Hi Friends, let us take a look at some of the exciting features in purchase requisitions for the release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2308.
My Purchase Requisitions – New
With this app, you can now do the following:
- The Copy to Other Items button that helps to copy the details of one item to other items in the purchase requisition now supports copying of accounting details too. The Copy to Other Items button is now available in the context of Central Requisitioning too.

- View the Unloading Point and Goods Recipient on the accounting details page of the accounting lines assigned to an item.

- View the history of workflow instances in Approval Details. You can view this if the purchase requisition or item has been through multiple workflows.

- Central Requisitioning - View the purchase order status, the current approver of the purchase order if the purchase order is awaiting approval, and the supplier, in the quick view details by choosing the Number of Items column in the list screen.

- Central Requisitioning - The goods receipt indicator, invoice receipt indicator, and tracking number are also transferred from the hub to the connected system during replication.
- Central Requisitioning - In the case of replication before approval, requisitions or items that have been rejected are deleted in both the hub and connected systems. The deleted requisitions and items cannot be undeleted in the connected system.
Default Settings for Users:
With this app, you can now maintain the default
Unloading Point and
Goods Recipient for the purchase requisitions created by a user. These fields can also be maintained via the
Excel-Based Data Exchange feature present within this app.

Manage Purchase Requisitions – Professional
With this app, you can do the following:
- Maintain Reference delivery address. This allows you to choose an address from a list of stored addresses available via the value help.

- View Price Scale, if any, for cross-catalog search items. Some cross-catalog search items have a price scale defined; wherein different prices are maintained based on the quantity of the item. On adding such items to the cart, the price of the item is determined by the requested quantity and gets automatically updated whenever there is a change in the requested quantity.

- View links to navigate to related apps on choosing the description of the purchase requisition in the list screen. Note that if a requisition is in draft state, then navigation to certain applications might not be relevant.

- Assign a Contract for Limit that has no contract item with the same purchasing group or material group as the purchase requisition item. If the configuration Enable Change of Product Group is activated, you can assign a contract that does contain any contract item with the same purchasing group or material group as the purchase requisition item.

- View history of workflow instances in Approval Details. You can view this if the purchase requisition or item has been through multiple workflows.

- While copying purchase requisition items, item attachments are also copied.
Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition
Copy to Other Items button that helps to copy the details of one item to other items in the purchase requisition now supports copying of accounting details too.

Workflows for Purchase Requisitions
A Fiori notification is generated when an agent cannot be determined during the execution of a purchase requisition workflow. This notification is sent to a team of users who have the function
Workflow Administration assigned to them. It informs them about the error and how to rectify the same. After rectification of the error, they can click on the notification to navigate to the app
Flexible Workflow Administration and resume the workflow.
Error shown in Approval Details section as the agent could be determined

Fiori notification sent

Error corrected and workflow resumed

The error no longer appears in the Approval Details section

Currency Conversion - Schedule Jobs for Central Purchase Requisitions
With this app, you can schedule jobs to update the converted currency of central purchase requisitions from the connected system to the hub system. Two job templates are available for this purpose and must be run in the following order:
- Display Non-Replicated Purchase Requisitions
- Update Currency-Related Fields from Connected System
Note that the connected system must be in the SAP S/4HANA landscape (release 2021 or higher). For more details on currency conversion, please see
3229024 .

