeover 5 Change over after useful life

0011 (Standard)

001 (Standard)

006 (01/06/02/02)

001 (9999-999-0-24- remaining life)

Ord Dep -> Phase 2 -> 0017 (Base Method) - 001 - 003 - 013 (multilevel)

No Change over

Spec Dep -> Phase 1 - 0021 (Base Method) - 001 - 006 - Z01 (multilevel)

No Change over

Z01 is 9999 - 1 - 12 - 01 (base value) - 50%

The Special Dep is working , but he should only start the Ord Depreciation after the special dep.

What is wrong in the calculation of the ordinary depreciation ?

Thank You


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Davy,

Check if you have set up the Dep Type -N [ Ordinary Depreciation] in all the methods.

