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This blog is for SD consultants. This functionality can be used from SAP S/4HANA OP2020 FPS0 version. However, it also works with SAP S/4HANA 2021 and 2022 onwards, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition.


Although the SAP Standard price communication structures, KOMK and KOMP, has a field which you have already used for your own condition tables, you might not export or import the price data by this Fiori Apps. Because the below 3 settings are needed.

1.Enable Condition Record for Pricing in Sales in the OData APIs
2.Enable Manage Prices - Sales in the UIs and Reports section
3.Enable Template for Importing Condition Record for Pricing in the UIs and Reports section

If you have price condition tables which were created by not using Fiori Apps "Custom fields and Logic", please test them. If they can't be updated by the Fiori Apps "Manage Price", please recreate your own price tables as this Blog described.


SAP S/4HANA OP2020 FPS00 or upper version. Fiori server must be installed.  The user must have “SAP_BR_PRICING_SPECIALIST” role.

Preparation:Create a Role for Using Key User Extensibility of Create Custom fields for Business Part...


Click Fiori App ID F1481 Custom Fields and Logic.

Push + button to create a custom field.


Business Context: Sales: Pricing Communication Head or Sales: Pricing Communication Item

Set Label, Type and Length as your custom field required.

And push Create and Edit button.

Enable Manage Prices – Sales and Template for Importing Condition Record for Pricing in Sales in UIs and Reports.


Enable Condition Record for Pricing in Sales in OData APIs.

And push Save button.

Push Publish button.


Tr-CD: se11

You can see the custom field was added to the price communication structure automatically.

Tr-CD: segw


You can see the custom field was added to the odata source automatically.



IMG>Sales and Distribution>Basic Functions> Pricing  Pricing Control to complete the following tasks:

  1. Add the custom fields to the field catalog in the Change Field Catalog for Pricing in Sales Customizing activity.

  2. Create a condition table and add the custom fields to the condition table in the Create Condition Tables for Pricing in Sales Customizing activity.

  3. Create an access sequence and specify the condition table as an access in the Set Access Sequences Customizing activity.

  4. Create a condition type and assign the access sequence to it in the Define Condition Types Customizing activity.

  5. Create a pricing procedure and include the condition type in the Set Pricing Procedures Customizing activity.

  6. Set the pricing procedure determination for your pricing procedure in the Set Pricing Procedure Determination Customizing activity.



Click Fiori App ID 4111 Manage Prices.

Set filters and push Go button. Then existing price data appears.

Click Export button.

Then you can get the existing price data in Excel.

Click Download Template button.

You can get the template.

Fill out the price data.

Push import button.

Set the filled template Excel and push import button.

You can see the prices were imported.



You understand how Excel sales price upload works.






Related SAP Blog:

Adding Custom database Field to standard Fiori apps in S/4HANA with Custom Fields and Logic

Adding Field in standard Fiori apps of S/4HANA with Custom Fields and Logic


SAP Note:

2872404 - FAQ: Manage Prices - Sales App

2953452 - FAQ Excel Download and Upload in Manage Prices - Sales App

3067905 - Field control not working in Manage Prices - Sales app

3156108 - Some standard fields contained in condition tables are not available in fiori app 'Manage ...

3261750 - Manage Prices – Sales app: Extensibility for standard fields


Fiori Apps Library:




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