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The purpose of this blog post is to explain most of the scenarios where message FF805 -
"Tax statement item missing for tax code &" is raised when trying to transfer a sales invoice to accounting.

Scenario 1

Tax code is assigned to pricing condition, but there is no tax condition assigned to the document.
As troubleshooting for this scenario, a breakpoint can be added into function module AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE via SE37.

Transfer can be started via VF02 or simulation report SAPFACC1.
For more information this report, read wiki page https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/x/zwDRGg.

When this breakpoint is reached, following columns can be analyzed for table XACCIT:
0000000020|0000001001 |PR00 |     |A4   |B                               |
0000000020|0000001002 |VPRS |     |     |B                               |
0000000020|0000000001 |     |     |     |                                |


As seen above, there is no tax line (TAXIT = 'X') with tax code 'A4'.

Therefore, message FF805 - "Tax statement item missing for tax code A4" is justified in this case.

We have to make sure that a valid tax condition gets determined with a condition basis and condition value in SD pricing.

More details can be checked in SAP note 0002444170.


Scenario 2

Tax condition assigned to the document item does not have either condition base value or condition value assigned.

The same approach of "Scenario 1" can be followed, i.e., a breakpoint can be added into function module AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE via SE37.

Transfer can be started via VF02 or simulation report SAPFACC1.

When this breakpoint is reached, following columns can be analyzed for tables XACCIT and XACCCR:
0000000020|0000001001   |PR00   |      |A4   |B    |       |000010       |
0000000020|0000001002   |MWST   |X     |A4   |D    |       |000010       |
0000000020|0000001003   |VPRS   |      |     |B    |X      |000010       |
0000000020|0000000001   |       |      |     |     |       |000000       |

POSNR                 WRBTR     FWBAS
0000001001           |    0.28-|                                    0.00 |
0000001002           |    0.00 |                                    0.00 | <-----
0000001003           | 6000.00-|                                    0.00 |
0000000001           |    0.28 |                                    0.00 |

When checking item 10 (POSNR_SD = '10'), we can see that we have tax condition MWST, which have tax code A4.
For that, we have corresponding revenue line condition PR00.
However, for tax condition MWST, there is no condition base or condition value (according to table XACCCR, fields WRBTR and FWBAS).

This is explained in SAP note 0001469906, mainly in the following part:

If a tax condition has base value (XKOMV-KAWRT field) and condition value zero (XKOMV-KWERT field) OR is inactivated OR is statistical, then it is not passed to FI.
Therefore, you must ensure that the tax condition determines a condition basis and value in SD pricing.
We recommend that you use condition basis formula '16'. For further information about value-related condition bases, please see consulting note 834174 .

Therefore, it is mandatory that tax condition has base value (XKOMV-KAWRT) and condition value (XKOMV-KWERT) different than zero.

Hence, in this case, message FF805 - "Tax statement item missing for tax code A4" is also justified.


Scenario 3

FF805 is being raised for a tax condition that is not configured as tax jurisdiction condition.
This occurs when the sales process involves a company code that is relevant for tax jurisdiction, but tax conditions are not configured as tax jurisdictions ones.

The same approaches of "Scenario 1" and "Scenario 2" can be followed by setting a breakpoint in function module AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE via SE37.

Then, transfer can be started via VF02 or simulation report SAPFACC1.

Message FF805 will be raised in the following code:

LOOP AT t_taxcodes. "N1071046
CHECK t_taxcodes-counts = 0 "N1071046
OR t_taxcodes-counth = 0 "N1071046
OR t_taxcodes-amounts NE t_taxcodes-amounth. "N1071046
* Zero Values --> no BSET entry created "N1104111
check ( t_taxcodes-amounts ne 0 or "N1104111
t_taxcodes-amounth ne 0 ). "N1104111
LOOP AT t_bset WHERE mwskz = t_taxcodes-mwskz
AND txjdp = t_taxcodes-txjcd.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
MESSAGE e805 WITH t_taxcodes-mwskz RAISING mwskz_not_found.


This usually occurs because field T_BSET[]-TXJDP is empty for invoice item, whereas T_TAXCODES[1]-TXJCD as well as T_TAXCODES[1]-MWSKZ are filled.

T_BSET[]-TXJDP is filled in the code mentioned in blog post https://blogs.sap.com/2013/09/03/debugging-tips-error-message-ff793-syst-tax-jurisdiction-code-at-lo..., more specifically in form ACCOUNTING_TAX_LINE of include LV60BF00.

In order to avoid that, tax conditions have to be configured as tax jurisdiction conditions.

This will occur when working with MWST condition, that has "condition category" as "D" and it is not a tax jurisdiction condition, therefore it is not able to determine the TXJDP.

In standard, pricing procedure RVAJUS contains trigger condition UTXJ and tax jurisdiction conditions JR1...4.

In case an external tax system is used, standard procedure RVAXUS is available, where trigger condition UTXJ is available and tax jurisdiction conditions XR1...4.

More information can be found in wiki page https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/x/awWIFQ.

Hence, in this case, FF805 is justified as well.
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