In this blog post, I would like to introduce you to the important things that you have to know for using key user extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition. Here, I will also compare to a limited extent the features of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition. SAP has recently made SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition available to customers. In April 2020, SAP enhanced SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition by delivering business content and updated services as part of the subscription.
Main content:
In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition, at any given point of time, SAP provides two systems (sandbox and quality systems) or (quality and production systems) and development system is not provided in SAP S/4HANA Cloud essentials edition. In quality system of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition, SAP provides only one client where both configuration activities and testing activities are performed in the same client. Whereas in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition, SAP provides development system based on the system landscape requested by customer. Within the development system of SAP S/4HANA cloud, extended edition, SAP provides one configuration client and one test client.
With respect to key user extensibility, depending on the type of extension you are performing, you may have to perform client independent and client dependent changes. In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition, with respect to key user extensibility, it is recommended to perform both client independent and client dependent changes in configuration client of dev system. For example, in key user extensibility, screen changes like adding a new custom field to a screen is a client dependent change and hence it is to be performed in configuration client of dev system and then it is to be transported to test client of dev system and then it must also be transported to quality system. After moving the changes to test client, all the unit testing activities on extensibility will be performed in test client.
In S/4HANA cloud, extended edition, Fiori Apps: ‘Configure software Packages’, and ‘Register Extensions for Transport’ play a very important role.
To use the key user extensibility in SAP S/4HANA cloud, extended edition, Adaption transport Organiser must be set up and the key user extensibility apps must be available to users.
1. Adaption Transport Organizer (ATO) must be setup in configuration client. To check if the ATO is setup or not, please refer to the instructions mentioned in SAP Note: 2283716. ATO must be setup in configuration client.
2. Check if the Fiori App: 'Custom fields and logic' is available on Fiori App launchpad. If it is not available, it means that the key user extensibility apps are not assigned to business roles. In order to make these apps available on Fiori launchpad, follow the below steps. There are multiple ways of achieving this and here I have mentioned the simple one.
a. Create a new business role using transaction PFCG.
b. To this new role, assign SAP Fiori tile catalog catalog:
SAP_BASIS_BC_EXT and SAP_BASIS_TCR_T and save newly created role.
c. Assign this newly created business role to your user-id and Save.
d. After following the above steps, you must be able to access the Fiori App 'Custom fields and logic'. Click on this Fiori app and check if it opens up.
e. If this Fiori app is not loading, enable the service responsible for that Fiori app in transaction code: /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE.
f. With this, you will be able to access key user extensibility Fiori apps.
3. In S/4HANA cloud, extended edition, you have to use Fiori Apps:‘Configure software Packages’, and ‘Register Extensions for Transport’ and their purpose is mentioned below.

Fiori Apps:
4. Fiori App: Configure software Packages: This is used to register a development package. In the Fiori App, use the 'Add Registration’ option to select the package. Available packages will be shown as shown in below screenshot.

Configure Software Package
Package must be registered to transport request using the value help available under column ‘Transport Request’.

5. Fiori app: ‘Register Extensions for Transport’ is used to move custom objects to package and assign TR. All the custom extensions should be registered to a TR using the fiori app: “Register Extensions for Transport”. Select the item and use the option ‘Assign to Transport Request’ as shown in below screenshot.

6. While doing the extensions using the key user extensibility, it is very very important that you must have cloud mindset and follow the cloud golden rules. Golden rules are mentioned in blog post available in below link:
Further Information:
Latest information on SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition and extensibility in SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition can be found in SAP Notes:
2921887 – Enterprise management layer for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition
2920697 – Extensibility Guide for SAP S/4HANA Cloud, extended edition