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Product and Topic Expert
Many customers and partners seek guidance for output management in SAP S/4HANA. With this blog I would like to provide an overview and hopefully answers to typical questions.

After reading this blog you should be able to take decisions about the right output solution for your business when running on SAP S/4HANA.

For Quick Readers

This article turned out to be very long. When you are just interested in the key messages, here you go:


  • You do not need to change anything.

  • SAP offers a new output solution called SAP S/4HANA output management.

  • This is technically implemented by a reuse service called SAP S/4HANA output control.

  • The scope of SAP S/4HANA output control is different compared to NAST.

  • Using SAP S/4HANA output control for applications previously using NAST currently makes sense only in exceptional cases.

For SAP S/4HANA Cloud

  • SAP S/4HANA output management is the default output solution for the whole product.

  • It's technically implemented by a reuse service called SAP S/4HANA output control.

  • All business applications with complex output scenarios make use of this reuse service.

For all SAP S/4HANA editions

SAP S/4HANA output management itself is part of the SAP S/4HANA standard. So there are no additional costs to use it. When using additional services on BTP (for example SAP Forms service by Adobe) this might be different, depending on your SAP S/4HANA edition.

The following features are not yet supported when using SAP S/4HANA output management:

  • Support of ArchiveLink or DMS for documents created during output

Check out SAP blog - Storing Output Documents in SAP S/4HANA for more details.

The following features are supported (excerpt)

  • Flexible output parameter determination based on business rules

  • Emails with multiple recipients (TO, CC, BCC) and email templates for predefining email subject and email body (including variables for dynamic content)

  • Printing attachments and sending attachments via email, including automatic selection and sorting

  • Flexible branding of print forms by separating static layout parts like header, footer, logos from application content

What is Output Management?

When you ask people from different business or technical areas what output management is, you get different answers. You will hear something around PDFs, printing, form templates or email, just to name a few. However, it will always be a description of what output means in their particular area. So, everybody interprets it a little different. Some need just one small feature, others need whatever can be offered (and even more).

This is how I look at it: Output Management in SAP S/4HANA is not a product or a framework. It's a generic term, grouping various features for the output of documents.

The term also includes already two main aspects:

When describing features like print, form templates or email, you actually describe just the first part: Output (meaning output-related features).

What about the Management ?

Depending on the use case, managing output can also vary a lot. It can describe that the application is orchestrating all different output features on its own. It can mean an application is using a dedicated reuse service for output. It’s even sometimes used when an application just consumes an API to send an email.

What is Output Control?


So, it comes down to the question: How many output features are there to be managed?

And secondly: What are the available options to manage my output?

Simple cases like sending an email or creating a PDF file out of a list don't need sophisticated management.

However, when you need to automatically determine output parameters based on configuration, create documents based on form templates, send them via various output channels and require archiving the created documents, you face very complex tasks.

Therefore, many business applications with such complex output scenarios make use of a reusable output service that includes many basic features for the output of documents and adds specific functionality on top.

Typical examples of such a service are: SD Output Control (NAST), FI Correspondence, FI-CA Print Workbench, CRM Post-Processing (PPF) or SAP S/4HANA output control.

Output Management and Output Control

As the picture above illustrates, Output Control is always part of Output Management. For many applications they are even synonyms. However, Output Management must not necessarily be done using Output Control.


What's New in SAP S/4HANA?

What I described so far is nothing new and SAP has provided multiple technical solutions for output over the years. So, what actually changes with SAP S/4HANA?

The key message is:

  • There are no mandatory actions for customers regarding output management in on-premise.

  • The entire output management scope of the SAP Business Suite is still available
    in SAP S/4HANA.

  • Currently, there are no plans to deprecate functionality.

  • SAP has introduced a new output management solution which is optional for on-premise.

You as a customer/partner decide whether you want to change something or just continue using your existing output solution!

What's actually new is the output solution SAP S/4HANA output management.

SAP S/4HANA Output Management

SAP has decided to offer a new output solution with SAP S/4HANA called SAP S/4HANA output management. It contains the reuse service SAP S/4HANA output control that is used for many complex output scenarios.

