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Hi Friends! We are back again with a lot of exciting features in purchase requisitions for the SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208 release. Here's a sneak peek.

Item Hierarchy

As a purchaser, you can now create and manage purchase requisition items as a hierarchical list using the Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional and Create Purchase Requisition - Advanced applications.  For example, if you are purchasing materials and services for different departments of a company, you can use item hierarchies to group the items by department.

Note: In the standard system, the item hierarchy function is switched off by default. The configuration expert can activate the item hierarchy function for purchase requisitions using the configuration step Activate Item Hierarchies in Purchasing present under Sourcing and Procurement > General Settings > Item Hierarchy. Note that once the item hierarchy function is switched on, it cannot be turned off.

Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional


Create Purchase Requisition - Advanced

For more details on item hierarchy, please see

Item Hierarchy in Purchase Requisitions - Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional

Item Hierarchy in Purchase Requisitions - Create Purchase Requisition - Advanced

Item Hierarchy using OData V2 API - Purchase Requisition

You can create and manage purchase requisition items in a hierarchical list using the Purchase Requisition OData V2 API - API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV. The parameters Isoutline,  PurchasingParentItem , PurgConfigurableNumber ,and PurgExternalSortNumber have been added to the item entity (A_PurchaseRequisitionItem) to support item hierarchy.

Below are the detailed hierarchy operations with the associated payloads.

·       Create a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

·       Read a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

·       Update a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

·       Delete a Purchase Requisition with Hierarchy List

CDS View and BAdI changes for Item Hierarchy

The following parameters have been added to the CDS view for the purchase requisition item (I_PurchaseRequisitionItemAPI01) and to the Business Add-Ins - Check of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_CHECK ), Change of Purchase Requisition Item (MM_PUR_S4_PR_MODIFY_ITEM), and Change of Field Control for Purchase Requisitions (MM_PUR_S4_PR_FLDCNTRL_SIMPLE) to support item hierarchy

  • Isoutline - Indicates if the item is a functional item or an item set

  • PurchasingParentItem - Parent item number

  • PurgConfigurableNumber - Hierarchy number

  • PurgExternalSortNumber - Position of the item within a hierarchy level

Replication of Purchase Requisition to Connected System Before Approval in Hub System

With this feature, when an employee creates a central purchase requisition in the hub system, it is immediately replicated to the connected system without waiting for approval in the hub system. This helps in the quicker assignment of suppliers and allocation of budget, and hence a faster follow-on process. Employees have a better experience and companies can manage their resources more efficiently.

The configuration expert can use the configuration Define Settings for Central Requisitioning under Manage Your Solution > Configure Your Solution > Sourcing and Procurement > Central Procurement - Settings in Hub System to define if the replication of the purchase requisition to the connected system must happen before it is approved in the hub system.

Replication of PO Price Type and Attachment Type of Purchase Requisition Item

In the context of Central Requisitioning, while creating a purchase requisition, the PO Price Type and attachment type of the attachments in the purchase requisition item is replicated from the hub system to the connected system.

PO Price Type: To replicate the PO Price Type from the hub system to the connected system, the configuration expert must maintain the required configuration in the hub system and the connected system as follows:

  • In the case of an SAP ERP system, in the configuration Function authorizations: Purchase order, create a function authorization with Adopt PO Price parameter selected. Add this function authorization object to the communication user parameters in the connected system using the SU3 transaction. Here, in the Parameters section, set the parameter EFB to the function authorization object.

  • In the case of an SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA system, set Order Price Adoption for Self-Service Procurement in the configuration Define Configurations based on Purchase Requisition Origin under Manage Your Solution > Configure Your Solution >  Operational Procurement > Requirements Processing.

Purchase Requisition Description and Header Note

The purchase requisition description and header note can now be maintained separately using the Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional app.

The CDS view, Purchase Requisition Header (I_PurchaseRequisitionAPI01) has been enhanced to include the field PurReqnDescription that provides the description of the purchase requisition at the header level.

