This is a series of blogs written by SAP subject matter experts to prepare you for your journey to SAP S/4HANA. Ready? Let’s go!
Topic #10 is about the option to temporarily ignore issues detected during the conversion uptime phase and work on them later to keep your project on schedule.
The Software Update Manager tool performs comprehensive system checks to detect issues before entering the downtime phase and starting the actual conversion. If the tool detects an issue in this uptime phase, it stops the conversion process. This is by design. Examples of such issues include a mismatch of OS/DB versions for the target system, inactive objects in the source system, or unresolved simplification items.
Resolving these issues in sequence as soon as they are detected may be frustrating and break your project schedule.
But there’s a solution. Available since Software Update Manager 2.0 SP 08, you have the option to let the tool check on the major issues beforehand and create a list of what issues need to be fixed, without having to fix them immediately. This feature is called the “prerequisite check extended” and is available on one of the initial screens of Software Update Manager.
You can run this on your source DEV or QA system several weeks before your first sandbox conversion to help ensure you don’t have any surprises.
this blog.
Check out all topics of the series:
tip #1:
Check Your Add-ons. Now.
tip #2:
Check Your Finance Data Quality
tip #3:
Don’t Just Rework Custom Code. Rethink it!
tip #4:
How to Build Custom Extensions
tip #5:
Plan Ahead with Compatibility Packs
tip #6:
Gain Insight to Build a Solid Business Case
tip #7:
Hardware Planning and Data Volume Management
tip #8:
Curate Your Master Data before Deployment
tip #9:
Understand the Functional Impact
tip #10:
Fix Issues Without Bogging Down Conversion
tip #11:
Optimizing Downtime in Conversions
tip #12:
Find Relevant SAP Notes
tip #13:
Accelerate your Rollout with Test Automation
tip #14:
Implementing SAP Fiori
tip #15:
Integration Analysis in SAP Readiness Check