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Offline Update of Pricing Scales for Purchasing Info Record via Microsoft Excel



In continuation to the previous blog posts on using the offline update functionality of purchasing info records and also performing a pricing update, we will now focus on working with Scales for the Pricing Conditions for Purchasing Info Records. With the release SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2208, you can now perform mass updates to Pricing Scales of the Info Records.


Points to Note:

  • Info record values in the Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet should match with the info record values mentioned in the other sheets. If in case of creation of a new info record with the scales sheet, then the temporary info record number assigned in the Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet should match with the one in all other sheets.

  • Condition Group ID in the Scales sheet must match with the Condition Group ID maintained in the Pricing In case of creation of new condition record, the temporary Condition Group ID value in Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet must match accordingly with the Condition Group ID value maintained in the Pricing sheet as well.

  • The scales maintained in the Scales sheet must respect the system configuration. If the Check Scale type is configured to be ascending scale, then the scale records in the excel should be in ascending order of scale condition value, or in descending order of the scale condition values respectively.

  • If the Scale Base Type is configured as Value Scale then the fields Scale Value and Scale currency should be filled.

  • If the Scale Base Type is configured as Quantity Scale then the fields Scale Quantity and Scale Unit of Measure should be filled.

  • As of today, only the Scale Types, To Scale are supported by the app Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records.

Scenarios Supported in Offline Update of Pricing Scales – Purchasing Info records:

Following scenarios are supported for the offline update of pricing scales of the purchasing info records:

  • Scenario 1: Create new Info Record with Pricing Scales

  • Scenario 2: Update Pricing Scales of existing info record

  • Scenario 3: Insert Scale line for an existing Pricing Condition Record

  • Scenario 4: Delete a Pricing Scale Line


Scenario 1: Create new Purchasing Info Record with Pricing Scales:

Prerequisite: User shall fill in the required details for the sheets General info, Purchase Org info Sheet and Pricing Sheet.

Step 1: For creating new Info record, enter Info record dummy reference number in Scales Pricing sheet which would connect to other sheets. (General Info , Purchase Org Info and Pricing Condition Sheet)

Also ensure, the Condition Group ID mentioned here in the Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet points to a corresponding Condition Group ID in the Pricing for Info Records sheet.

Figure 1: Notice the values filled for Info Record and Condition Group ID

Step 2: Enter values for all other fields such as Info Record Category, Purchasing Organization, Plant , Material, Material Group, Supplier, and Condition Type. These fields will help link a scale line to its corresponding record in Pricing for Info Records sheet, Purch. Org Data sheet and General Info sheet.


Step 3: Depending on how the scale type is configured in the system, (Quantity Scale or Value Scale ), the corresponding fields need to be filled.

For instance, For case of a Quantity Scale, here is how it needs to be filled:

Figure 2: For case of a Quantity Scale, fields Scale Quantity and Scale Unit of Measure have been filled.

Similarly, for the Value Scale, following fields needs to be filled:

Figure 3: For case of a Value Scale, fields Scale Value and Scale Currency have been filled.

Note : If for certain reasons , if either of the fields Quantity or Value are not used and need to be hidden , then it can be done from the relevant configuration.

Step 4:  Finally, for all the new scale lines in the Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet, the last column “Is New” has to be marked as “X”.

Figure 4: The Is New field is filled with "X" for the corresponding rows to mark them as "To be created'

Step 5: Save the excel file and upload it using the Upload from the app.

Figure 5 : The Upload button on the App Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records is highlighted.

Step 6: You can now download the info record again to verify the created scale lines.

Figure 6: Image of the scale lines downloaded after they have been created successfully in the system.

Scenario 2: Update Scales of existing info records

Prerequisite: Download an existing info record which already has scales maintained.

Step 1: Navigate to the Scales for the Pricing Conditions heet and update the Scale Quantity or Scale Value column values and the condition values as needed.

Before Changes:

Notice the line with scale quantity 2350. We shall be updating the values of Condition Value field.

Figure 7: Image of scale lines. We shall be updating the value Scale Quantity 2350.

After Changes:

The condition value is now updated to 120.

Figure 8: The Condition value is now updated to 120.

Step 2: Save and upload the excel file in the app.

Step 3: Verify the downloaded file and see the new updated value, 120.

Figure 9: Image of the Scale Lines on the excel sheet after changes.

Scenario 3: Insert Scale line for an existing Pricing Condition Record

Prerequisite: Download an existing info record which already has scales maintained and where you intend to create a new scale line.

Step 1: Insert the new line you want to add in the Scales for the Pricing Conditions sheet. The most convenient way would be to copy and existing line and paste where you would want to insert.

Figure 10: Image of existing scale lines in the excel sheet.

Step 2: Mark the Is New flag as “X” and upload the excel file. Here, the new line is with Scale Quantity value “3500”.

Figure 11: A new line is inserted and the "Is New" flag set for the new line.

Step 3: Download the scales data via the Download option to see the new entry with updated values or verify the changes directly from the SAP GUI App Change Purchasing Info Record.

Figure 12: Image of scale lines in the downloaded excel sheet after upload finished.

Similarly, if a scale is configured to be a value scale, then the new scale line needs to be updated with Scale Value and Scale Currency fields.


Scenario 4: Delete a Pricing Scale Line


Prerequisite: Download an existing info record which already has scales maintained and where you intend on deleting an existing scale line.


Step 1: Mark the Deletion Indicator as “X” for the scale line which is intended to be deleted.

In the screenshot below, the second scale line with Scale Quantity “2350” is being marked for deletion.

Figure 13: Image of scale lines in the excel sheet with "Deletion Indicator" marked.

Step 2: Save the excel file and upload the excel to the app for applying the changes in the system.


Figure 14: Image of scale lines from downloaded excel sheet after upload is finished.



In Summary , we have now seen how the App Mass Changes to Purchasing Info Records can be used to easily create , edit and delete scales for Pricing data of the Purchasing Info Records.

 Hope this blog post will be resourceful for everyone. For more read , please also read through the other posts published for the same topic:

Offline Mass Update of Purchasing Info Records through Microsoft Excel | SAP Blogs

Offline Price Update for Purchasing Info Record via Microsoft Excel | SAP Blogs


All views expressed in this blogs are my own, it may also subject to change.