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SAP Project and Resource Management  (f.k.a SAP S/4HANA Cloud for projects, project collaboration and SAP Project Intelligence Network)  is a cloud-based solution which offers functionalities to manage project execution and collaboration between internal and external project partners and project resource management capabilities. SAP Project and Resource Management  also provides APIs which can be used to integrate with other applications or to extend the core capabilities offered.

In this blog I'll explain how a processor can be assigned to a project task by using public APIs.

Business Partner vs. Project Membership

Before we dig into the APIs the difference between a business partner and a project membership have to be understood.

All users and companies which have been invited to a collaboration project are stored in the business partner repository. Once a user is invited to a project and the user accepts the invitation this user becomes a member of the project. The following picture depicts the structure.

Business Partner / Project Membership

Within collaboration projects (Project A, Project B) only the memberships are relevant. In each project users get a unique project specific membership UUID ("projectMembershipId"). If you have the need to handle users within a project the project membership UUID is the one which have to be used. Please consider if you read business objects via GET APIs the project membership ID is also returned attributes like

  • modifiedBy,
  • createdBy,
  • assignedByPersonId,
  • processorPersonId


To be able to use public APIs of SAP Project and Resource Management you have to setup service instances in your BTP account. More details can be found in the blog post How to consume public APIs.

Further prerequisites are

  • A collaboration project has to be available.
  • A task in the project has to be available.

Steps to assign a task processor (user) to a task

  1. Lookup the project membership UUID for users
  2. Assign the user as processor to a given task

1. Lookup the project membership UUID for users

Read all project members for a given project can be achieved by the following API call.

https://{{base-url}}/ProjectPartnerService/v1/odata/v2/Users?$filter=projectId eq 'project-uuid'
{{base-url}}Your url to the public API, which is defined in the API service instance
project-uuidUUID of the relevant collaboration project



<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<feed ...
        <content type="application/xml">
                <d:userRoleName>Project Manager</d:userRoleName>
                <d:lastName>User 1a</d:lastName>
        <content type="application/xml">
                <d:userRoleName m:null="true"/>
                <d:lastName>User 3a</d:lastName>


The project membership ID keeps the relevant person UUID for setting the processor (see step 2).


Read a specific project member, in case the email address of the person is known.
https://{{base-url}}/ProjectPartnerService/v1/odata/v2/Users?$filter=projectId eq '93856bf4-928c-4ef6-b87e-38ca2cc88f20' and emailAddress eq 'test.user.1a@sap.com'

More details about the Project Partner Service API can be found in the API documentation.

2. Assign the user as processor to the given task

Once the project membership ID of the user is available use this UUID to set the task processor by the following API call

{{base-url}}Your url to the public API, which is defined in the API service instance
task-uuidUUID of the relevant task

Request body (JSON)


    "processorPersonId": "1111111a-111a-111a-111a-1111aaa1a1a1"


The defined processorPersonId is the project membership ID from test.user.1a@sap.com (see step 1)
More details about the Project Partner Service API can be found in the API documentation.


    • You would have learnt to understand the differences between user in the business partner repository and a project member and how they are linked.
    • In addition you may have learned how to set a task processor by retrieving the project membership ID and setting this user as a processor for a project task.

I would like to encourage you to try it out and share your feedback/comments/questions in the comments section of the blog.

Also, for any general queries w.r.t project collaboration, please post your questions in our community
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