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Level 1: Medium; 45 minutes read

Audience: Subject Matter Experts

Author: Ramandeep Goyal, SAP S/4 HANA RIG EMEA



This blog post explains the features & functionalities of a new app “Maintenance Planning Overview” added in to S/4 HANA – Asset Management.

User Role – Maintenance planner / Manager

This app will be really useful If you are a maintenance planner / manager in your organization and want to analyze the following from a single app –

  • Analyze outstanding notifications that have not yet been processed and that have not yet been assigned to a maintenance order

  • Analyze maintenance orders that are still in planning and have not yet been released for processing

  • Analyze purchase requisitions or purchase orders that have not yet been released for non-stock materials that are required as spare parts in maintenance orders

  • Display approved purchase requisitions for non-stock materials for which no purchase order has been generated

  • Display non-stock materials that have been ordered but may not be available on the requirement date

  • Analyze released maintenance orders whose end date is in the past and have still not been finally confirmed

  • Analyze confirmed maintenance orders whose required end date lies in the selected reference period but have neither been completed technically, nor from a business perspective



Functionality in detail –

Various filters like reference period (This week, Next week, In Two Weeks, Custom), Reference Date, Main Work Center, Planner Group etc. are available to restrict the number of entries which you want to analyze. Additional filters can be applied by selecting “Adapt Filters”. System will display the additional filters like “Notification Type” or “Work Order Type” which will appear on the first screen & can be valuated upon save.

According to selection criteria that you have defined, the system analyzes critical factors in a chosen reference period. Examples – Outstanding maintenance notifications that have not yet been assigned to work orders, Purchase requisitions which are not yet converted to purchase orders or work orders which are not yet completed etc.

Processed  data is displayed into multiple cards in the form of figures / charts etc. Each card allows you to further navigate & view the objects in detail. Objects can also be edited in the detailed view.



  • Card 1 – Overdue Orders

When maintenance planner clicks on the card for overdue orders; system will display the list of work orders which were released and supposed to be completed with in the time period mentioned in the selection criteria. Screen also displays the number of days the work orders are overdue for. It also displays the priority of the work order along with responsible work center so that maintenance planner can concentrate on the work orders with high priority and take necessary action to complete them.


Planner can go into order and operations list view to explore additional information like work centers etc. Time confirmation for various operations of the work orders can be entered or displayed from the list view.



Users are allowed to further navigate into individual orders and process the same. Additional functionalities like “Display Material availability” for the planned components in the work order or “Actual Settlement” are also available. In the change work order mode, work order can be technically completed. This will auto update the list of overdue orders and exclude the completed order from the list. Maintenance planner can select multiple work orders and process them together.

Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can view the list and push the critical work orders for quick execution. He/ she can also look for the reasons for delay like non-availability of non-stock materials and request purchase department to provision them quickly. Settlement can also be processed from the same list.


  • Card 2 – Notification for screening (Outstanding notification by user status)

This card displays the notifications which were created in the selected time period but not put into process or assigned to a work order. When you click on the card; system will display the list of outstanding notifications. Notifications can also be selected based upon the priority. Example – If maintenance planner clicks on the amber area of the bar, system will only display the notifications with “very high” priority.



Maintenance planner can further navigate into individual notification and process the same. Example – he / she can put the notification into process or assign a work order to the same. This will auto refresh the list and remove the processes notifications from the list. Multiple notification can be selected and processed together in terms of assigning the work orders or creating new work orders for each one of them.



Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can assign work orders to critical notifications and push for quick execution. He / she can also defer the notifications if they need to be processed during shutdowns etc. Notifications can be selected and processed based upon the priority.


  • Card 3 – Orders for Planning (Orders Not Released)

As the name suggest, this card displays the list of work order which have been created but not released for planning and execution. Complete list of orders can be displayed by clicking in the top area of the card or orders can also be selected based upon the priority by clicking on the specific area of the pie chart.


Example – Medium priority work orders can be selected by clicking on the blue section of the pie chart.


Maintenance planner can access the individual order and process the same. As explained above, additional functionalities like “Display Material availability” for the planned components in the work order or “Actual Settlement” are also available. In the change work order mode, work order can be technically completed. This will auto update the list of overdue orders and exclude the completed order from the list.

Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can view the list, plan them by adding resources like materials / PRTs etc. and put them into schedules for execution. Certain work orders can be deferred due to the non-availability of the resources.


  • Card 4 – Orders for Completion

This card displays the list of work orders with status “CNF – Confirmed” which means all the operations of the work order were confirmed by technicians / supervisor, but the work order was not technical completed i.e status of the work order was not set to “TECO”. It is important to change the work order status from CNF to TECO because it serves following purposes –

  1. TECO is generally required to hand over the equipment back to production.

  2. TECO means that work is technically completed, and work order can not be changed in terms of work / efforts.

  3. Open PR / reservations are automatically closed.

  4. Vendor invoices can still be received against work order.



Maintenance planner can view the list of work orders which are not yet TECO. He / she can go into the individual work order and do the technical completion. Multiple orders can be selected from the list and status can be set to technically completed without going into individual work orders.


Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can view the list and update their status to technically completed. He / she can also look into the reasons if work orders were kept on hold for a purpose. After “TECO”, Status can also be updated to “Complete Business” if work order is already settled or there is no cost to settle.


  • Card 5 – Purchase Requisitions not converted to Purchase Orders

This card shows the list of purchase requisitions (created for the non-stock items planned in the work orders) but not yet processed or converted into purchase orders. The list of PRs is extracted from the list of work orders in the period selected in the search criteria.



Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can view the list and request the purchase team to provision the same for faster work execution. He / she can raise the alarm in case the non-availability of spare parts will result into the breakdown of the system.


  • Card 6 – Missing Components

This card shows the list of non-stock materials that have been ordered but may not be available on the requirement date. System analyses the execution dates (latest finish dates) of the work orders and possible delivery dates of the non-stock materials. System will add the components into the “Missing Components” list if the expected delivery date of the components is after the execution dates of the work order.



Usage / Benefit – Maintenance planner can view the list and request the purchase team to provision the same for faster work execution. He / she can update the work order schedule if spare parts are not going to be available before execution date of the work order. He / she can also raise the alarm in case the non-availability of spare parts will result into the breakdown of the system.


Apart from above mentioned cards, this app also has additional cards like “Purchase Requisitions Not Approved”, “Purchase Orders Not Approved”.  These apps will give you the list of Purchase Requisitions / Purchase Orders created for the non-stock materials order through work orders but not yet approved. Maintenance planner can view the list and request the relevant stake holders to approve the PRs / POs for quicker delivery of the materials so that work orders can be executed.

This app also has quick links to access the list of maintenance notifications and maintenance work orders. There are individual apps for the same, but maintenance planner can access them from this app. Maintenance planner should be authorized to access all the individual apps.


Additional Information –

SAP S/4HANA Discovery