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This blog covers installation of (1) SAP S/4HANA server and (2) SAP NW JAVA / ADS server as shown in the graphic below. The installation is based on file restore and is different from the standard installs using SWPM.

Please refer to S/4HANA SQUARE ONE for other blogs

In this blog the procedure is simplified for standard installation with NO HOSTNAME OR SID CHANGE. The advantage with this is that you don't have to do many of the steps related to SID change and it does make sense if you will be installing the instance temporarily. If your network cannot accommodate the unique hostname and SID and If you want to change hostname and sid please refer to other blog. Also if it is a more permanent installation you may like to change SID and hostname.

This Blog is based on a fresh installation of SUSE Linux for SAP OS without having any previous SAP instances created and deleted. I did not have to pre install hostagent, etc. There are mount points/links to be setup as shown in the right place in the directory structure. The steps in the guides provided with SAP Note 2041140 could be used as a reference in case there are issues specific to your environment. Just follow the steps below to install both systems shown in red square below:
Please find below the main note for ordering the appliance:
2041140 - Order an SAP pre-assembled Best Practices software appliance (as partner or customer)


Please download the software media from https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/softwarecenter

Download the 51054391_*  files and SWPM20SP05_8-80003424.SAR on SAP S/4HANA Server.

Download the 51054392, SWPM10SP28_7-20009701.SAR and 51050829_JAVA_part 1 & 2 - NW 7.5 Java based SW Comp on the SAP NW JAVA / ADS server.


STEP 1: PREPARE SYSTEM Prepare Linux Server as below for the appliance. The values in Used column below show the minimum size needed. For /sapmnt provide min 30GB, /hana/data space - min 360GB, /hana/log - 35GB. I have used /sapmedia - 161GB temporary separate mount that can be removed later.
TIP: The /sapmedia filesystem could be external mount. To save this space, the files could be downloaded to /hana/data/HDB and deleted as they are being extracted. In this case it would be good to extract dbdata files first.

The /etc/hostname and /etc/host file is below:
STEP 2: EXTRACT FILES Extract files 51054391_*  in /sapmedia

sid-hdb-s4h:/sapmedia# unzip 51054391_1.ZIP
sid-hdb-s4h:/sapmedia# unzip 51054391_2.ZIP
sid-hdb-s4h:/sapmedia# unzip 51054391_3.ZIP
sid-hdb-s4h:/sapmedia# unzip 51054391_4.ZIP

Allow approx 2 hours for extraction.

We will install Central system with DB and App on same server. Please move all *.tgz-* files to /sapmedia/51054391_1/SAPS4HANA1909FPS01SAPHANADB20basedonSAPNetweaverASABAP754_1
cd /sapmedia/51054391_1/SAPS4HANA1909FPS01SAPHANADB20basedonSAPNetweaverASABAP754_1

mv /sapmedia/51054391_?/SAPS4HANA1909FPS01SAPHANADB20basedonSAPNetweaverASABAP754_?/*.tgz-* .

In the next step we will extract the above *.tgz files but please note the directories size is as follows so you can provide ample space:

Please use command below to extract the database related archives:

sid-hdb-s4h:/sapmedia/# cd 51054391_1/SAPS4HANA1909FPS01SAPHANADB20basedonSAPNetweaverASABAP754_1

cat dblog.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /

Similarly extract the remaining files:
cat dbexe.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /  

cat dbdata.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /




It takes about an hour for extraction.

Below two Application related archives may be extracted on a separate app server for distributed installation. These files will be extracted under /sapmnt/S4H and /usr/sap/S4H
Then extract the files:

sid-hdb-s4h:/usr/sap #
cd 51054391_1/SAPS4HANA1909FPS01SAPHANADB20basedonSAPNetweaverASABAP754_1

cat sapmnt.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /

cat usrsap.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /

STEP 3: GET PASSWORDS Download the file below and open the file in Internet Explorer to note passwords:

STEP 4: REGISTER DATABASE Execute HANA database specific steps as below:

sid-hdb-s4h: #/hana/shared/HDB/hdblcm/hdblcm --action=register_rename_system

This should bring up the database processes as below

sid-hdb-s4h: #/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 02 -function GetProcessList

