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Active Contributor

If you are encountering problems with the release strategy from your purchasing documents, you can find below a useful checklist, that might help you to find and solve any release strategy related issues. Please read also the note 365604.


1)    A release strategy is determined which was deleted in the past

Cause: error in transport

What to do?

Go into transaction CL24N and check if you find the same strategies which are defined in the customizing. If in CL24N there are more strategies than in the customizing (TA: OLME/Purchase Order (or Purchase Requisition)/Release Strategy/Define Release Strategy), then you should delete these entries in CL24N.


Please read the note 365603 point 2e).


2)    The wrong release strategy is determined

What to do?

Go into transaction CL30N and enter the values of the document. If you get more than one result, please check in the customizing if the strategies in the customizing are overlapped.

For example you have as characteristic the net value and you have the following intervals defined in your strategies:

Nvalue < 1000 eur

Nvalue < 2000 eur


0 < Nvalue <500

500 < Nvalue <1000

As you can see the intervals are not well defined and should look like:

0 < Nvalue ≤ 1000 eur

1000 < Nvalue ≤ 2000 eur


0 < Nvalue ≤500

500 ≤ Nvalue <1000


3)    No release strategy is determined

What to do?

Go into transaction CL30N and enter the values of the document.


  • a) If you get more than one result, please check the customizing if the there is a release strategy that matches the values of the document.
  • b) If you get only one result, it shows that the customizing was defined correctly.

b.1) Then please check if the user exit contains the line E_CEBAN = I_CEBAN (for requisitions) or E_CEKKO = I_CEKKO (for purchase orders).

b.2) In the case you have overall release strategy for requisitions, please check also if the "overall release flag" is set for the document type (TA OLME/Define Document Type)


b.3) Check in the customizing if the characteristics were entered in the internal format (e.g. the cost center must have 10 characters with leading zeros). For this see also the note 365604 point 2b.


4)  No release strategy is determined in the case of overall release strategy.

What to do?

Do all items match the characteristics?. If for example you use the material group as characteristic, you must define a blank entry for this characteristic (see also note 365604 point 1a).

0 Kudos

This was a very informative blog, could you please also share, why does SAP restrict from using more than one class, say for eg, in P.O release strategy.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Shailesh,
Thanks for your nice comment!.
It is a technical limitation, there´s no business reason behind.

Best Regards,
Arminda Jack
0 Kudos
Hi Arminda,

Is there a way, by which any text changes can call for a re release? Say for example change in terms and conditions, or say material description, a question on this at the forums made me think.

Can this be done through standard setup. Went through all your posts, but couldn't find one relevant to this.

Former Member
0 Kudos
What is the best way to maintain the class in multiple Development clients? We have 3 and I entered it in our configuration client DEV100. When I tried to create it in our sandbox DEV400 environment I got an error message saying it was in use but it did not exist in that client.

I used a different name for the class in the sandbox DEV400 and assigned the characteristic. I then assigned the class to the release group. When I set up the strategy and went in to the classification piece to select the characteristic value (document type) it had a characteristic above document type that was just a blank space and said "no entry".

Why does SAP think there is another characteristic when there is not one?
Former Member
0 Kudos
I configured release strategy of PR for Overall Release with characteristics CEBAN_werks & CEBAN_ekgrp with two check boxes ( doc type & rel group in procedure with classification ) have been activated.

But i am not getting release strategy tab at PR header level.

If i am removing overall release tick from rel group under set-up procedure with classification it is working fine at item level.

What i am missing in config? FYI, i am using IS-RETAIL.
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Arul,
You should check for the document type is you have not checked the "overall flag". If you are not able to see this field in the document type customzing, then you should check in the table adminstration, to be able to add this field.

Best Regards,
Arminda Jack
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Arminda,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

I checked as you said.

I activated Overall Release at Document type level and Release Group level ( both check boxes - ticked ).

FYI, i am getting release strategy tab at item level if i am removing tick from Release Group.

Problem here is that i am not getting release strategy tab at header level after activating tick in Release Group.

Even i checked tables T16FG,T16FV,T16FK,T16FS & program SAPLMERELVI, function group MERELVI & screen 1100, 1101 & 1102.

Still, i am unable to fix the BUG.

FYI, i am using IS-Retail ECC 6.0 EHP 4

Kind Regards,
Arul Murugan
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Arul,
You said that you use as characteristics:
CEBAN_werks & CEBAN_ekgrp

in the overall release, if you have for each line different values in plant and purchasing group, the release strategy will not be found. So the only solution is to enter a blank value in the characteristic. You can read more about it in the note 365604 (2/d).

Best Regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Arminda,

Thx for your valuable input.

i am having mentioned characteristics (CEBAN_werks & CEBAN_ekgrp) without value assignment.

i maintained values in the release strategy.

FYI, i am keeping only one article in my single PR which will be having one SITE (CEBAN_werks) & one Pur Grp (CEBAN_ekgrp).

Still i am not getting release strategy tab at PR header Level.

Kind Regards,
Arul Murugan
Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Arul,
please check if you have the user exit active and if yes, please see if you have the line E_CEBAN = I_CEBAN (see again note 365604)

It it´s OK, then it is necessary that an expert has a look at your customizing. Please open a ticket at SAP.

Best Regards,
Former Member
0 Kudos
Hi Arminda,

thx a lot and will do that after debugging the scenario with the help of ABAPer.

Kind Regards,
Arul Murugan
0 Kudos
Dear Amanda,

I am facing an issue to release PO for user  ,Kindly advise if configuration done for release  strategy in production

0 Kudos
good evening Amanda nice document thumps up