Companies often want to support of workflows which will seamlessly streamline business processes in the organization. workflows gives real-time visibility into the inner workings of the business processes, and in turn makes your employees more productive and efficient in their roles.
as part of 2302 release workflows are enabled for
Price List documents in SAP Business ByDesign. in the earlier releases we have enabled the workflow feature for
Customer Invoice and Credit Memo documents as part of Customer Relationship workflow enablement process. for details refer to earlier blog post
Workflow enablement of Customer Invoice and Credit Memo in SAP Business ByDesign

User Story:
Business User can use SAP Business ByDesign Workflow Rules to create custom workflows for Price List Master Data.
Business case would be to inform the users responsible about the changes in business sensitive Price List master data via notification / email communication.
- Support custom workflow for Price Lists
- Notification could be sent to inbox or as a email to employee responsible
- Workflow triggered on first creation / every change
- Helps to create complex rule based custom workflow
- Note: feature is enabled for standard price lists and custom price lists.
Benefits for Customers
Custom Rule based workflow for all kinds of price list master data