Please do me a favor and do NOT use the terms “Output Management based on BRFplus” or “BRFplus Output Management”. In fact, forget about BRFplus in this context at all.

Why? BRFplus is an optional part and only used for configuration (similar to the condition technique in NAST), not for processing the output. NAST is also not referred to as the "Condition technique based output management".

You might also end up connecting with BRFplus experts, but they likely will not be able to answer your output-related questions.


Why a New Output Solution?


The vision of SAP S/4HANA output management is to
Enable business users to perform all relevant output-related tasks

In order to reach this vision, the existing output solutions like NAST, PPF etc. have been evaluated. However, they are either too generic and/or only available in certain business areas.

Customers have to learn, set up and maintain multiple frameworks in order to perform output. This creates high TCO and very different user experiences across the product.

Therefore, SAP has decided to implement a new output solution that overcomes these challenges.

The SAP S/4HANA output management.

Its main characteristics are:

  • It runs in a cloud or an on-premise environment.

  • It offers a unified solution for all output-related tasks across the product.

  • It supports ready-to-use output scenarios (pre-delivered configuration).

  • It supports standard extensibility for configuration & documents (form & email templates).

  • It provides central monitoring tools for key users.


SAP S/4HANA Output Control

SAP S/4HANA output control is a reuse service that provides many basic output features and adds additional functionality on top. It is integrated in the SAP S/4HANA standard and does not require any additional purchase or license.

Its main characteristics are:

  • It offers a unified solution for all output-related tasks across the product.

  • It can be natively integrated into SAP Fiori apps (and SAPGUI apps).

  • It provides a new option for form templates (separation of static layout & content).

  • It supports ready-to-use output scenarios (pre-delivered configuration).

  • It supports standard extensibility for configuration & documents (form & email templates).

  • It provides central monitoring tools.

  • It runs in a cloud or an on-premise environment.

As you see, some of the characteristics are identical to the ones of SAP S/4HANA output management. That's because these goals can only be reached when using a reuse service like SAP S/4HANA output control.

Scope of Output Control

It's very important to understand what's in the scope of output control as it might differ from your expectation when comparing it to existing frameworks like NAST. (You find a more detailed comparison with NAST below).

Output control is designed for:

  • Sending outbound messages (e.g. printouts, emails, EDI)

    • From transactional applications

    • To business receivers

  • Documenting the output result

This does not include:

  • System integration scenarios

  • Data replication scenarios

Its design is also document centric. Meaning it's not a standalone functionality but is always embedded into the processing of business documents, like invoices, purchase orders, dunning letters, etc.

Features of Output Control


Available Options

So now you know there are multiple output solutions from SAP (including a new one). Which one should I choose? Which one can I use? What about my existing forms?

These kinds of questions can only be answered when we know the specific context.

  1. Which SAP S/4HANA product are we looking at?

  2. Which business application are we looking at?

  3. Which output solution are available for that business application?

  4. Which form technologies are available for that output solution?

As you can see, these points depend on each other, like also the following picture illustrates:

Available options across all SAP S/4HANA editions


Depending on where we put our focus, more or less options exist.

Here are some examples:

When we focus on the products SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition it seems you have nearly all the options. However, when you drill down further, not all options might actually be available for each business application.

Available options in SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition


For example, when you just focus on the output solution SAP S/4HANA output control within the product SAP S/4HANA, you will not be able to use this output solution in all the business applications. You can still use all existing form technologies though.

Available options in SAP S/4HANA with SAP S4/HANA output control


However, when you focus on a non-NAST-based application, like Dunning, you are only able to use  output forms with a gateway interface when using output solution SAP S/4HANA output control.
The reason for this: For previously NAST-based applications the SAP S/4HANA output control has a build-in support for all existing form technologies. All other applications need to explicitly enable the support of these form technologies.

You can decide whether to use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe or SAP Forms service by Adobe to render your output forms.

Available options in SAP S/4HANA with SAP S4/HANA output control for Dunning


When you focus on the NAST output solution you get a similar picture on application level, but you will not be able to use output forms with a gateway interface as NAST is in maintenance mode and not adopted to this new technology.