Configuration and IAM (Identity and Access Management) Objects
You can activate HDM (Harmonized Document Management) for purchase requisition item in the table
Activate HDM for Attachment Object Types. For more details on HDM, please see
Harmonized Document Management (HDM).
The authorization object B_BUP_DCPD has been assigned to the business role SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT. If the business partner data controller function has been enabled and restrictions have been added to the custom role derived from SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT, then these restrictions would be applied on the employee value help of the
Default Settings for Users app.
The authorization object B_BUP_DCPD has been assigned to the business roles SAP_BR_PURCHASER and SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_PROCUREMENT. If the business partner data controller function has been enabled and restrictions have been added to the custom role derived from SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_PROCUREMENT, then these restrictions would be applied on the supplier value help of the
My Purchase Requisitions - New and
Manage Purchase Requisitions – Professional applications.
The restriction type ANLKL_BUKRS (
Asset Class/Company Code (Deprecated)) has been deprecated.
For more information about the new restriction types (A_S_MD (
New Asset Master Data Maintenance), A_S_ANLKL (
Asset Master Data Maint: Company Code/Asset Class), and A_B_ANLKL (
Asset Postings: Company Code/Asset Class)), see
IAM: Authorizations for Asset Master Data and Asset Transactions.
Please recheck the business catalogs that are assigned to your business roles and make the relevant settings.
The following custom logic has been enhanced:
Business Add-In Name |
Enhancement |
Invoked in the Context of |
Check of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_CHECK ) |
You can perform validation checks on the delivery address of a purchase requisition item. The importing parameter PURCHASEREQDELIVERYADDR_TABLE which contains the delivery address of a purchase requisition item has been added. |
My Purchase Requisitions - New, Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional |
Change of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_MODIFY_ITEM ) |
You can modify the accounting category of a purchase requisition item. The field ACCOUNTASSIGNMENTCATEGORY has been added to the changing parameter PURCHASEREQUISITIONITEMCHANGE. |
My Purchase Requisitions - New, Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional |
Change of Field Control for Purchase Requisitions (MM_PUR_S4_PR_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE) |
You can influence the field control properties of a catalog service and item.
To support the same, the following fields have been added to the importing parameter PURCHASEREQUISITIONITEM: PURREQNSSPCATALOG, PURREQNSSPCATALOGITEM |
Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional, My Purchase Requisitions - New |
The following new custom logic is now available:
- Calculation of Transient Custom Fields in 'Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional'
- Calculation of Transient Custom Fields in Self-Service Procurement
- Calculation of Transient Custom Fields in PR FactSheet
You can maintain the custom logic to calculate transient custom fields using the values of the standard fields and custom fields in a purchase requisition item. These calculated fields are not persisted in the database tables of the business context. You can maintain the custom logic differently, if required, based on whether the item is in a ‘draft’ or ‘active’ state. For more details, you can view the BAdI documentation by choosing ‘View BAdI Documentation’ in the
Custom Logic app.
APIs and Business Events
The OData V4 API (API_PURCHASEREQUISITION_2), now enables you to do the following:
- Maintain delivery address of type 'S' (Supplier) and 'C' (Customer). You can maintain this using the attributes Subcontractor and PurReqnReceivingCustomer in the purchase requisition item entity.
- Maintain notes at the header level using the attribute PurReqnHeaderNote in the purchase requisition entity.
- When you update the quantity of a cross-catalog item that has a price scale maintained, its price also gets updated based on the quantity.
Two new events ‘Item Changed’ and ‘Item Created’ are now triggered when a purchase requisition item is created or changed.
The apps ‘Create Purchase Requisition’ and ‘My Purchase Requisitions’ have been deprecated. We recommend you to start using the replacement app ‘My Purchase Requisitions – New’. This app is available under the new catalog SAP_MM_BC_SSPPR_MANAGE_PC. It is recommended that you do not use the old and new apps in parallel. Please remove the old catalog after you add the new catalog (SAP_MM_BC_SSPPR_MANAGE_PC) to your role.
The machine learning scenarios
Propose Creation of New Catalog Items Based on Free-Text Purchase Orders,
Propose Material Group in Free-Text Purchase Requisitions,
Intelligent Approval Workflow and
Image-Based Buying have been deprecated.
The API service API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV will be deprecated with the release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2402. We recommend you switch to the successor API service API_PURCHASEREQUISITION_2 as soon as possible.
Well, that is all that we have for 2308! If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to post in the comments section.
Also, please refer to the following links for the new and enhanced features that have been made available to you with the previous releases:
What's New in Purchase Requisitions - SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2302