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This blog shares highlights on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA for Service | 2022 release on the following areas:

  • Service Contract Management

  • Service Order Management

  • In-House Repair

  • Integration with SAP Field Service Management

  • Maintenance Service

Service Contract Management

Automatic Credit Check on Service Contract Item

Once the service contract is released, the credit check is performed upon saving the service contract. The credit check will be performed against the respective payer of each line item If the credit check is passed, credit commitment will be updated. Credit commitment will be transferred to the invoice once created.

Picture: Automatic credit check on service contract item

Credit Check Results on Service Contract Item

If credit check fails, the status of the line item will be reset to in process. The error message also gives some more details about the credit segment checked, overall credit limit of the payer and by how much the credit limit was exceeded. When a service contract item fails a credit check, a DCD (Documented Credit Decision) is created automatically for this service contract item. The service contract cannot be used for any downstream processing until the credit controller processes the DCD case or reduce the price and release to retrigger the credit check again.

Picture: Credit check results on service contract item

Integration with Documented Credit Decision (DCD)

A variety of information is provided in the DCD case. The credit controller has the following processing options:

  • Release service contract

  • Recheck credit status

  • Show / edit blocked document

  • Show credit log

Picture: Documented Credit Decision (DCD)

Picture: Documented Credit Decision (DCD) item status and credit status

Credit Check Simulation

You can run a credit check simulation at any stage of service contract creation (even for unsaved contract) to avoid any lock situation due to a failed credit check. The simulation's result tells you whether the current value of the whole service contract is within the credit limit or not. You can simulate a credit check for all items or for all released items in a service contract. When you choose to simulate for all items, all items except completed items are included in the simulation. Note that the simulated result only represents the current real-time state and the real credit check result may differ from the simulated one.

New buttons are available on header level:

  • Simulate All Items

  • Simulate Released items

Picture: Credit check simulation

The simulation result is displayed as pop-up in case of a negative check and in the notification area in case of a success.

Picture: The simulation result is displayed as popup in case of a negative check

Enablement of Contract Accounts in Service Contracts

Contract accounts in service contracts have one of the following origins: Contract accounts have been assigned to service contract items in a solution quotation. When the solution quotation is accepted, contract accounts are forwarded to the follow-up service contract. You can assign contract accounts in a service contract directly. Once you have activated FI-CA, data such as terms of payment and payment method are overwritten according to the contract account settings instead of the payer determined by the sold-to party.

Picture: Contract Account in service contract

Service Contract ODATA V4 API

The API supports read operations for the following technical objects:

  • Service Contract Header

  • Service Contract Item

  • Service Contract Item Reference Objects

  • Service Contract Item Product

  • Service Contract Item Pricing Elements

  • Service Contract Billing Request Line

  • Service Contract Billing Request Line Pricing Elements

  • Service Contract Follow-up Service Orders

You can find detailed information on: https://api.sap.com/api/OP_SERVICECONTRACT_0001

Manage Service Contracts App

The new Manage Service Contracts app is built on SAP Fiori technology to help you search and create service contracts. This app will replace the Search Service Contracts app.

In this app, you can

  • Search for service contracts

  • Navigate to service contract details

  • Create new service contracts

  • Cancel service contract directly from the result list without navigating to the service contract details

  • Release one or more service contracts

Picture: Manage Service Contracts App

Picture: Display details of service contracts

Service Contract Templates

The new Manage Service Contract Templates app is built on SAP Fiori technology to help you search and create service contract templates. You can create predefined service contract templates with data that is commonly reused in your service business. When you create new service contracts, you can copy data from templates.

In the Manage Service Contract Templates app, you can:

  • Search for service contract templates

  • Navigate to service contract templates details

  • Create new service contract templates

Picture: Manage Service Contract Templates App

In a service contract template, you can

  • predefine service contract data in your template

  • copy template data into a new service contract

  • fill in sold-to-party, contract start date and description in an easy to use pop-up

  • create new service contract for further processing

Picture: Service contract template

Picture: Service contract template item

You can press Create Follow-Up button for service contract creation. The service contract template needs to be in Released status.

Picture: Follow-up contract creation

Enter service contract specific data in pop-up

  • Sold-to-party

  • Contract start date

  • Description

  • Deselect line items, if not all should be taken over

Picture: Create a service contract from a template

Now the service contract is created. You can make desired changes to service contract data (e.g. Equipment number).

Service Order Management

Credit Check in Service Orders and Service Quotations

When the status of a service order is changed to Released, and if the credit limit is exceeded, the status changes to In Process and the document is saved with error messages. In this case a Document Credit Decision (DCD) case is generated.

Picture: Credit check in a service order

The Simulate Credit Check button is enabled for the service orders that are credit-check-relevant.

Picture: Simulate credit check in a service order

The Simulate Credit Check button is enabled for the service quotations if they are credit-check-relevant.

Picture: Simulate credit check in a service quotation

Enable Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and Payment Terms in Service Orders

In the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) a payer can authorize a biller to collect payments as direct debits. To consent debits from his account, the payer has to sign a SEPA mandate.

In a service order, you can specify that the payment is collected as direct debit from your customer’s account according to an existing SEPA mandate.

