Hi folks,
I'd like to share with you steps that you may use in your test ME system in case you need to redeploy VMJDBC driver:
- Login to NW textconsole.
- Run command "add dbpool" - this will add more commands to console.
- Run command "REMOVE_DATA_SOURCE VMJDBC". If NW says it cannot remove driver because it is not deployed - it is OK
- Run command "DEPLOY_JDBC_DRIVER VMJDBC <PATH TO SQLJDBC.jar>/sqljdbcX.jar" [the name\version of the file must be according to the installation guide]
- After it is deployed restart NW.
- Go to NWA.
- Open Configuration Management.
- Open Infrastructure.
- Open Application Resources.
- Find "VMJDBC" record and select it.
- Look at Settings parameter "Filename" - it should end with "sqljdbcX.jar" [should end with the name of the file from step 4]
In case of production system, please, follow strictly the installation guide, upgrade guide and correction Notes. Do not play with your production as I do sometimes with my test system :smile:
Br, Alex.