Integration of SAP Customer Checkout Manager with ...
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SAP Customer Checkout is a powerful point-of-sales (POS) solution. One of the strengths of the solution is the real-time integration with your ERP system for real-time stock overview, live sales updates and more.
If you are using SAPs S/4HANA Public Cloud solution with Retail functionality enabled, SAP Customer Checkout provides out-of the box integration for:
Article synchronisation (including pricelist updates) from S/4HANA Retail to SAP Customer Checkout
Customer synchronisation from S/4HANA Retail to SAP Customer Checkout
Live-Update of Sales and financial data from SAP Customer Checkout to S/4HANA Retail
Live Stock Overview in SAP Customer Checkout
This blog post describes the steps that have to be performed in SAP Customer Checkout and SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail to activate the integration.
The blog post is divided into the following steps:
Basic Setup
Inbound Services SAP Customer Checkout
Outbound Services S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail
Inbound Service S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail
Outbound Services SAP Customer Checkout
A few prerequisites have to be fulfilled for the integration:
Obviously an S/4HANA Public Cloud Subscription including Retailfunctionality is required (The integration is also possible with S/4HANA private cloud/on-premise, however this article just describes the public cloud integration)
SAP Customer Checkout Manager (SAP Customer Checkout Manager) has to be installed ideally with FP16 or above (FP14 and above are possible as well, but might be limited in functionality) and has to be reachable through internet . This can be achieved either with a cloud deployment (available from SAP Partners) or by exposing Customer Checkout Manager SOAP-API to the internet (access may be restricted e.g. to SAP Cloud IP-Ranges).
S/4HANA Public Cloud communication is only possible via SSL, i.e. SAP Customer Checkout Managers Tomcat Server has to be configured for SSL/HTTPS.
Basic Setup
Before the integration scenarios can be configured and activated a few basic steps have to be performed (Please also have a look at this blog for some more details.
Communication User in SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Navigate to Users app of Customer Checkout Manager and add a new user. Fill in all required fields and make sure to select Technical user.
Either select a predefined role or choose application permissions manually.
Communication System in SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Continue with setting up a communication system with a destination to reach the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
Navigate to Communication systems app and add a new communication system. Select Communication scenario “SAP S/4HANA” and provide a name. Make sure to set status to Active.
Navigate to Destinations tab and add a new destination. Make sure to maintain all necessary data. After successful creation you can check the connection.
Maintain Destination in SAP Customer Checkout Manager Communication System
Communication Arrangement in SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Continue with setting up a communication arrangement for your communication system.
Navigate to Communication arrangements app and add a new communication arrangement. Select your previously created Communication system.
Navigate to Configuration tab and add your previously create technical integration user.
Organizational Unit in SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Continue with setting up the plant id for accounting purposes.
Navigate to Organizational units app and add a new POS group.
Make sure to add the corresponding plant id from SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the Details of the organizational unit.
Integration Settings in SAP Customer Checkout (POS)
Navigate to the Configuration screen, go to the Integration tab and select the SAP Customer Checkout Manager.
Enable central customer, article, price list and receipt management functionality in your POS system.
Communication User in S/4HANA Public Cloud
Navigate to the Maintain Communication User App and create a communication user for the inbound communication in S/4HANA Public Cloud.
Communication System in in S/4HANA Public Cloud
Create a communication system for SAP Customer Checkout Manager in S/4HANA to reach the Customer Checkout Manager System.
Maintain Inbound User (the S/4HANA user you created before) and outbound user (the technical user created in SAP Customer Checkout Manager) of the communication system.
Inbound and Outbound Users in Communication System
Inbound Services SAP Customer Checkout
Typically customers (business partners) and articles are maintained in S/4HANA Public Cloud. These business objects can be replicated from S/4HANA to SAP Customer Checkout Manager. For that purpose, inbound SOAP services have to be activated in SAP Customer Checkout Manager.
Activate Inbound Services in SAP Customer Checkout Manager Communication Arrangement
Navigate to Communication arrangements app and select your previously created communication system.
Navigate to Inbound services tab and select BusinessPartnerSuiteBulkReplicateRequest entry. Set status to Active and save your changes. There is no further configuration for Business Partners
Inbound service for Business Partner Replication
Navigate to Inbound services tab and select ProductMerchandiseViewReplicationBulk entry. Set status to Active and save your changes.
Navigate to Configuration tab and change settings according to your needs.