STEP 5: EXTRACT SWPM Extract SWPM in folder /install. Use the SAPCAR already available to extract.

sid-hdb-s4h:/install #/sapmnt/S4H/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/SAPCAR -xvf /sapmedia/SWPM20SP05_8-80003424.SAR

STEP 6:RENAME SAP SYSTEM Rename instance using sapinst, although we want to keep SID same as standard - S4H we need to run the procedure so that the process installs the missing items.
sid-hdb-s4h:/install # ./sapinst SAPINST_USE_HOSTNAME=vhcals4hci SAPINST_ACCEPT_INTERNAL_SIGNATURE=true SAPINST_SLP_MODE=false

Copy below URL into chrome browser to start sapinst rename process:


In SAPINST select System Rename => Standard System => SAP System RenameAt screen SAP System Parameters enter Source System S4H and Target System S4H:
Click on Next.At the screen Prerequisite Checker Results accept or fix the Prerequisite check results.
Click on Next. No if you dont want to repeat the test

At the screen SAP Instance Parameters accept or change the Target System Instance Numbers.
Click on Next.

At the screen SAP HANA Database Connectivity enter Instance Number 02 and Password Welcome99. Click on Next.At the screen SAP HANA Database Parameter you can change Schema User , DBACOCKPIT and SYSTEM password. Please note it is also optional to change the schema user SAPHANADB password along with DBACOCKPIT and SYSTEM users.
At the screen Database Schema accept schema SAPHANADB password and confirm Schema password Xxxxxxxn click on Next.

At the screen Rename Tenant Database click on NextAt the screen Secure Storage for Database Connection select HANA Secure User tore (hdbuserstore) click on Next At the screen Operating System Users accept master password or enter password Xxxxxxxn

At the screen Secure Storage Key Generation accept radio button – Individual Key (Recommended for Productive Systems) On the Next

At next screen Warning click OK

At the screen DNS Domain Name checkmark Set FQDN for SAP System and enter domain name dummy.nodomain Click on Next

At the screen Install License Key keep unchecked Install License Key. Click on Next

TIP: It is much easier to install the license by providing the file than doing it later through the appolication.

At next screen Cleanup of Operating System Users checkmark on Yes cleanup os users and click on Next

Here is the Parameter Summary Click on Next to confirm and begin the installation.

TIP: In case you get this ERROR:

RESOLUTION: Follow SAP Note 2800204 - SSFX-0362: Value file "-" does not start with the UTF-8 byte order mark

Ensure the environment variable LC_CTYPE of the user running sapinst is set as LC_CTYPE=en_US.
Stop the current sapinst and restart it. Continue with the existing option.

You can manually start the SAP instance S4H
sid-hdb-s4h:/install # /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 01 -function StartSystem ALL
sid-hdb-s4h:/install # /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function StartSystem ALL

After instance is started and confirmed you can delete the sapmedia folder and remove temporary links to S4H.

Standard users are as follows:
HANA DB – Instance 02 SYSTEM /<Master Password>
Web Dispatcher access : bpinst/Welcome1

STEP 7: Follow steps from guide attached to SAP Note 2041140 - First Steps for on-premise installations.pdf => Section 5 Technical Post-deployment Activities

Adapt HANA connections in DBACOCKPIT

Host name / port in table HTTPURLLOC

Adapt RFC Connections if needed

ABAP connections:
S4HCLNT100 (and other clients)

HTTP connections:
ADS (pointing to the JAVA server after PART3: INSTALL SAP NW JAVA /ADS)

SAP Enable Now Web Assistant

Adapt the Fiori notification URL

Adapt Enterprise Search

Apply product license keys

Install software product license key: Technical restrictions may apply if you don’t install the license. Use the link to obtain license key.
HANA DB license key can be installed via HANA Studio (Preferences -> License)
In SAP S/4HANA 1909 the license key is installed via SAP logon tCode SLICENSE

Further post-installation checks

Install SAP client tools on your local computers

You can take a full backup and remove the temporary links that were setup for S4H

In client 000 fix transport configuration. Enter tCode SE06 and reinstall CTS transport system.

Adapt any SAP parameters required

The database is provided with log mode overwrite and you may like to change that as needed.


