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Last Update: 1st of July 2022

Upgrade to S/4HANA 1809 SPS0x

Upgrade to S/4HANA 1709 FPS01 - fast track

S/4HANA 1709 FPS02 - the story continues …

S/4HANA 1709 SPS03 - back on the Mothership again …


In case there is a mismatch in the naming Support Package Stack (SPS) and/or Feature Package Stack (FPS), please refer to the SAP Release Strategy

The short Version - SAP S/4HANA On Premise 1809 Upgrade Guide

So, Upgrading to S/4HANA 1809 FPS01 and no (really) news to know? Actually I mentioned a lot of things already in the Blogs about Upgrading to S/4HANA FPS01, the Import of FPS02 and SPS03 to S/4HANA 1709.

The Software Stack comes with a complete set of files, including also the DVD's which had to be downloaded separately with the content of the stack.xml (around 217 files with 47,4 GB, FPS02 comes with 238 files with around 48,2 GB)

Creation of CISI and stack.xml file

as mentioned in the Blog - S/4HANA 1709 SPS03 - back on the Mothership again … the correction if the installed software information (CISI) will make sure that the stack.xml for the upgrade process will be as consistent as possible.

Note 2560351 - Installed Software Component Versions don't align with Installed Product Versions in ...

The big picture of planning landscape changes is shown in the picture above. Click it to find more details on the landscape management process with involved roles, steps, and tools.

Verification in the Maintenance Planner – Part I: Principle and Evolution
Verification in the Maintenance Planner – Part II: How-to & Examples
Recommendation for Landscape Data Gathering: Use HTTP(S) for All Data Suppliers including RZ70

(Blogs created by wolf.hengevoss)

Nevertheless due to former software uploads to the EPS/in Box it can happen, that the content of the stack.xml become inconsistent, even that everything is correct. So before the first upload of the new software stack will be done, it is suitable to delete the old files from EPS Inbox, even when the necessary files are already available.

In this Example there was the Problem, that two identical files caused a duplicate entry in table TEPSIN.

SAP S/4HANA - Simplification Item Check

Note 2399707 - Simplification Item Check
Note 2502552 - S4TC - SAP S/4HANA Conversion & Upgrade new Simplification Item Checks

See the Blog from markus.goebel (SAP) - SAP S/4HANA Simplification Item Check – How to do it right. In case of Problems see the Blog from tony.liuhongtao (SAP) - SAP Note Simplification Item Check implementation problems

Before you start the Upgrade (and I should better read my own Blogs ... ;-)), you should check with the Report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK the overall consistency of the S/4HANA System.

For that you have to make sure, that the necessary SAP Note Corrections are applied, before you reach the SUM Phase where the error occurs. Look for the component "CA-TRS-PRCK" and "Special development" when you search in the SAP Launchpad

Note 2761703 - SAP S/4HANA 1909 SP00 Conversion & Upgrade - TCI Note #8
Note 2910131 - SAP S/4HANA 2020 Initial Shipment Stack Conv. & Upgrade - TCI Note #9
New - Note 3028788 - SAP S/4HANA 2021 Conversion & Upgrade checks - TCI Note #10

Note 2310438 - SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA - Managed System
Note 2758146 - SAP Readiness Check 2.0 & Next Generation SAP Business Scenario Recommendations
Note 2816352 - SAP S/4HANA 1909 - application specific notes in system conversion / upgrade preparat...

Note 2546754 - DMIS 2011 / DMIS 2018 / S/4HANA - "No valid change license exists for ns /LTB/"
=> /LTB/ repair key
Note 2272406 - Missing Customizing Table Entries => /FTI/ repair key
Note 2679118 - Simplification item check for duplicate output request entries
=> table APOC_D_OR_ITEM_E

Simplification Item Catalog - https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#sic

Starting the SUM Process

Latest Information on the Software Update Manager (SUM)

As of SUM 2.0 SP03, a new user interface (UI) based on SAP Fiori is available for the Software Update Manager 2.0 and will replace the current SUM 2.0 UI with one of the next releases. You have already the option to use and get to know it. However, bear in mind that this user interface may be still enhanced or maintained, if needed.

