In SAP S/4HANA Cloud asset accountants use the Asset History Sheet to show value changes to the fixed asset balances in a fiscal year for a depreciation area.
Some time ago SAP provided the option to add a WBS Element instead of a Cost Center to Fixed Assets as an Account Assignment Object. This WBS Element can be maintained time-dependent in the app 'Manage Fixed Assets'.

So far, the Asset History Sheet does not support these WBS Elements. The detailed requirement is described in the Customer Influence Portal
Request-ID 273655.
This blog post explains how key users can use the apps Custom CDS Views and Custom Analytical Queries to build a new Asset History Sheet, that supports the WBS Element of the time-dependent data.
- Create the ‘Fixed Asset Assignment WBS CDS’
- Create the ‘Asset History Sheet CDS’
- Create the ‘Asset History Sheet Query’
- Conclusion

1. Create the 'Fixed Asset Assignment WBS CDS'
Use the app Custom CDS Views and create a new Custom CDS View. The type must be 'Standard CDS View'.
- YY1 = Namespace for custom objects
- FAA = Fixed Asset Assignment (Time-Dependent Data)
- WBS = Work Breakdown Structure
- CDS = Core Data Service
Primary Data Source: I_FixedAssetAssgmt
- Here, the time-dependent data of the assets can be found.
Associated Data Source: I_WBSElementBasicData
- Because only the internal ID of the WBS element is in the primary data source, the user must associate to the master data of the WBS element to get the external ID from there.
Join Condition: Zero or One [0..1]
- I_WBSElementBasicData WBSElementInternalID = I_FixedAssetAssgmt.WBSElementInternalID
- Name: P_KeyDate
- Data type: DATS (8)
- Label: Key Date
- Default Type = System Default
- Value = System Date
- All relevant fields of I_FixedAssetAssgmt
- WBSElementExternalID
- WBSDescription
- ValidityStartDate <= $parameters.P_KeyDate
- AND I_FixedAssetAssgmt.ValidityEndDate >= $parameters.P_KeyDate
The key date must be used for filtering because several time-dependent data is entered in the primary data source for each asset.
For example, 20000543-0 has two different intervals:

If the 'Key Date' parameter is '27.09.2022', the system automatically filters only to the currently valid data record.
2. Create the 'Asset History Sheet CDS'
Use the app Custom CDS Views and create a new Custom CDS View. The type must be 'Analytical Cube'.
- YY1 = Namespace for custom objects
- AHS = Asset History Sheet
- CDS = Core Data Service
Primary Data Source: I_AssetHistorySheetCube
- This is where the asset history sheet data is located.
Associated Data Source: YY1_FAA_WBS_CDS
- This contains the time-dependent data of the asset, including the WBS element.
Join Condition: Zero or One [0..1]
- CompanyCode = I_AssetHistorySheetCube.CompanyCode
- MasterFixedAsset = I_AssetHistorySheetCube.MasterFixedAsset
- FixedAsset = I_AssetHistorySheetCube.FixedAsset
- All relevant fields of I_AssetHistorySheetCube
- WBSElementExternalID
- WBSDescription
Filter: None
Parameter values for testing:
- (P_KeyDate) = gets the system date automatically (for example, ‘27.09.2022’)
- P_AssetAccountingKeyFigureSet = ‘AHS_PLAN’
- P_FiscalYear = ‘2022’
- P_FiscalPeriod = ‘009’
3. Create the 'Asset History Sheet Query'
Use the app Custom Analytical Queries and create a new query.
- YY1 = Namespace for custom objects
- AHS = Asset History Sheet
- QRY = Query
Primary Data Source: YY1_AHS_CDS
Field Selection:
Display Fields Row:
- AssetAccountDetermination
- AssetClass
Display Fields Column:
Display Fields Measure Structure:
- AmountInDisplayCurrency
- Quantity
Filters: The filters are defined as user input values so that the user can filter flexibly.
The following default values could be prefiltered:
(*) Mandatory:
- Key figure group = ‚AHS‘
- Fiscal Year = ‚2022‘
- Ledger Fiscal Period = ‚12‘
- Key date = relative:TODAY (current date)
- Valuation Area = ‚1‘
- cat./val. type = ‚10‘
- Company Code = ‚1001‘
- Ledger = ‚0L‘
4. Conclusion
With these three steps a new Asset History Sheet was built, that supports the WBS Element of the time-dependent data. This architecture can also be used for other asset related reports such as ‘Asset Balances’:

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