You can decide whether to use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe or SAP Forms service by Adobe to render your output forms with DDIC interface.

Available options in SAP S/4HANA with NAST



In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, all business applications can use only the output solution SAP S/4HANA output control. Also, only output forms with a gateway interface are supported which get rendered by SAP Forms service by Adobe.

Here, the vision of one output solution for the whole product is already realized.

Available options in SAP S/4HANA Cloud


Getting Directions

I guess there are still many question marks. So, let me try to break it further down.

The first thing to remember is: There are no mandatory actions necessary for on-premise. The existing output solutions still exist, and you can continue to use them. They are even the default in SAP S/4HANA.

When you want to explore output with SAP S/4HANA output management, you need to know whether there is an option to enable this output solution.

Basically, two cases need to be considered:

  1. The business application existed before SAP S/4HANA (and therefore has an existing output solution from the past).

  2. The business application is (newly) implemented with SAP S/4HANA (and has no existing output solution).

The following tables illustrate the available options for both cases:

Output solutions for existing business applications


Output solution for new business applications


So, you see, it’s up to the individual business application whether you can choose between different output solutions and whether you can use SAP S/4HANA output control or not.

However, you will still be in touch with output control when your scope includes new business applications that only offer SAP S/4HANA output control.

Of course, this also means that at least in on-premise it will add another output solution to maintain as long as not all applications are harmonized to offer one solution.


Should I Switch from Existing Output Solution to SAP S/4HANA Output Control?


After you know you can switch to SAP S/4HANA output control, should you do that?

My view:

  • It is not mandatory for customers to switch to SAP S/4HANA output control.

  • Default is still the existing output solution.

  • The scope of SAP S/4HANA output control includes output-only functionality.

  • Switching business applications from specialized or generic frameworks to SAP S/4HANA output control might lead to loss of functionality.

  • Customers can test out SAP S/4HANA output control for existing applications.

  • Productive usage shall only be considered if scope and functionality of SAP S/4HANA output control fits to the customer requirements.

Output only? Loss of functionality? What does this mean? 

Let me explain by comparing the NAST with SAP S/4HANA output control.

NAST vs. SAP S/4HANA Output Control


When we look at NAST, we find a generic framework that can be used for output but also for: Integration, Workflow and (due to the medium Special Function) for literally anything that can be implemented.

This flexibility comes with the price of very high complexity. It's a tool from technical experts for technical experts. Nearly no customer can perform the setup of NAST without consultants. I even know customers who are afraid to touch their NAST setup once it's running. They rather don't add new features than risking breaking their system. If you ask me, our customers deserve better!

On the other hand, the SAP S/4HANA output control provides output functionality. Not more, not less. It's not a generic framework like NAST and isn't designed to be. It follows a new architecture paradigm including the separation of concerns. This pictures shows it best:

Scope of NAST and SAP S/4HANA output control


Output Channels

Even if comparing the output channels, there are some differences.

Output channels of NAST and SAP S/4HANA output control


Some channels like Telex or SAP Office are obsolete, others, like External Send are not yet covered. But even the same channels as Print or Email deviate in detail. Email functionality in NAST is very limited and printing includes archiving as well. SAP S/4HANA output control offers rich email functionality but handles archiving separately.

Some Words about IDoc & EDI

I want to especially focus on IDoc & EDI here, as this is a very complex topic with many misunderstandings.

Some basics:

  • IDoc is a technical message format, not a communication channel/medium.

  • Application Link Enabling (ALE) is a technology to create and run distributed applications.

  • Electronic Document Interchange (EDI) is a technology to exchange business documents between systems.

Both, ALE and EDI, can send messages in the IDoc format, but can (in principle) use any other format as well.

Now these things need to be put into context of the corresponding frameworks.

NAST has a medium (channel) called EDI, which is limited to IDoc message format. Via medium EDI, NAST supports IDoc to business partners and IDocs for system integration (named ALE).

