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When purchase order is created, purchase order output will trigger automatically based on output parameter determination setting. If we do any changes in purchase order, then whether new output will trigger or not, it will depend on if change is relevant for output. To make field relevant to trigger new output on purchase order change, we define field under SCCUI “Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change (102272)” and change text under the SSCUI: "Define Change Texts (102271)".

  • Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change

    Steps to configure:
    1. Log in as a Configuration user in your system and open SCCUI with below details.
      Application Area: Sourcing and Procurement
      Sub Application Area: General Settings
      Item name: Output Control


    2. Click on configure button in step name “Fields Relevant to Printouts of Changes”.


    3. Select the checkbox in column P to mark the field as relevant to a printout in case the purchase order is changed.

      Example: To trigger output on quantity change of item change


    4. Maintain the change text that is to be used in the print output.


      Note: Change is defined in SCCUI: Define Change Texts (102271)

    5. To add additional fields such as custom field, choose New Entries and fill in the required fields.


    6. Output triggered after quantity change in purchase order with below change text details:



      • Output will be triggered on print relevant field change only if purchase doesn’t contain any unprocessed output.
      • If changed text is not maintained, then in this case it will display Text object-field name.



      • If header/item text will change then it will trigger output, it will define in SCCUI “Define Texts for Purchase Order”.
      • If same sequence is maintained for different texts in SSCUI “Define Texts for Purchase Order” and changes is not done for first in purchase order, then in that case output will not be triggered.
      SAP Note & KBA: 
      • No change output is generated for PO change using S/4HANA Output Control: 2693734.
      • How print relevant change fields working with S/4HANA Output Control (ak.a BRF+) in S/4Hana for purchasing documents?: 2693485



  • Define Change Texts

    When you change any field value such as net amount, quantity etc in purchase order and field is print relevant then new purchase order output (based on setting done is SSCUI: Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change -102272). To display text related to changes, define text in SSCUI: Define Change Texts (102271) and created change text will be assigned in SSCUI “Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change -102272” under field.

    Steps to Configure:

    1. Log in as a Configuration user in your system and open SCCUI with below details.

      Application Area: Sourcing and Procurement
      Sub Application Area: General Settings
      Item Name: Output Control



    2. Click on configure button in step name “Fields Relevant to Printouts of Changes” under configuration Steps:



    3. Click on New Entries button, fill the details in field and save the changes to add new text (or) you can use existing to display changes text.


    4. Open SCCUI: Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change (102272) to assign text number for print relevant field.



    5. Change quantity in purchase order item to see changed text in new triggered output.



Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why is the output generating even though all the fields in SSCUI- Fields Relevant to Printouts of Change are disabled/unchecked?
Ans: Please note that using this SSCUI, it is possible to restrict the triggering of Output wrt. changes in certain fields at purchase order header and item. But there are other fields say header text, item texts etc., that will generate output implicitly on change of such fields.

Q2. Why is the output generated when there is a change in Purchase Order Header or Item text?Ans: In SSCUI 102270, the header text type F01 has an entry for create and change (field druvo). So, in all cases if you use this text type it will trigger a change message. for more details refer 3154328

Q3. Why is the Output not generated when there is a change in text for a custom document type?Ans: In the SSCUI 102270 - 'Define Texts for Purchase Order', it is not possible to maintain entries with operation type 2(change). But for document type NB, these entries are shipped. Therefore, for NB document type, the change output will be generated but custom document type will not.

Q4. Why is the output form shows table-field name combo instead of change text?
Ans: In the SSCUI 102272 - Fields Relevant to Printouts of Changes, if the text number is not available in the required language (form template language), then it will be shown as table-field name combo(EKPO-MENGE as shown below). So, please maintain the change text in corresponding language and try again.





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Many thanks for the information!

If the processing of PURCHASE_ORDER is set to "Immediately", the output with the change is also sent immediately. 

Is there a possibility to adjust the time of the change output? If change output, then to "Scheduled" so that you can view the output beforehand and discard it if necessary?


0 Kudos
  1. To view the output beforehand, i.e. even before the save of purchase order, please use the Preview functionality available in Purchase Order. For more details on the preview feature, please check the KBA 3358605 and 3360340
  2. If you need the output to be generated and scheduled, please follow the below steps.
    • Create a custom field at purchase order header
    • Fill the above created custom field with a value (to identify it as a change)
    • In Output Parameter Determination, please adjust the configuration step with the above created custom field as a filter condition and set the Dispatch time to "Scheduled". For more information, refer to Adding a New Column to a Decision Table

        Whenever an output is generated, this field is considered to pick the dispatch time of the output generated.