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The “Sales Volume – Flexible Analysis” app helps you to understand your sales volume on lots of KPIs, such as sales volume, cancellations, profit margin and so on.

In this blog I’d like to explain the meaning of cancellations and why cancellation documents are not shown in this app, and how to build analytical apps base on CDS view I_BillingDocumentItem if you want to analyze cancellation documents together with canceled documents.

Note: A cancellation document is created for each billing document canceled. A billing type that can be canceled (for example, the F2 invoice) has a corresponding cancellation billing type (for example, the S1 invoice cancellation) assigned to it.

Key measures

  • Net Value

The total net value of items in billing documents

  • Sales volume

The total invoiced sales achieved during a specified period. This is based on invoice items or debit memo items (debits) that have not been canceled

  • Sales Volume Qty

The total quantity of invoice items or debit memo items (debits) that have not been canceled

  • Cancellations

Canceled sales volume. Cancellation documents are not considered at all

  • Profit Margin

Sales volume minus net sales cost

  • Credit Memos

Net value of items in credit memos. This is based on credit memos that have not been canceled

  • Credit Memo Profit Margin

Credit memos minus net sales cost

  • Net Sales Volume

Sales volume minus credit memos

  • Net Profit Margin

Profit margin minus credit memo profit margin

  • Net Sales Cost

Net sales volume minus net profit margin

(Sales volume - Credit memos - Profit margin - Credit memo profit margin)

In the above KPIs, sales volume, cancellations and credit memos are more important, and others KPIs are calculated based on them.

Why are cancellation documents not considered in sales volume?

Cancellations calculate the value of cancellation documents and are not counted as sales volume in the “Sales Volume – Flexible Analysis” app. Since a cancellation document is like a mirror of the canceled document and the two documents have the same value, there’s no need to count cancellation documents as sales volume (Otherwise, the value would be counted twice in sales volume). Also, the total net value does not include cancellation documents.

Note: When a billing document was canceled, the sales volume of its cancellation document is zero (only the value of the canceled document counted as sales volume).

For example, billing document 90011016 was canceled by 90011017. The cancellation document 90011017 does not show in “Sales Volume – Flexible Analysis” app.

How to show canceled documents and cancellation documents in custom query?

You can create custom CDS views using I_BillingDocumentItem as primary data source.

  • To show cancellation documents, set the SDDocumentCategory filter to “N”.

  • To show canceled documents, set the BillingDocumentIsCancelled filter to “X”.


For information about how to build custom analytical queries, refer to the following blogs:

How to create analytical query from custom CDS view

How to build a Custom Analytical Query