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JIRA, a software development tool for agile teams to plan, track, and release world-class software, can be a powerful source of insight for documenting features.

Especially, the advanced search that allows you to create and execute structured queries (these queries are created using the Jira Query Language - JQL) to search for issues, backlogs, user stories, or features.

  1. Know about Fields, Operators, and Keywords

  2. Construct your JQL query

  3. Enter your JQL query

  4. Commonly used JQL queries

Know about Fields, Operators, and Keywords


A field in JQL represents a Jira field (or a custom field that has already been defined in Jira).

Examples: affectedVersion, assignee, created, description.

Learn more about using fields for advanced searching.


An operator in JQL compares the value of a field on its left with one or more values on its right.

Examples: =, !=, >, <.

Learn more about using operators for advanced searching.


A keyword in JQL does any of the following:

  • joins two or more clauses together to form a complex JQL query

  • alters the logic of one or more clauses

  • alters the logic of operators

  • has an explicit definition in a JQL query

  • performs a specific function that alters the results of a JQL query

Examples: and, or, not, order by.

Learn more about using keywords for advanced searching.

Construct your JQL query

A simple query in JQL (also known as a 'clause') consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values.

For example:

project = "TEST"

This query will find all issues in the "TEST" project. It uses the "project" field, the EQUALS operator, and the value "TEST".

A more complex query might look like this:

project = "TEST" AND assignee = currentuser()

This query will find all issues in the "TEST" project where the assignee is the currently logged in user. It uses the "project" field, the EQUALS operator, the value "TEST", the "AND" keyword and the "currentuser()" function.

Enter your JQL query

  1. From the navigation menu, go to Issues -> Search for issues. If basic search is shown instead of advanced search, click Advanced (next to the  Search button). If advanced search is already enabled, you'll see the option of switching to basic.

  2. Enter your JQL query and, click Search or press Enter. Your search results will be displayed in the issue navigator.

Commonly used JQL queries

  • project = "TEST” AND assignee = I111111

This query will find all issues in the TEST project assigned to the user with ID: I111111

  • project = "TEST” AND assignee = currentUser()

This query will find all issues in the TEST project assigned to the current user, that is you.

  • project = "TEST" AND issuetype = "User Story" AND component = team01 AND fixVersion = "Release 01" ORDER BY created DESC

This query will find all user stories in the TEST project assigned to the team, for the specified release, displayed in descending order.

  • project = "TEST” AND issuetype in ("User Story", Requirement)

This query will find all issues in the TEST project where the type of issue is either User Story or Requirement.

  • project = "TEST” AND status not in (obsolete, Rejected)

This query will find all issues in the TEST project where the status of issue is not Obsolete or Rejected.

  • project = "TEST” AND (labels = team01 OR component = team01)

This query will find all issues in the TEST project with either labels team01 or component team01.

  • project = "TEST” ORDER BY created DESC

This query will find all issues in the TEST project displayed in the descending order of their creation date.


For more information on using JIRA advanced search, please see What is advanced searching in Jira Cloud? | Jira Software Cloud | Atlassian Support.