Inbound Service configuration for Article replication
Enter the following URL in your browser: https://<URL>/<PATH>/soap where <URL> is the host of your SAP Customer Checkout Manager installation and <PATH> the path of your installation (typically /ccos).
The endpoint and WSDL paths of your activated inbound SOAP services are displayed. You'll need these paths later in the outbound configuration in S/4HANA.
Outbound Services S/4HANA Public Cloud
Create Communication Arrangement for Business Partner Replication in S/4HANA
Navigate to the communication arrangement App and create a new communication arrangement for scenario SAP_COM_0008 - Business Partner, Customer and Supplier Integration.
Find the Business Partner from S4HANA Cloud to Client outbound service, activate it and maintain the necessary data, particularly the endpoint from SAP Customer Checkout Manager.
Business Partner Outbound configuration
Create Communication Arrangement for Article Replication in S/4HANA
Create another communication arrangement for scenario SAP_COM_0640 - Retail Merchandise Management - Point of sale Master data Integration.
Article Replication Outbound configuration
Define Filter Criteria for Data Replication in S/4HANA
Navigate to the Define Filter Criteria App in S/4HANA. Find the replication model you entered in the S/4HANA communication arrangement in the previous steps. You may define filter criteria for both, business partner replication and article replication.
Click the edit button on top right, then navigate to the main filter criteria
You can now add or edit criteria to filter the data that should be replicated to SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Execute Replication in S/4HANA
Navigate to Data Replication by Replication Model. Select your replication model and click Replicate to start the replication.
Monitor Replication in S/4HANA
Navigate to Monitor Replication App and select your replication model.
If your replication was not successful, the log helps you to analyze replication issues.
Verify Replication in SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Navigate to Master DataResults App in SAP Customer Checkout Manager. Select the Material or Business Partner Tab, depending on the result you want to check.
An overview of the processed master data replication calls is shown. If you navigate into the details additional information on the process master data objects is shown
Inbound Service S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail
Create Communication Arrangement for Sales- and Financial Transactions in S/4HANA Public Cloud
Navigate to the Communication Arrangements App and create a new communication arrangement for scenario ID SAP_COM_0652 - Retail Merchandise Management - Point Of Sale Transaction Data Integration.
Create Communication Arrangement for Stock Overview in S/4HANA Public Cloud
In similar way create a communication arrangement for Scenario ID: SAP_COM_0164 - Scenario: Material Stock Integration.
Outbound Services SAP Customer Checkout
Finally activate Outbound Services in SAP Customer Checkout Manager. Navigate to Communication arrangements app and select the communication system you created in the first step. Select the Outbound Service tab.
Outbound service definition Financial transaction (SOAP)
Financial transactions are typically day-end-closings and cash-in/cash-out. These are replicated to S/4HANA public cloud via the Financial transaction SOAP service.
Activate the service.
On the configuration tab you may select if financial transactions should be replicated to S/4 Public Cloud as soon as they are created in SAP Customer Checkout Manager, or if they should be collected and sent via a scheduled job.
Make sure to adjust the field mappings as required for your specific setup.
Outbound service definition Sales transaction (SOAP)
Financial transactions are typically day-end-closings and cash-in/cash-out. These are replicated to S/4HANA public cloud via the Financial transaction SOAP service.
Activate the service.
On the configuration tab you may select if financial transactions should be replicated to S/4 Public Cloud as soon as they are created in SAP Customer Checkout Manager, or if they should be collected and sent via a scheduled job. Additional configuration settings are available to define in detail how to deal with discounts, prices and taxes.
Make sure to adjust the field mappings as required for your specific setup.
Plant ID in Organizational Model
In the organizational model the plant id(s) of the corresponding store(s) have to be maintained in the organizational model. Navigate to the Organizational Structure App in SAP Customer Checkout Manager.
Maintain the plant ID for each POS Group:
Payment Card Types
Navigate to the Payment Card Types App in SAP Customer Checkout Manager and maintain the
Outbound service definition Stock Overview
The stock overview service doesn't have any further configuration settings or mappings. Just activate it.
Make sure that all relevant stock locations from which you want to be able to check stock levels are maintained in each SAP Customer Checkout POS system:
You have completed all configuration steps and you are now able to:
Replicate Master Data from S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail to SAP Customer Checkout Manager
Replicate Financial and Sales Transactions from SAP Customer Checkout Manager to S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail
Check realtime stock levels in SAP Customer Checkout from S/4HANA Public Cloud Retail.