How can you successfully work with Document Numbering Series under different Period Indicators? Find out here!
Many users will use the new Period Indicator at the start of a new fiscal year.
As an example, Period Indicator ‘2018’ in the year 2018 and ‘2019’ in the year 2019, in
Administration →
System Initialization →
Posting Periods.

The Document Numbering Series of most Documents must have the same Period Indicator as the relevant Posting Period of the Posting Date.
For example, if adding an A/R Invoice with Posting Date 20/04/2019, only Series defined under Period Indicator ‘2019’ can be used, even if it is the default Series. As in the following sample, Series ’AR2019’ can be used, but Series ’Primary’ or ‘AR2018’ cannot.

What if there is no Series defined under Period Indicator of the Posting Date?
For example, the current system date is 20/04/2019; the default Posting Date will be 20/04/2019 when opening a marketing document window with add mode.
If there is no Series defined for Goods Receipt PO under Period Indicator ‘2019’, there will be a system message displayed.
To generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Administration module.

How about the Series for Journal Entries created by documents when ‘Permit More than One Document Type per Series’ is NOT checked in Administration → System Initialization → Company Details → Basic Initialization tab?
1) Unless working with
Multiple Branches, the system will always use the default Series of Journal Entries defined in
Administration → System Initialization → Document Numbering. The system will not check the Period Indicator of the default Series.
For example, the default Series of Journal Entries is defined under Period Indicator ‘2018’. When the system creates an A/R Invoice with Posting Date 15/05/2019, the Journal Entry of the Invoice will also be created under this default Series.

2) If the company is working with
Multiple Branches, the system will always use the first unlocked Series, which is defined for the current Period and assigned to the selected Branch in
Administration → System Initialization → Document Numbering → Journal Entries.
A default Series cannot be defined for documents including Journal Entry when enabling
Multiple Branches.
Another example, there are two Branches, ‘South’ and ‘North’ defined in the database.
The user has defined several Series in
Administration → System Initialization → Document Numbering → Journal Entries and assigns them to different Period Indicators and Branches.

When creating an A/R Invoice with Posting Date 15/05/2019 (Period Indicator ‘2019’) for Branch ‘North’, the Journal Entry of the Invoice will also be created with Series ‘JEN1902’ which is the first unlocked Series assigned to Period Indicator ‘2019’ and Branch ‘North’.

When creating an A/R Invoice with Posting Date 16/09/2018 (Period Indicator ‘2018’) for Branch ‘South’, the Journal Entry of the Invoice will also be created with Series ‘JES1802’ which is the first unlocked Series assigned to Period Indicator ‘2018’ and Branch ‘South’.

Where can you find more information?
More information you can find in SAP Notes
1052551 - Options and Rules of Document Numbering Function
1402553 - Default Numbering Series on Journal Entry
2554523 - Wrong Default Numbering Series of Journal Entry Created by Document When Multiple Branches...
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