SAP S/4HANA output control supports IDoc to business receivers only! System integration (via ALE, EDI or whatever technology) is not part of this framework and will not be. In many cases, this doesn't even make sense, as there receiver determination isn't needed. The receiving end point for system integration is typically known and static. Hence, it's actually a drawback of NAST that customers are forced to set up many things that are not needed.

Replacing the NAST Framework


Of course, no functionality that is covered by NAST should be lost when switching to a different output solution. However, right now no application fully covers the same functionality from NAST when the output part is switched to SAP S/4HANA output control. In most cases, the non-output-related functionality is not available in this case.



  • SAP S/4HANA output control is not designed to completely replace NAST.

  • It will only cover the output part of NAST (print, email, partly EDI).

  • The rest – like system integration, workflow, or special function – is not (and will not be) in the scope of SAP S/4HANA output control.

  • Hence, business applications need to cover these parts differently, but nearly none of them is completely achieving this at the moment.

  • Therefore, customers will lose all these features from NAST when switching on SAP S/4HANA output control.

  • This means using SAP S/4HANA output control for applications previously using NAST only makes sense in exceptional cases.

  • Only when you have verified that the current functionality of SAP S/4HANA output control matches your requirements, you should enabled it productively.


Additional Resources

If you've read the whole blog until here, you are really brave and very much interested in output management. Thank you!

Here are some more resources for you to continue reading.

SAP note 3097507 - Output Management in SAP S/4HANA

SAP Roadmap Viewer

SAP Best Practices Explorer - Output Management (‏1LQ‏)

Output Management Setup Guide cloud / on premise

SAP Help Portal – Output Control on premise / cloud

Guided Answer for Output Management in SAP S/4HANA Cloud

SAP Learning Hub - Meet-The-Expert Sessions (on premise)

Reminder:  To access the SAP Learning Hub, edition for SAP Enterprise Support, a one-time registration is required. A detailed step-by-step guidance can be found here.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Sankha,

Yes, you can decide on application level which output solution should be used. See chapter "Getting Directions"

Regarding IDoc please check the section "Some Words about IDoc & EDI". It explains the difference. So there is actually no limitation regarding IDoc but certain features are not in scope of S/4HANA Output Control. It's very important to check whether this is ok for you. If you need the features like system integration, then you should not use S/4HANA Output Control when there is no alternative provided by the business application for the system integration.

Please also do not use the term BRF+. See my comments in section "SAP S/4HANA Output Management".

Further information/notes are listed above.


0 Kudos
Hi Markus,

Thank you for this very comprehensive overview.

For an application, what would it mean to support the output management? Currently we are using ppf actions. Are there any guidelines how to enable an application for output management?

We are also thinking about the use case, taking the result from a situation which we have in place to additionally inform the external affected business person (aka customer) about the result (such as an expiring contract). Would there be a way to do a handshake between the situations management and the output management, maybe via BRF+?

Any advice and proposals are appreciated very much.

Best Regards


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Helene,

Currently only SAP business applications can adopt the S/4HANA Output Control following the internal development guidelines.

We plan to enable this for custom applications in the future, but I cannot give any timeline right now.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi, Markus,


Is it possible to expose s4hana embeded adobe service as an API ? As you know,  BTP Form Service by Adobe is not available in China .


Best regards!

Jacky Liu
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Jacky,

This would not help you, as the Adobe Document Services (ADS) do not run in ABAP. They either run on the application server in a Java stack (SAP S/4HANA on-premise only) or on BTP.

So if you are running on-premise, you could install the on-premise ADS in the Java stack. For other editions, please get in touch with SAP S/4HANA solution management to discuss the options.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Markus,


First of all Thank you for such an highly informative Blog.

I have a question here

Since we have two types of Output determination 1. NAST condition technique and 2. S/4 Hana Output management,

Which type should we go with when dealing S/4 HANA Central Procurement scenario with ERP connected systems.

For example considering central requisitioning scenario. Central purchase requisitions created in the S/4 Hana CP system are replicated to backened ERP connected systems. And respective POs are created in Connected ERP systems which are agained imported back to S/4 System for approval.


Now where does the output management works and how are they configured ?

Can we use any of those 2 output determination methods or only S/4 Hana output determination?