Picture: Enable Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and payment terms in a service Order

In-House Repair

Integration of Customer Returns and In-House Repairs

You can trigger an in-house repair from a customer return order:

  • Create an in-house repair as a follow-up document in a return order and in the material inspection

  • After repair processing is complete, trigger the outbound delivery to send the repair object back to the customer

Picture: Create an in-house repair as a follow-up document in a return order

Picture: Create an in-house repair in the material inspection

Picture: Trigger the outbound delivery to send the repair object back to the customer

You can trigger a customer returns order from an in-house repair:

  • Create customer returns orders as follow-up documents from an in-house repair

  • Create and manage repair quotations while the customer return order is in process

  • Continue with the in-house repair upon completion of the customer return order

Picture: Create a returns order from an in-house repair


Chargeable Diagnosis

In-House Repair has been enhanced by an optional diagnosis that can be charged to the customer. Diagnosis-related repair order items are managed in the same way as repair-related repair orders.

Picture: Chargeable repair diagnosis overview

In the Plan Repairs app, you access the repair objects to plan the diagnosis.

In the repair order, you can do the following:

  • Refine the items that are required for the diagnosis.

  • Adjust the dates and assign a service employee.

  • Trigger the diagnosis.

Picture: Diagnosis-related repair order items

Credit Checks in Repair Orders and Repair Quotations

When the repair order is set to Released, a credit check is triggered for the payers that are assigned to the items.

Picture: Credit statuses for a repair order and repair order items

In repair quotations, credit checks are automatically performed once the repair quotation is sent to customer.

Picture: Credit checks in repair quotations

In repair quotations, you can simulate credit checks before sending them to the customers. In repair orders, you can simulate credit checks before setting the status of the repair order to Released.

Picture: Simulate credit check for repair quotations

Picture: Simulate credit check for repair orders

SEPA Direct Debit Payment in Repair Orders

In the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) a payer can authorize a biller to collect payments as direct debits. To consent debits from his account, the payer has to sign a SEPA mandate.

In a repair order, you can specify that the payment is collected as direct debit from your customer’s account according to an existing SEPA mandate.

Picture: SEPA Direct Debit Payment in repair orders

Repair Order Entries with Product Proposals

In repair orders, you can use product proposals to identify the service parts, expenses, and services that are required to perform the repair.

Product proposals are based on the equipment (repair object) or the reference product that has been entered in the repair order as the main reference object.

Picture: Repair order entries with product proposals

Repair Order Templates

In the Search Service Order Templates app, you can create predefined repair order templates with data that is commonly reused in your service business. When you create new repair orders, you can copy data from templates.

In the Search Service Order Templates app, you can:

  • Search for repair order templates

  • Navigate to repair order templates details

  • Create new repair order templates

In the Plan Repairs or Perform Prechecks app, navigate to the repair order. You can apply the templates by click on the Copy from Template button.

Picture: Copy from Template

Integration with SAP Field Service Management

Replication of Canceled Activities

When activities are canceled and all related time efforts, expenses, materials, and mileage are approved in SAP Field Service Management and transferred to SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA, the life cycle status of this service item is then set to completed and the configured rejection reason is specified for this item.
The default rejection reason can be changed in the iFlow configuration.

Picture: Replication of canceled activities

Navigation from SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA to SAP Field Service Management

You can now navigate directly from service orders in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA, to the related service calls in SAP Field Service Management using the service call IDs that are stored in the corresponding service orders.

Picture: Navigation from SAP S4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S4HANA to SAP Field Service Management

Improved Handling of Reassigned and Unassigned Activities

If you reassign an activity to another technician in SAP Field Service Management, the system updates the existing service item with the new assignment in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA, instead of creating a duplicate service item. Also, if you unassign an activity, the system deletes the corresponding executing service employee in the related service item.

Picture: Improved Handling of Reassigned and Unassigned Activities

Support for Execution Status of Service Items

The integration solution now supports the execution status of a service item in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA, which is used to reflect the progress of a corresponding activity in SAP Field Service Management. This information helps you to stay up to date on the current status of the activity in SAP Field Service Management and to act immediately if its completion is at risk.

Picture: Support for execution status of service items

Maintenance Service

Maintenance Service is a new option in S/4HANA Service particularly designed for

  • Customers with complex equipment that require powerful asset management capabilities for service as well

  • Customers that require an integrated process for service and maintenance

  • Customers that look for a smooth migration from SAP ERP CS (Customer Service) to SAP S/4HANA Service

  • Customers that want to separate the commercial and technical service processes

You can use existing apps in SAP S/4HANA Service to search and create Maintenance Service Orders and Maintenance Service Order Quotations, e.g., Create Service Order, Create Service Order Quotations, etc. To choose the Maintenance Service option, you need to select the right Transaction Type, YMO2 Correct. Maintenance.

Picture: Apps for Maintenance Service

Picture: Service order type - Corrective Maintenance Order

Maintenance service orders' structure and content are mostly identical to the classical service order (order type SRVO Service Order).

Picture: Maintenance Service Order details

The maintenance service order only supports the classical Organizational Management of SAP S/4HANA Service, but not the new Enterprise Organizational Management.

Picture: Organizational structure for maintenance service order

For more information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition, and SAP S/4HANA | 2022, check out the following links:


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