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This blog post is about the Liquidity Item Assignment in S4HANA Cash Management. It explains how the Liquidity Item is assigned for Sales Order, Material Management, Finance and Treasury in the table FQM_FLOW.

1) For Sales Order documents you can define query, query sequence and assign them to company codes with origin 'X' using the below IMG nodes:

SPRO->Financial Supply Chain Management -> Cash Management -> Liquidity Items -> Define Liquidity Item Derivation Settings for Company Code.


2) For MM define query and query sequence. After that you have to assign the Query Sequence in transaction FCLM_FB_UTIL in "Query Sequence for MM" and generate the loading class. The same Query Sequence should be defined in all the systems (like, Test, Dev) where you want to assign the Liquidity Item. Liquidity Item is updated by the report FCLM_FLOW_BUILDER.

Also please refer KBA: 2354048 - Information Note for MM Flow Builder: Available Fields in Query Sequence

Note: When adding the condition for the Query ID, do not add more than 8 conditions for any field. For large group of data, you can use the ‘Select Range’ option.

3) FI: 

a) For FI Liquidity Item assignment to table BSEG: The logic can be checked in the report FCLM_UPDATE_LQITEM.

    • For accounting documents (in database table BSEG), if liquidity items can be determined by G/L accounts, you can use the "Define Default Liquidity Items for G/L Accounts"(FLQINFACC) activity to define the derivation rules.

    • You can also define query/query sequence to override the FLQINFACC setting as per requirement. Evaluation of vendor and customer line items in payment documents query (category C) and for expense and revenue line items in invoices query (category D).


    • You should always specify the Origin as D or C when defining queries and query sequences for accounting documents.
        • Origin C applies to line items with account type D (customer) or K (supplier).

        • Origin D applies to line items with account types other than D (customer) or K (supplier).
    • If Exit (Derivation Function) has been maintained for Origin type C or D, then the priority will be given to exit then to query sequence.

So, the priority here works like: Exit -> Query -> FLQINFACC.


• If Exit function is maintained in this SPRO ->Liquidity Items->Define Liquidity Item Derivation Settings for Company Code, then Query Sequence will not be considered. If Exit is not maintained, it will look for Query Sequence. Priority will be given to the Exit (derivation function).

• If liquidity item is not assigned by either query sequence or Exit, then FLQINFACC setting will be checked.

b) Liquidity Item assignment from table BSEG to table FQM_FLOW: Liquidity Item is updated by the report FCLM_FLOW_BUILDER.

    • Liquidity item is determined among the items on the chain, mainly by flow level (FQFTYPE in BSEG).
    • If the Liquidity Item is maintained in FLQINFACC for the G/L account and the 'Further' flag is checked, then it discards the chain trace and assigns the Liquidity Item from FLQINFACC to table FQM_FLOW.


    • If in FLQINFACC, ‘Further’ is checked, priority will be given to this setting while updating the Liquidity Item to table FQM_FLOW.
    • Since OP2020, the BSEG-LQITEM derivation logic has been changed a little bit. Exit Function and Query Sequence (Info account) can only be chosen one of both, not evaluated in sequence.

4) For Treasury document define query, query sequence and assign them to company codes with origin 'X' using the IMG nodes: SPRO-> Financial Supply Chain Management-> Cash Management-> Liquidity Items-> “Define Liquidity Item Derivation Settings for Company Code". You can also use BADI BADI_FQM_DERIVE_LQITEM_TRM method DERIVE to derive the liquidity item.

Please refer the Note  2580031 - FAQ : Liquidity item assignment into one Exposure( FQM_FLOW ) in S4 Hana Cash management


SPRO path for the liquidity item configuration:

Query/Origin types supported in S4HANA for Liquidity Item assignment are C, D and X.

SPRO path

Transactions used in S/4 HANA for Liquidity Item:

TcodeSPRO NameTable
FLQQA1(step 4)Define Queries for Liquidity Item Derivation


FLQC15(step 3)Define Query Sequences 
FLQQA5(step 2)Assign Queries to Query Sequences 
FLQC0(step 1)Define Liquidity Item Derivation Settings for Company CodesFCLM_LQF_DERPARA
FLQINFACCDefine Default Liquidity Items for G/L Accounts


FLQC1(all LI seen here)Edit Liquidity Items 



  • As liquidity item assignment depends on Flow Types when assigned from table BSEG to FQM_FLOW it is important to know that any change in the flow type will also impact the assignment of liquidity item. SAP pre-defines a set of flow types. So, if there is not any specific business requirement, we do not need to change the standard flow types.


I believe this blog post will clear some of the common doubts about the Liquidity Item update in the table FQM_FLOW. Please feel free to comment your suggestions, feedback or questions and follow for future posts.