It’s not by a chance that we use the phrase “running a business” - managing a business is very dynamic, just take a look at price lists, discounts and special sales. These are changing all the time! each business partner is assigned to a default price list accompanied by discount groups and special prices that effect the final price of the goods or services.
Although those pricing options are very flexible, there are always exceptions. To support additional use cases, SAP Business One introduces the option to set pricing hierarchy when needed:
In the ‘Effective Price’ field you can override the existing pricing logic (appears as ‘Default Priority’) and define whether lowest price or higher price should be applied to the given business partner.
Available in SAP Business One 9.3, version for SAP HANA and SAP Business One 9.3. This tip and all the other tips are available on the
Tip of the week community page. You can also visit the
Implementation Arena for useful implementation tips.