Main SAP Readiness Check landing pages: / SAP Note
This blog post series provides:
- What's New in Releases
- July and August released features are published in this blog post below
- September and end of August released features are published in:
SAP Readiness Check 2.0 for SAP S/4HANA – What’s New in Releases 20.09.2019 and 29.08.2019
- Follow the tag "SAP Readiness Check"or my profile and turn on your notifications to stay up to date on any new features that we are releasing for SAP Readiness Check 2.0
- Frequently Asked Questions
If you don’t find an answer to your question here, please add as comment, so we can include them into the following blog post of this series
1. What's New in Releases
- Main new features of SAP Readiness Check 2.0 (live since May 2019): SAP S/4HANA: How ready are you?
- What's New in 01.08 Release
- Solve all known issues related to add-on & business function. The "Refresh" button works.
- What's New in 11.07.2019 Release
- Session timeout implemented. A window pops up to refresh the page before the session expired (15 min.)
- Link in Simplification Item title to navigate to Simplification Item catalog for additional information
- Simplification Item relevance criteria is presented as tooltip if mouse over yellow box

- Simplification Items are now grouped by LoB (Line of Business) instead of application area

- New tile: SAP Innovative Business Solutions

We are working on...
2. Frequently Asked Questions
#1 Can I generate a results document as MS Word from SAP Readiness Check 2.0?
SAP Readiness Check 1.0 supports the word document generation so that you can download your results to work offline and share your results with consultants from
SAP and partners.
Based on your feedback, we will support this option for SAP Readiness Check 2.0 in future: You will be able to download a MS Word results document together with all SAP Readiness Check list results (e.g. Simplification Items, Custom Code, BW extractors, Fiori apps..) as MS Excel in one zip-file.
It is planned to release this feature with
SAP S/4HANA 1909 (middle of Sept).
#2 IDoc - why are the blocklisted IDocs always 0?
As of today, for all analyses, the backlisted IDoc number is always 0. The reasons are:
1. customer specific caller programs ("wrappers") will not be part of the standard
SAP S/4HANA backlist and will not be evaluated
2. Only the caller program itself will be evaluated but not the coding used inside
We are currently checking internally how to improve this data.
Sometimes the total number of IDoc is very big.
Reason: all customized IDocs w/o runtime data and all customized IDocs with runtime data are countered. This is done for both directions, Outbound and Inbound
Refer to this blog for further information and follow-up recommendations:
SAP Readiness Check 2.0 – Details about the topic of Integration
#3 When can we run SAP Readiness Check for the next SAP S/4HANA release?
Usually around August / September many customers ask when SAP Readiness Check will support the next SAP S/4HANA release and what the preparation steps are. In general:
SAP Readiness Check supports the next SAP S/4HANA release automatically
from the day the new SAP S/4HANA release is released.
The following tiles are impacted when a new SAP S/4HANA version is released: Add-ons, active business functions, Simplification Items, Activities related to Simplification Items, recommended Fiori apps.
For preparation: There is
no need to update the implemented SAP Notes:
If you have already implemented the relevant SAP Notes (see SAP Note
2758146) and set up your SAP ECC system correctly, you can just run a new SAP Readiness Check analysis choosing the new target release from the dropdown.
That being said it is always recommended to have the latest version of SAP Note
2758146 implemented.
Note: Some customers may not be able to see the latest version due to a missing connection between their SAP ECC system and SAP support system. In such case, download the latest content from and use report /SDF/RC_START_CHECK from SAP Note
2399707 to "Upload Simplification Item Catalog from file"
#4 Who can see my analysis?
Once an analysis is created, it is visible to
all s-users which belong to the same customer number.
When uploading your Zip file, you can tick the second box to acknowledge that all SAP employees may access and use the SAP Readiness Check Results for SAP business purposes like support, services, and marketing.
If you would like to share the analysis with selected SAP employees or partners, you can
- create an s-user for them
- use the "Settings" button on the top right to grant access maintaining their email address
#5 What authorization is required to perform SAP Readiness Check?
The user must have
Activity 16 (execution) of authorization object
S_DEVELOP and authorization object
SM_BPM_DET with Characteristic of
'OBJECT_MS' (collected KPIs) to perform SAP Readiness Check.
#6 Which system and client shall SAP Readiness Check be executed on?
SAP Readiness Check needs to be executed only once per SAP ECC system.
SAP Readiness Check should be run in the production system and must be run in the productive client. This ensures that all checks are executed properly. In case you have more than one productive client the result of the Business Process Reality Check will currently only include the analysis of the client where Readiness Check was executed. All other SAP Readiness Check analyses are client-independent and you will always get complete results of the ECC system considering data of all productive clients.
#7 Add-On and/or Business Function tiles are empty
Please make sure you have maintained your system data in
SAP Maintenance Planner either:
- as per SAP Note 2287046 - How to Generate the System Info XML and upload to Maintenance Planner or
- via SAP Solution Manager
If data is still now showing up, please open a support incident on component
#8 What is the expected performance impact if I run SAP Readiness Check on my PROD system?
SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA has been developed to limit the impact on resource consumption in the customer’s production system. In addition, the data collection framework for SAP Readiness Check offers customers the ability to control when and how the data collectors are processed. Below are two screenshots of the data collection framework selection screen. The first image is of the Standard Mode. The second image is of the Expert Mode, which offers further controls for managing the data collection of individual checks.

This flexibility in the data collection framework and the differences in data constellations and hardware differences among our installed base make it difficult to provide relevant runtime statistics. The best means to assess any potential impact is for the customer to monitor and analyze the data collection within a non-production environment before scheduling the data collectors in their production system. Commonly this is not an issue for customers, as customers typically test the contents of the transport containing the data collectors as they move to production. However, it must be noted that the runtimes could still vary in production due to any hardware differences, system-specific performance tuning differences, and differences in data footprint.
Customers can, and should, use SAP Readiness Check to analyze each system in their landscape, which they plan to convert using Software Update Manager. The guidance SAP Note for SAP Readiness Check for SAP S/4HANA (SAP Note
recommends explicitly analyzing the production system, as the results from this system are the results that should be used during the scoping and planning of the conversion project.
Relying solely on the results of a non-production system (even a recent copy of production) to plan the project
exposes the project to hidden risks that could impact the budget and timeline. For instance, it can be expected that customers have different interfaces configured in non-production systems compared to their production environment. As a result, the Integration check from a non-production system could be misleading or incomplete. Similar is true when analyzing financial data quality, as non-production systems typically contain stale production data or manually generated transactional data.
It is also important to highlight that SAP Readiness Check dashboard results can be updated with the results from subsequent data collector runs. This means customers can use the flexibility provided in the data collection framework to execute an initial data collection run to create the analysis in our cloud application and then update that analysis with subsequent data collection runs (in the same system, same client, and for the same target product version). This provides the ability to construct (or update) the results in a piecemeal approach.