Thankyou in advance


Hello Pavan,

Basically, that decision is fully up to the customer, where likes to configure his output in case of a Central Procurement setup. He can keep his existing NAST-based output in his connected ERP backends, if he likes to. In this case he does not really need to change anything in his today's setup in the connected system. Or he could choose to use the central output from his Central Procurement hub system, if he wants to have a central place alone, where all his output configurations could be configured (form, print relevant changes, etc.). And that output control in Central Procurement is then based on the new S/4 output management alone. As we do not actively stop any output in the connected systems, just because the central output is used, the customer himself needs to make sure in his configuration, that only a single output is triggered for a given purchase order.

Kind regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Markus,

In the S/4 HANA Output Management, Do we have any Events which can be raised when an output is generated? or Do we have any extensibility option to implement a custom logic post generation of an output item?

Our scenario is to send an Event to BTP Event Mesh indicating output is generated for Purchase Order or Scheduling agreement.

System Version : OP 2021

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Rishab

The are currently no events available from Output Control. You may check whether the corresponding business applications in your scenario offer something.


0 Kudos
Hello Markus,

Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation about New Output Management. We are running on premise version 1709 and OPD is activated. I would like to know if some changes have been done since you wrote your explanation on the possibility to use content server with S4 Hana and OPD?

I would like to archive invoices and others document, but I don't find any solution to link customizing OAC* with OPD. Or do you have any idea to do it?

Thanks in advance for your help


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Laurent,

SAP S/4HANA Output Control automatically stores the rendered document (NAST option: Print & Archive) in the defined content repository. The storage location can be freely defined by the you using the KPRO configuration (e.g. SAP DB or HTTP content server). Main difference to frameworks like NAST is that there is only one storage category (meaning all documents end up in one folder) and the document data/object relations are handled within output control and not via Archive Link.

Hence you will not find any entries in the TOA* tables. This is also only required, when you need additional information regarding the object relation and/or data from the leading business application. Otherwise you can archive the files directly from the content repository.


0 Kudos
Hello Markus,

Thanks a lot for your time and answer, I will have a look in KPRO. Ok to store all documents in the same storage location. Is it possible to get the link to display these documents without duplicate in other application. It was possible with archive link function module to get this link, possible in this case?


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Laurent,

I am not really able to answer this as I do not know the previous feature. When it is archive link specific, then likely it is not available in the same way.


0 Kudos
Thanks a lot for your answer Markus
0 Kudos
Firstly thank you for erudite summary on the new output management solution on S/4HANA on prem/private/public context. I read through your entire blog including all the comments! Why I stumbled upon your blog is to look for an explanation on Form Type- DDIC vs Gateway ,As I Used DDIC earlier-I also got to know many valuable points from those comments-thank you for the same. E.g.- 'PrintWorkBench' which I was not aware of since I did not work on Utility sector.

However, I would like to notify that I do not agree completely with the section - "Some Words about IDoc & EDI"

As I could recall in 2018, we were implementing S/4 on prem to US client and then we had many integration touchpoints where the consuming applications were accustomed to accept XML message format. I tried to generate out of box EDI channel XML, Integration platform was SAP PO, however it did  not workout as per requirement even after multiple technical expert's effort from SAP side as well.

Eventually, it turned out from SAP product support in Germany, that with ARIBA Network we could generate XML successfully- so essentially which you vaguely meant by business network term is SAP's push towards ARIBA- Obviously we were little surprised, as most of the customers wouldn't like to move entirely inside SAP ecosystem, neither we wanted to setup 3rd party as ARIBA agent.

Finally we implemented 'Outside the box'-alternate solution for IDOC with small customizing and minor enhancement. Since then S/4HANA 1709 and upward versions in multiple clients we had implemented that approach for similar requirements.


0 Kudos
Dear Markus,


thank you for your interesting text. I have got one simple question, though: We have numerous forms in SAP script and Smart Forms (e.g. MM, SD, LE, dunning, …) and are considering converting those to Adobe Forms. We do NOT need advanced features like interactive forms, electronic signature etc. provided by Adobe Forms technology. We just would like to print forms on premise as we did for more than 20 years.


