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Product and Topic Expert
Are you starting to use test automation tool for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, or did you use it and feel like it was too much effort to make the test scripts run after the upgrade?

If so, there is one thing about test automation, that you should always keep in mind:
Try to stick to the standard!!

Yes, your software is standard (I know! ?), but for test scripts, you have the option to: reuse the automated standard test scripts that SAP is delivering, or you can adapt them and create new test scripts in your custom environment.

Learn why custom test scripts will cause additional effort

SAP is providing updated versions of automated standard test scripts with every release – this is to keep your effort low in updating automated test scripts. With the new versions of the automated standard test scripts, we are reacting to software changes (like new pop ups, or changes of UI toggles) as well as on customer feedback for some automated test scripts. We call this the “lifecycle of automated test scripts.”

Now, if you adapted the test scripts or created new test scripts, you need to ensure on your own that they run after the release upgrade. All process steps in type custom are not updated by SAP during the quarterly release upgrade.

Let´s have a look in the system

The left picture shows a standard test process, consisting of standard process steps. This standard test process will be updated completely after the upgrade.

The right picture shows a custom test process, having one custom process step. After the release upgrade, all standard process steps in this process will be updated by SAP after the upgrade. Only the custom process step won´t be updated by SAP.

To reduce efforts during the release upgrade, keep as many process steps as possible in type standard.

What are reasons to turn a process step to custom?

Currently, the following reasons might lead to the need to turn a process step to custom:

  • Add additional fields into a process step

  • Make standard fields optional in actions

  • Create a complete new custom step

  • You are using a process step that is not foreseen in an automated standard test script

What are no reasons to turn a process step to custom?

  • Change of test data – this is done via data variants in the “Test Your Processes” app

  • Change of business role for testing – this can be done in a standard process step (as of 1905)

  • Removing process steps

  • Add additional standard process steps (e.g. for approval workflow)

All those changes are possible in the standard.

I hope this will help you to use the test automation tool for SAP S/4HANA Cloud more efficiently!

I would like to learn from you which use cases you had to turn process steps to custom. This will help us to reduce such reasons. Please feel free to post a comment to this blog, or to contact me.


If you are further interested in information about testing in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, please have a look at my previous blog posts:

Test your SAP S/4HANA Cloud software

SAP S/4HANA Cloud upgrade… Is regression testing needed? What do I need to test? And how?

SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1905 - What´s new in test automation tool for S/4HANA Cloud

1 Comment
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Hi Susane,

Great thanks for the relevant blog and key insights.

I have an open question if you can answer on following scenario and situation


with 2008 release  - we have custom test case OR custom step in the standard test case.

For 2011 release - what will happen to my custom test case and custom step in the standard test case.



Will these custom test case and custom step in the standard test case.available after 2011 upgrade?



Govind Sharma