Purchase Requisition - Flexible Workflow

Approval/Rejection Email Notification to Selected Recipients using Selected Templates

You, as a configuration expert can now use the Manage Workflows for Purchase Requisitions application to send email notifications when a purchase requisition is approved or rejected, by choosing the required email template and the recipient in the Workflow Notifications section.

The email templates must be maintained by the administrator using the app, Maintain Email Templates.

Copy the pre-delivered email template into the custom namespace. The pre-delivered templates for the various workflow scenarios are as follows:

  • MMPUR_PRITM_WFL_APPROVE_EMAIL - Email Notification for Purchase Requisition Item Approval

  • MMPUR_PRITM_WFL_REJECT_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Purchase Requisition Item Rejection

  • MMPUR_PRHDR_WFL_APPROVE_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Purchase Requisition Header Approval

  • MMPUR_PRHDR_WFL_APPROVE_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Purchase Requisition Header Approval

  • MMPUR_CPRITM_WFL_APPROVE_EMAIL - Email Notification for Central Purchase Requisition Item Approval

  • MMPUR_CPRITM_WFL_REJECT_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Central Purchase Requisition Item Rejection

  • MMPUR_CPRHDR_WFL_APPROVE_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Central Purchase Requisition Header Approval

  • MMPUR_CPRHDR_WFL_REJECT_ EMAIL - Email Notification for Central Purchase Requisition Header Rejection

The custom template must follow the following pattern:

YY1_<Any Name>. For example:


Predefined Template

Custom Template

Editing Template Text

Selecting the Template and Recipient

Responsibility Management Team Function Roles in Overall Release Scenarios

You can choose Responsibility Management teams as recipient roles while adding workflow steps to the workflows corresponding to the scenarios for overall release.

The recipient roles available for Overall Release of Purchase Requisition are:

  • Operational Purchasing

  • Strategic Purchasing

  • Catalog Management

  • Workflow Administration

  • Central Purchasing

The recipient roles available for Overall Release of Central Purchase Requisition are:

  • Workflow Administration

  • Central Purchasing

Decision Reasons During Approval

As an approver, you can now enter the decision reasons while making a decision on a requisition using the Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition app.

The decision reasons are listed only if the same has been maintained by the configuration expert for the corresponding workflow scenario, using the configuration Edit Decision Reasons present under Application Platform and Infrastructure > Process Management and Integration > Business Workflow Inbox Configuration > Define Business Workflow Inbox Settings. The decision reason entered can also be viewed in the approval details section, and the approval/rejection Fiori and email notifications.


Selecting the Decision Reason in the Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition App

View Decision Reasons in Approval Details Section - Manage Purchase Requisitions - Professional

Extensibility of object pages and 'Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition' app

The purchase requisition header and item object pages, and the Edit and Approve Purchase Requisition application are now extensible. You, as an administrator can add custom fields and adapt the UI. The header and item object pages embedded in the My Inbox app are also extensible.

Budget Check Validation

While creating a purchase requisition using the Create Purchase Requisition app, when the cost exceeds the budget tolerance limit for a combination of factors (for example, Cost Center, G/L Account, WBS Element) for an account assignment category, a warning is shown to the user. Other warning messages, if any, are also shown to the user. The user can choose to either proceed with or cancel the order.

OData API: Purchase Requisition (V4)

A new OData V4 service Purchase Requisition (API_PURCHASEREQUISITION_2) is now available. This service enables you to create, read, update, and delete purchase requisitions from a source system outside SAP S/4HANA Cloud.

Purchase Requisition - OData V4

SOAP API: Purchase Requisition – Send Replication Notifications

In this service, a new field SenderHubBusinessSystemID has been added to the PurchaseRequisition service node. This field provides the ID of the SAP S/4HANA Cloud hub system that sends the replication notification to the external systems.

So, that is all that we have for 2208! If you have any questions or thoughts feel free to post in the comments section.

Also, check out the following links:


What’s New in Purchase Requisitions – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202

What’s New in Purchase Requisitions – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2111

What’s New in Purchase Requisitions – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2108

What’s New in Purchase Requisitions – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2105

What’s New in Purchase Requisitions – SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2102

All About Purchase Requisitions