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The SAP Mobile Service and Asset Management team is pleased to announce the 2.0 release of SAP Service and Asset Manager for Windows.

Our Mobile Development Kit (MDK) for Windows team continues to deliver the components and capabilities needed to process standard metadata and build a native Windows user interface. This is the framework that powers SAP Service and Asset Manager, and this is the first native Windows application developed using the cross-platform MDK.

We appreciate the early-adopter customers who have given us much feedback on the Windows client. I encourage everyone to learn more about How Customers and Partners Can Submit Improvement Requests and Influence Future Releases of SAP Serv.... Windows requests can be tagged using the Windows category.

Please read on to learn more about our latest release.

Table of contents


This update is based on the 2210 feature set and metadata from the principal release and supports standard business processes for the maintenance technician and field service technician personas.

Please see 3362998 – Software Release Note – SAP Service and Asset Manager 2.0 for Windows for detailed information. Additional information is available in the SAP Help Portal.

New features in the 2.0 release

Field Service Technician persona

The mobile application now supports user switching and introduces the Field Service Technician persona in the Windows application.

In-plant maintenance technicians and field service technicians share similarities, but their process is not the same. Users assigned as field service technicians will see a unique home page and experience designed to facilitate their day-to-day routine from executing service orders to managing stock and reporting expenses and mileage.

Not yet supported are Service Report and SAP Field Service Management Smartforms integration.

Controls and functionality

The Windows MDK team has delivered some key controls and extensions that have been consumed into the application. The new controls expand the user experience and productivity.

A barcode icon now shows in search, lists, and pickers. Tapping the icon accesses the camera on the device to scan barcodes and QR codes.

The hierarchy control is now available in the hierarchy display as well as list pickers. This is a unique innovation for Windows, featuring a vertical hierarchy to maintain consistency with Windows practices.

Data table, inline signature capture, and contact cells are supported now also.

Integrations and components

SAP Service and Asset Manager provides components that enhance the user experience based on a scenario or persona.

This release supports Quality Management, Meter, and Intelligent Asset Management components, enabling inspection lots for calibration orders and meter readings and installation capabilities.

Also supports phase model and SAP Enterprise Asset Management checklists.

Multi-user support

Providing a device for all users can be expensive and inefficient, especially when customers maintain multiple shifts. Now we support login for multiple users on the same device. When sharing a device, each user will onboard separately and then be able to switch to their profile after another user completes his or her shift.

To improve the performance of the application, a common database is shared while user-specific data is separated. For example, equipment and functional location data that is common to each user will not need to be freshly downloaded for each user. Only the data related to assigned work orders will be fetched when the user signs on, resulting in faster sync times.

Branding customizations

The Windows MDK is available for download with the 2.0 release. This will allow for limited branding and onboarding customizations. See table below for details on support and limitations.

Technical support

Capability Support Notes
MDKProject.json Partial Not supported

  • AndroidVersionCode

  • BundleId  (Use PackageName  for Windows instead)

  • Externals

  • ForceLightUIMode

  • NSPlugins

  • NPMPlugins

Windows properties

  • Use PackageName for the UWP Package Name. Windows has a different naming convention than what is used on iOS/Android (reverse domain) and separating allows the end user to following naming conventions on all platforms.

BrandedSettings.json Partial Not supported

  • ConnectionSettings.AllowCerts

  • ConnectionSettings.EnableScreenSharing

  • AllowedDomains

  • PasscodeTimeout

  • LogSettings.FileName

  • LogSettings.MaxFileSizeInMegaBytes

  • ObsfucateEmail

  • CacheSettings

  • DebugODataProvider

OnboardingCustomizations Partial String translations for the Onboarding process before the metadata definitions are used. This is supported on Windows 2.0.
Demo Yes Offline demo available
App_Resources Partial Supports application icons, images, and splash screens. Allows customizations of EULAText_*.html files to enable translated EULA screens in the Onboarding process.
App_Resources_Merge No Not supported
Metadata Yes Windows 2.0 Branding supports the BaseProject setting in the MDKProject.json file
Extensions No Not supported

Release available now

The Windows 2.0 application and metadata are available for customers and partners from the SAP Download Center. Navigate to SAP SERVICE AND ASSET MANAGER > MOB SERVICE ASSET MANAGER WIN > MOB SVC ASSET MANAGER WIN 2.0 > MOB SVC ASSET MANAGER WIN 2.0.

The client application is also available in the Microsoft Store and includes a demo mode for exploring.

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