To start the Software Update Manager 2.0 with the new UI, just replace the last word "sluigui" in the known URL with "slui" and enter the following:

https://<fully qualified hostname>:1129/lmsl/abap/S4H/slui

Note 2790229 - Central Note - Software Update Manager 2.0 SP07 [lmt_023]

Note 2859502 - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 04 Database Revision 045
Note 2876629 - SAP HANA 2 SPS04 Revision 046.00

As I learned from the last Upgrade, I have increased the SUM Process Parameters to improve the long runtimes for certain phases ...

You can expect a very long runtime here, depending on the amount of Support Packages which are included. It can also be the case that you are running out available HANA Memory which leads to the same error message here ...

Fazit: provide as much Memory for HANA as you can afford, but at least 350 GB in this Phase.
It can be easily the double mentioned amount needed. Unfortunately there is no SAP Note which fits to the actual problem here.

See also the Wiki - SHADOW_IMPORT* phases


some nice things to know, if you ignored inactive Objects which will be shown again in Phase REPACHK2:


("Probleme verschwinden nicht. Sie kommen immer wieder zurück und bringen Verstärkung mit ...")

If you ignored the activation of DDL Sources here, 
the follow up error will occur in the Phase PARDIST_CDS.
So, despite to BW or BW/4 Upgrade don't miss to activate
the Structures right here with the Report RUTDDLSACT
mentioned in the log file ACTUPT.LOG/SAV

looks good so far, but ...

So what happened here? I have checked Google, CSN and so on but not really a fruitful solution ...

Note 2085980 - New features in memory management as of Kernel Release 7.40
nice overview, but affected parameters are missing ...

nice root cause analysis, but no answer how to solve the problem ...

Note 2417223 - LOAD_NO_ROLL dump and Extended Memory exhausted as of Kernel 74x
nice description, but wrong direction for the root cause ...

Note 2706314 - Negative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in RZ20, negative valu...
Nice to know, error listed in the work process trace, but not related to the root cause ...

SAP Help: ztta/roll_extension: Quota for Extended Memory
SAP Help: ztta/roll_extension_nondia: EM Quota for Non-Dialog Work Processes

finally the SAP Help allowed a educational guess to increase the parameter ztta/roll_extension, as the Kernel default is much to low. So I added the following set of parameter's to the Profile of the Shadow Instance and restarted the Instance:
abap/buffersize = 1400000
abap/heap_area_total = 108197104800
abap/shared_objects_size_MB = 1024
em/initial_size_MB = 65536
em/global_area_MB = 49152
em/proc_max_size_MB = 128000000
em/proc_use_stdheap = TRUE
ipc/shm_psize_10 = 198000000
ipc/shm_psize_40 = 1978000000
rsdb/esm/buffersize_kb = 524288
rsdb/obj/buffersize = 524288
rsdb/otr/buffersize_kb = 16384
rsdb/tbi_buffer_area_MB = 2048
rdisp/PG_MAXFS = 128000
rdisp/PG_SHM = 128000
ztta/roll_extension = 40000000000

voila, it worked! this already the next screen ...

You have Problems stopping/starting the SAP Instance,
- ps -ef | grep <sid>adm => kill the orphan processes
- in /tmp ls -la | grep <sid>adm => delete the .sapstream* files
- start the system normally
- continue with the phase => voila, it worked!


now it became a bit strange, never heard about the phase RUN_UCON_REGISTER_FUNCS_DT

Note 2626319 - SUM Error "Error during unregistering func" during phase RUN_UCON_REGISTER_FUNCS_INIT...

The SAP Note mention the parameter ucon/rfc/active to ‘0’ which was the case.

the good message: it doesn't occur with the FPS02 Upgrade ...

So, I checked the affected table: VBAK (uhm, don’t touch it …)

However, after quite a while of compiling at this stage, the SUM procedure continued ...

Then: the Phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG started ...

and what followed was intensive search and activation Phase of a lot of Data Definitions from a Travel Add-On for S/4HANA how on Earth came this Add-On on the System?
Ah, yes it's an IDES system ...)

After more than three hours of SE11, SE14, and the ABAP tools for Eclipse I eventually found these SAP Notes, which tells you to ignore this and run the activation of the HANA Views after the Upgrade with the Report RUTDDLSACT ...

