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You have doubts that S/4HANA is ready for Public Sector Industry? You think: It’s not ready for Public Sector, it doesn’t provide value or it’s too costly to implement.

Let’s dismantle the 10 most popular myths around S/4HANA in a series of blogs!



In the five issues so far of this series of blogs we dismatled the myths: If I convert my ERP to HANA I’m good until 2025, had adressed how the adoption of S/4HANA in Public Sector looks like, answered the question for references and for the support for the digital transformation and also talked about TCO reduction and the efforts of business process re-engineering.

In todays final issue we address myth no. 10:


              10. No tools or services exist to support my conversion

For all phases – discovery, determination, preparation of conversion, adaption of system to the actual move or conversion- of your transition to S/4HANA many tools exist to support you:


For our installed base customers the journey to S/4HANA needs thorough planning.This digital journey should comprise four phases that are suppoted by various tools:


Please find the links to all these important documents and tools here:


Help Portal Central access point for S/4HANA related information - all releases, all deployment models, release restrictions, documentation, trials, conversion guides… http://help.sap.com/s4hana
Feature Scope Description Legally relevant scope documentation; „what‘s in the core license, what has an extra license“. One document per shipment; covers scope of the technical S4 shipment http://help.sap.com/s4hana
Simplification List Technical view: Important changes in S/4HANA: Deprecated functions, replacements, mitigation. Available as pdf (via help.sap.com) or xls (SAP note 2313884) https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/0002313884
Solution Explorer Explore solutions by Industry / LoB / Technology / Suite – business process view; links to Solution Capabilities and license materials https://solutionexplorer.sap.com/
Business Scenario Recommendations tailored recommendations based on your current productive system usage (ST03N); identify high-value business scenarios https://www.s4hana.com/
Fiori Application Library

Overview of Fiori applications by role, industry, …

Upload list of transactions – get Fiori analysis based on your transactions
Innovation Discovery Search for new functionality delivered by SAP – also for ERP. Easily evaluate and discuss innovations and features with having both business and technical information at a glance http://sapsupport.info/support-innovations/innovation-discovery/
Roadmaps Roadmap information from different perspectives: Product, solution, industry, LoB, technology, … http://www.sap.com/roadmaps
S/4HANA Trials Access to S/4HANA on-premise and cloud trials http://www.sap.com/s4hana-trial
Experience Transformation videos Side-by-side comparison of a business process with and without FIORI https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=experience+transformation+sap
openSAP course Find Your Path to SAP S/4HANA – good overview of conversion process and tools https://open.sap.com/courses/s4h5
S/4HANA FAQ Comprehensive, from hilevel to details https://www.sap.com/documents/2016/03/c21c09dd-637c-0010-82c7-eda71af511fa.html
S/4HANA Community Blogs, discussions, … https://www.sap.com/community/topic/s4hana.html
SAP Transformation Navigator Clear guidance into the S/4HANA world, based on customer licensing and landscape, business value and IT strategy https://go.support.sap.com/transformationnavigator/#/welcome
Readiness Check Fiori tool delivering overview of potential S4 landscape, based on customer-specific installation data („first check“)


Migration Cockpit SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit https://blogs.sap.com/2017/07/05/starter-blog-for-sap-s4hana-migration-cockpit/

In this series of blogs the most important SAP S/4HANA Public Sector Myths … are now busted!


You’ve missed one of the prior issues? Please find the links here: