Welcome to this Blog-Post on profit center group and manage global hierarchy. We have seen few queries on relationship between these apps and in this Blog-Post, we will discuss why profit center group/Hierarchy are not available in Profit center and Cost center reporting apps.
In this Blog-Post, we will provide information regarding the relationship between these two apps and availability of profit center group/Hierarchy in Profit Centers – Actuals app.
Manage Profit Center Group SAP Fiori App
“Manage Profit center groups” app is classic tool to create profit center hierarchy/group. Any hierarchy/group created through this app will not be available in Profit centers – actuals app for selection until “Set report relevancy” and “Replicate runtime hierarchy” apps are executed for profit center hierarchy/group.
Observation – YBPH Profit center Hierarchy is not available in Profit Centers – Actuals app.
If you execute profit centers – actuals app and right click right on profit center, then there is no option to select hierarchy or new hierarchy is not available for selection.

Solution –
Step 1 : Execute “Set report relevancy” app for set Class 0106 for profit center group and select yes for report relevant and Auto replicate.

Step 2 : Schedule “Replicate Runtime Hierarchy (SAP)” for Hierarchy ID “YBPH”.

Step 3 : Execute Profit Centers – Actuals app and right click on profit center. Now Select Hierarchy option is visible to select Hierarchy.

Profit Center group “YBPH” is now available for selection.

Note- Same process can be used for selection of cost center hierarchy replication if not visible in Cost centers – Actuals app.
Manage Global Hierarchies SAP Fiori App
“Manage Global Hierarchies” app is new tool to create Hierarchies in SAP S/4HANA Cloud. Manage Profit center/ Cost center group and Manage Hierarchies are two different apps used for hierarchies’ maintenance. With Manage Global Hierarchies App replication is integrated and it will happen automatically when the user saves and activate the hierarchy. User need not to run replication process manually.
In Manage Global Hierarchies, user can migrate existing cost center /profit center groups as well with Import Hierarchy option in Manage Global Hierarchies app.
Process to create new profit center group creation through Manage Global Hierarchies App.
Step 1 : Execute Manage Global Hierarchies App and click on Create button.
Enter below desired information and click on create button.

Step 2 : Double click line item and Click on edit Button.
User can select Subnode, or Profit center based on business need and Click on Ok Button.

Step 3 : Click on Save and Activated button. Now profit center alternative group has been replicated automatically and it is now visible in Profit centers – Actuals app. Manual replication is not needed anymore.

Step 4 : Execute Profit Centers – Actuals app and select newly created hierarchy from select hierarchy option from right click on profit center.

Conclusion – Manage Profit center group / Manage Cost center group is classic tool where user can create group(s), however user must replicate hierarchy/Group to consume this in reporting Fiori App. Manage Global Hierarchies is new tool to maintain hierarchies where user need not to replicate newly creates hierarchies. These will be replicated automatically during activation process in manage Global Hierarchies” app.
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