Note 2793766 - CDS View cannot be created/activated - Repair tool
you can also use tx. SDDLAR

Note 2298340 - SAP HANA DB: CDS views with ext. views as base obj. cannot be created in the DB
Note 2478641 - DMO Upgrade error in phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARMVNT_UPG View using external HANA view canno...
Note 2756802 - DD: DDLS hierarchies in SUM phase MAIN_SWITCH/PARMVNT_VIEW

finally also the Upgrade continued. It seems the new Objects can with the Import as a comparison with an identical system showed some differences here ...


Feedback from the 2nd Upgrade:
Don't ignore the inactive DDL Sources during ACT_UPG and PARCONV_CDS and tune the shadow Instance as mentioned, then this will be an almost smooth Upgrade ...
Furthermore challenge the SUM Process Parameter.


Handling DDIC errors during activation

Again: Don't ignore the Phases I just mentioned before.
However this is a new Error and it can be solved in the same way.

Check the Short Dump with ST22 and who is the "Last Author":
SAP (don't worry SAP, it is not your fault ... 😉

We can use our nice Report RUTDDLSACT or tx. SDDLAR which can be used to find the cascade to the root cause: the initial DDL/View which causes the Short Dump.
But: How is the relation from a missing table type to inactive DDL/View?

Going down the activation cascade, finally end at the table BNKA (belongs to the Pay Engine)

Note 1624942 - "Field in table is specified twice" error in DDIC_ACTIVATION or ACT_UPG

Table BNKA were enhanced with two appends with the same content
- Append structure /PF1/STR_ROUTING_GPATT
TABL BNKA was not activated
Check table BNKA (KRAMER/09.05.19/14:58)
Append structure /PECROSS/STR_ROUTING_GPATT appended to table BNKA
Append structure /PF1/STR_ROUTING_GPATT appended to table BNKA
Enhancement category 2 possible (include or subtype not yet classified)
Field FED_FUNDS in table BNKA is specified twice
Field FED_OVER_RT_CODE in table BNKA is specified twice
Field RT_STATUS in table BNKA is specified twice
Group name GPATT in table BNKA is specified twice
Index BNKA-HWV must be converted
BNKA: Structure change at field level (DB is adjusted)
Check on table BNKA resulted in errors


Corrections for the Pay Engine 5.0

(post SP07, implement all Notes together)

Note 2684154 - Value help for charge subprocesses not filtered according to clearing area
Note 2809632 - Reversal Code missing in oData Service for Manage Bank Payments
Note 2814705 - Return Code not displayed in Payment Item layouts of Manage Bank Payments
Note 2892100 - Issues with templates and descriptions in the Manage UI

As the Table belongs the the Payment Engine, I decided to use the append from the Add-On ...
voila: Phase XPRAS_AIMMRG continues and finish successfully.

Update from 4th of June 2019

Implementing the two SAP Notes also causes trouble with inactive views/DDLs
Note 2796473 - Timing field in MtM Current Date Query - CDS + DDIC
Note 2800034 - ATC Error Fixes for CDS Views



btw: the mentioned DDL View is now active as well during the table activation

if you forgot to lock the system again after this maintenance (it is possible as you are already in the Phase XPRAS_AIMMRG) you have lock the system manually as it is not automatically locked again.

even that the error message a bit misleading, I also encountered that the client 000 didn't had a logical system assigned and the corresponding RFC connection was missing as well.

This is another example of an inconsistency in a working system which was never recognized before and causes problems once the system is in an Upgrade Process.

Not recognizing errors, doesn't mean a system run's properly ...

Ups, the System was started but the SUM process reported an error. root cause:
somehow the files for the ICM were missing in the 7.73 Kernel (didn't happen in the second upgrade)

Business as usual and I can see already the finish line ...

And sometimes some DDL Views cannot be cleaned out ... (In this example the developer left the company ... ;-))

Save the Logs ...

Any finally (Drum Roll ...)

System looks good so far, S/4HANA 1809 FPS01 ...

And the final status of S/4HANA 1809 FPS02 ...

At this stage I'm not sure if I like the overall run time with the resources ...
btw: I used resource-minimized instead of downtime-minimized ...

the second run with more support packages included and increased amount of processes shows a better result ...

Now let's see what's is new in S/4HANA 1809 FPS01 ... or FPS02 ... or 1909 latest

S/4HANA on premise: no time to die ...

A good start for technical post activities is the SAP S/4HANA SQUARE ONE series from mahesh.sardesai

Roland Kramer, SAP Platform Architect for Analytics SAP SE



“I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious.”