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In this blog post, I want to show how you can create a reprocessing rule for one-step postings of bank statement items and for the clearing of open items.  

The following screenshots are taken from an SAP S/4HANA Cloud 2202 system. However, this procedure is applicable for both SAP S/4HANA and SAP S/4HANA Cloud systems.  

Let’s imagine your company sent out two invoices to a customer. You can see the information of the open item in the Manage Customer Line Items app. 

In this example the company sent the following two invoices to the customer 10100009: 

  • Invoice INV202200085 for EUR 649.99 

  • Invoice INV202200006 for EUR 77.99 

Ideally, this customer should transfer EUR 727.98 to the company’s bank account and name the two references in the memo line. It is easier to clear the two invoices automatically than to clear them manually. This example describes how to clear the open items with a reprocessing rule that carries out one-step postings – that means, a reprocessing rule that can only post items to the posting area 1. 

You need to create the reprocessing rule in the Manage Bank Statement Reprocessing Rules app. When you have navigated to the app, select the Create button. 

Please enter the following data on the Reprocessing Rule tab: 

  • Description: Enter a descriptive name to easily identify and recognize the rule  

  • Journal Entry Type: Select the journal entry for the posting, this example uses “DZ – Customer Payment” 

  • Rule for: Incoming Payment 

  • Action Type: Clear in Sequence 


Please make sure that the rule will be found by the bank statement item by entering conditions that apply to the bank statement items: 


In the Clear in Sequence tab, select the 0010 processing instructions, which makes the system look for business partner payments: 


Save the rule by clicking on the Create button.  

Now, the rule can be applied manually in the Reprocess Bank Statement Items app. But for our example, we want to automate it so it applies already during the import of the bank statements. For this, click on the Automate Rule button. 

Note: To automate reprocessing rules, you need to have purchased the license for Advanced Bank Statement Automation (4X8). For further information, please contact your SAP Account Executive. 

Select the 001 (One-Step Posting) procedure type in the pop-up dialog and confirm it by clicking on the Automate Rule button. 


Note: The journal entry type is defaulted by the value you have entered on the rule already. The two subaccount fields are only needed for two-step postings.  

Once the rule has been activated, the system will apply it for the next incoming bank statements. To check if a bank statement item was processed by the rule, go to the Reprocess Bank Statement Items app. 


Now, you have seen how easy it is to create a reprocessing rule and to automate it so that the rule runs in the background and processes your bank statement items. I hope that this example helps you to work with reprocessing rule.

Go on! Log on to your system, open the Manage Bank Statement Reprocessing Rules app, and start creating your own rules! 

For more information on bank statement processing and reprocessing rules, have a look at the following Help Portal links: