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Hello everyone,
Since April 1st, 2023, employees do not have the obligation to present a copy of their medical certificate of temporary incapacity to the company. In this post, you will learn more about how companies can download the FIE (INSS Empresa) file in order to correctly process the information about the course of an employee’s temporary incapacity on the system.
How to download the FIE file
The steps described in this blog post, were written based on this YouTube video.
The correct way of downloading of the FIE file with a format supported by Mensaje FIE (RPU_PADES_FIE) program is the Sistema de liquidación directa: download the FIE in SILTRA.
See the steps in the following section.
Downloading through SILTRA
In SILTRA, the access is authorized for the
main user of the
Sistema de liquidación directa and for
one secondary user (see more information about secondary users in the next section of this post).
To download the
FIE file in the
correct format, follow these steps:
- In SILTRA, select the Envio/recepción
- In the Envio de mensajes a la TGSS y recepción de respuestas, select the Recepción.
- Choose your certification and Aceptar to the user authentication.
- Choose the Buzones button to access the files list, that you can filter by subject.
- In the list, select the FIE file you want to download and choose Visualizar Respuesta.
- In the Visualización del fichero, you access the file detailed information. Select Guardar to download it.
See the example of a file generated in
Authorizing a Secondary User
If you are the
main user of
Autorización RED, you can authorize a
secondary user by following these steps:
- In the Seguridad Social web page, go to section A un click on the bottom of the page and select the link Acceso Sistema RED on-line.
- Choose your certification and Aceptar to the user authentication.
- In the Listado de Servicios Disponibles, Select the Gestión de autorizaciones.
- Select Consulta/Modificación delegación recepción comunicacones de oficio.
Now, you can manage the secondary user authorization.
Downloading through Servicio FIER RED Online
Important: this option is only for visualization!
Another way to download the file is through the
Servicio FIER RED Online. You have access to the information related to a period of maximum 15 days or 300 registers per file in the Excel format. The access is authorized for the main user and one secondary user in the Sistema RED Online.
However, the excel format is not supported by the system. But you can still use this option for a quick visualization check of the file and its information.
To download the FIE file, follow the steps:
- In the Seguridad Social web page, go to section A un click on the bottom of the page and select the link Sistema RED Online.
- Authenticate your identity with your certification and choose Aceptar.
- In the Listado de Servicios Disponibles window, select FIER – Consulta/Descarga de Fichero INSS Empresas.
- In the Búsqueda y generación del fichero FIE, select one of the two options: Empresas or Autónomos.
- Fill the form with the information according to the option selected and choose Buscar and Descargar. The file will be available at the top of the window, select it to download.
Now, you can access the FIE file in the Excel format for visualization only.
More information about FIE is compiled in these other posts:
HCM Nómina España: Cómo ejecutar el Mensaje FIE para un empleado
HCM Nómina España: Escenarios de utilización del Mensaje FIE
Best regards,
Ariel Dias and Gabriela Corazza