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Product and Topic Expert


Extensibility / flexibility covers a broad spectrum of topics that allows customers to adopt standard business software to their business needs. The spectrum spans topics from business configuration, UI/forms/report layout adoption, custom fields, objects and logic, integration, custom terminology and translation to customer-specific help.


In order to get familiar with the functionalities you can go through the following tutorials, which is intended for extensibility developers at customer as well as partner side.



To be able to work with extensibility apps your user needs business roles that are authorized for the corresponding business catalogs

Business Catalog Name Business Catalog ID Description Supported Applications
Extensibility - Custom Business Objects

Custom Business Objects

Custom Logic Tracing
Extensibility - Custom Catalog Extensions

Custom Catalog Extensions

Custom Tiles
Extensibility - Custom Communication Scenarios
 Custom Communication Scenarios
Extensibility - Custom Reusable Elements
Create and maintain Custom Libraries or Custom Code Lists.

Custom Reusable Elements

Custom Logic Tracing
Extensibility - Custom Fields
Create and maintain custom fields at standard business objects and enable them in available business object usages

Custom Fields (tab in deprecated Custom Fields and Logic app)

Custom Reusable Elements (when custom fields support Custom Code Lists)
Software Collection Export
Add extension items to a software collection and export the software collection.Manage Software Collection
Software Collection Import
 Import Software Collection

After having assigned your business roles with the right catalog authorizations you'll have the needed applications on your Home Page within the Extensibility group.


Extension Transportation

See how to transport your solution from development to productive system.

Tutorial Parts for Custom Solution Extensions

Create custom business objects (former parts I to II)

This tutorial group shows you how to build a simple custom application as a key user in S/4HANA Cloud using ABAP extensibility. Create a custom business object structure and persistence, then generate a UI to be exposed as a SAP Fiori Launchpad application, and finally implement logic to control the application. You will also see how to generally adapt SAP Fiori user interfaces.

Part III: Custom Code List (Bonus Plan)

Learn how to create and make use of a Custom Code List data type.
In the example a release status code list is created and used in bonus plan UI and Logic.

Part IV: Associated Business Objects (Bonus Entitlement with - Plan & Sales Order)

Learn how to let a second Custom Business Object work with the first and a standard Business Object.
In the example a manager wants to create a Bonus Entitlement (= bonus calculation) based on sales volume.

Part V: Custom Fields (Product)

Learn how to create Custom Fields at a standard business object and add them to its UI.
In the example a product manager wants to maintain a bonus percentage and validity period at the product to increase its sale.

As there are two ways to create custom fields, the tutorial shows both separately.

Part V: (A) Custom Field – via extensible Application (Product)

This way is easier, if you have no information about the business context and data source of the UI you want to add a field to initially.

Part V: (B) Custom Field (Product) – via Extensibility Application

This way is faster, if you know business context and UI data source, especially, if you want to create several fields. If you want to add a custom field to several UIs you only can enable them for all in the explicit extensibility application.

Part VI: Product @ Bonus Plan

Learn how to deepen the structure of a custom business object by creating a sub node.
In the example a manager wants to define a list of bonus relevant products at the Bonus Plan.

Part VII: Custom Fields – Logic

Learn how to use custom fields by reading their data.
In the example the Bonus Entitlement is enhanced by calculating an additional bonus for relevant sold products (percentage of the sales volume for them)

Part VIII: Custom Business Object exposure as External Web Service (Bonus Plan)

Learn how to expose a custom business object as web service for integration of a solution with other systems.
In the example all Bonus Plan data shall be exported to an Excel file.

Execute an Outbound Service from Custom Business Object Logic

Learn how to call an external service of SAP API Business Hub from inside the logic implementation of a custom business object.
In the example the Bonus Entitlement will be enhanced by a feedback functionality. The manager’s feedback will be translated automatically into English by calling the externally available service "Machine Translation API" of SAP.

Create an SAP Fiori App for a Custom Business Object in S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

This tutorial group shows you how to create a simple custom UI for a custom business object in S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition using SAP Business Application Studio. This approach gives you more possibilities than the generated UI from the very first tutorial group on top.
First you will learn how to set up your SAP Business Technology Platform Subaccount for SAP Business Application Studio including configuration on SAP Identity Authentication Service. Then your S/4HANA Cloud system and that subaccount will get connected to build a custom UI in SAP Business Application Studio. That custom UI will get deployed to S/4HANA Cloud and finally made available as new application there.

Create an SAP Fiori App for a Custom Business Object in SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Ed...

Some differences apply for SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition when developing a UI for a Custom Business Object. This blog shows how to handle these differences and complement the tutorial group (listed in the item before) in SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition since release 2022.