Knowing that ADS will be discontinued, is there or will there be any other way to print “plain” Adobe Forms in S/4 on premise without using a cloud solution?


Thank you
0 Kudos
I have used BRF+ to configure PO Output to trigger on a Schedule (previously, Immediate). I now want to schedule a job to run every n minutes. Can anyone direct me to the Fiori app to do this (or the ABAP program is this is still the method).


Running S/4HANA 2020 FPS02.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Gerald,

There is no Fiori app available for this. You may use transaction ME9FF.



0 Kudos
Thank you Markus, appreciate you getting back to me. As it happened, I eventually found the transaction and for anyone else looking who wants to run it as a batch job, the ABAP report is


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Gerald,

In general, there is framework called Application Jobs. Using this framework, you can expose Abap Reports to be usable via Fiori (framework allows schedulling options - like run every week etc.).

If you have Abap report, which triggers Output Requests, then you can expose such report via Application Jobs.


Best Regards,
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hello Jens,

According to my knowledge, SAP has a clear maintenance strategy for the java-based ADS until 2030. SAP also evaluates options for beyond this point to keep up to the promise that SAP S/4HANA will be maintained until 2040 including all released capabilities (e.g. forms).

In addition, SAP offers the ADS as a cloud-service (SAP Forms service by Adobe) which has no dedicated end of maintenance.


Thanks Jiri, I'm always on the look out for good Fiori apps to replace GUI transactions. However, as is often the case with SAP, there are pros and cons with each approach. I like the app because it's a one-stop-shop function: find your template, schedule the job, done. A couple of drawbacks: you cannot make use of variants and only the user who created the job can see the logs "You are not authorized to display spool requests other than your own". More often than not you want to schedule a background job under a specific User ID; we've not found a way to do this other than reverting to the SM36 approach.

I will look at the option to Define Job Catalog entries, that could be handy.
0 Kudos

Hi markus.berg

thanks for your great blog!

The Fiori applications related to Billing, Sales, and Sales Quotations feature the "Output" or "Output Items" tab, accessible when choosing for example a particular Sales Order. For Example Sales Order from Manage Sales Order - Version 2 or Manage Billing Documents. 

Does the display of output items on this tab depend solely on the activation of the new S/4 output control, or is it possible for output items managed by the NAST framework to be shown there as well? Additionally, can these NAST output items be configured to appear within Fiori apps?

Thank you & best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Ridvan,

The mentioned tabs belong to the S/4HANA Output Control which offers the underlying reuse screen for Fiori applications.

This feature/screen is not available for NAST, PPF or any other existing output solution. Mainly for two reasons:

  1. These frameworks are in maintenance mode and Fiori integration would require new developments.

  2. The Fiori applications are stateless and the existing output solutions come from an stateful environment. Out of this technical challenges arise which cannot be resolved in most of the cases.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Hi  markus.berg

For a Purchase Order, which is governed by multi-level-release strategy. Is it possible to see the Print Preview before the PO is released/approved completely in S/4HANA Output Control?  In ME23N/ ME22N it does not show up.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Hello Avik,

S/4HANA Output Control supports creating a document preview based on buffered data. However, it depends on the consuming application whether this feature is supported or not. Maybe also other application specific things prevent the preview in your case. Please reach out to experts from purchase order to check the details.


0 Kudos
Thanks you for the reply . I have checked following note for the said behaviour explanation. Though after re-opening also it did not show up, will check further!

What a blog....!

Hats off....
0 Kudos

Hi @Markus_Berg 

Can an output be scheduled (batch job) for EoD (end of day) rather than immediately after document creation?  specifically... send email to maintained customer contacts later that day, as some docs will undergo reversals on same day; thus not desired for immediate output.

Thanks for timely reply

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

HI Stan_Byrd,

Yes, an output can be scheduled. If dispatch time is set to scheduled instead of immediately, the output will be processed via batch job and not sent immediately after saving the document.
The dispatch time can be defined in the Output Parameter Determination app, in the determination steps Output type.
You might want to refer to the 1LQ set up guide and SAP Help documentation.
Best regards,