STEP 1: Prepare Linux Server as below for the appliance. The values in Used column below show the minimum size needed. Total filesystem needed is min 50GB for installation.

The /etc/hostname and /etc/host file is below:

STEP 2: Extract files 51054392.ZIP  in /sapmedia

sid-j2e:/sapmedia# unzip 51054391.ZIP

We will install Java instance from files in  /sapmedia/51054392/SAPNetWeaver750SP16ASJAVAwithAdobeDocumentServices_1
cd /sapmedia/51054392/SAPNetWeaver750SP16ASJAVAwithAdobeDocumentServices_1

In the next step we will extract the above *.tgz files but please note the directories size is as follows so you can provide ample space:

These files will be extracted under /sapmnt/J2E
sid-j2e:/sapmedia# cat dblog.tgz-*  | tar -zpxvf - -C /
sid-j2e:/sapmedia# cat dbexe.tgz-*  | tar -zpxvf - -C /

sid-j2e:/sapmedia# cat dbdata.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /
sid-j2e:/sapmedia# cat sapmnt.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /

sid-j2e:/sapmedia# cat usrsap.tgz-* | tar -zpxvf - -C /

STEP 3: Download the file below and open the file in Internet Explorer to note passwords:

STEP 4: Extract SWPM in folder /install. Use the SAPCAR already available to extract.

sid-j2e:/install #/sapmnt/J2E/exe/uc/linuxx86_64/SAPCAR -xvf /sapmedia/SWPM10SP28_7-20009701.SAR

STEP 5: Rename instance using sapinst


Copy below URL into chrome browser to start sapinst rename process:


In SAPINST select System Rename => Standard System => SAP System Rename

At the screen Software Integrity click on Next

At screen SAP System Parameters enter Source System J2E
Click on Next.

At the screen Prerequisite Checker Results accept or fix the Prerequisite check results.
Click on Next. No if you dont want to repeat the test

At the screen SAP Instance Parameters accept or change the Target System Instance Numbers.
Click on Next.

At the screen Operating System Users accept master password or enter password Xxxxxxxn

At the screen Operating System User for SAP Database Administrator enter the password for sybj2e and User ID and Click on Next

At the screen SAP ASE Database System Parameters accept or change ports and Click on NextAt the screen Database User Pasawords enter the passwords for user sa, sapsa, sapsso, SAPSR3DB which is Welcome99. Click on Next

At the screen DNS Domain Name checkmark Set FQDN for SAP System and enter domain name dummy.nodomain Click on Next

At the screen Medis Browser select the media Package Location and Click on Next

At next screen Cleanup of Operating System Users checkmark on Yes cleanup os users and click on Next

Here is the Parameter Summary Click on Next to confirm and begin the installation.You can manually start/stop the SAP Java instance J2E using old commands

sid-j2e:/install # su - j2eadm
sid-j2e:j2eadm > startsap

To access JAVA server as SAP Netweaver Adminstrator the URL is:

Standard users are as follows:

JAVA Administrator – Adminitstrator / <Master Password> ;
Java user BPINST/Welcome1

STEP 6: Follow steps from guide attached to SAP Note 2041140 - First Steps for on-premise installations.pdf - Section 5 Technical Post-deployment Activities

Apply product license keys

Install software product license key: Technical restrictions may apply if you don’t install the license. Use the link to obtain license key. SAPNetweaver 7.5 J2EE license key has to be installed via SAP Netweaver Administrator

Further post-installation checks

Adapt any SAP parameters due to changed SID

After instance is started and confirmed you can delete the sapmedia folder.


If you have any difficulty downloading the media open OSS message using component XX-SER-SAPSMP-SWC. If you have issues with technical deployment open message with component BC-INS-SRN.


SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance: Create your SAP S/4HANA system in a fraction of the usual set...

SAP S/4HANA 1909 Fully Activated Appliance: Known Issues

SAP S/4HANA Fully-Activated Appliance: Demo Guides

Blog with known issues in the SAP S/4HANA 1809 appliances (constantly updated)

2041140 - Order an SAP pre-assembled Best Practices software appliance (as partner or customer)

Thank you. Hope you enjoyed the installation.

Mahesh Sardesai
Product Expert – S/4HANA