One Exposure is the central storage which targets to all actual and forecast operational business transactions, it plays a role as the single source of truth for all financial risks from operations. As Flow Builder is most important program to generate flows for One Exposure among all supported source application, because Flow Builder process the huge volume of Accounting documents.
In rare cases, Flow Builder may running into troubles. One common case is that, process a very complicated document chain within a limited memory available, and it normally happens in new document posting (Flow Builder running with Delta Run mode as background job). Flow Builder is a robust program to protect bring dirty entries into your system so that the job failed with detail error information. For those cases, you definitely need reproduce those entries again for an analysis.
Luckily, the job log can help us achieve that. And here comes the list you need do:
- Fetch the detail job log. Normally via SM37, you can easily figure out the failed entries for Flow Builder, via click the 'Job Log' button, you can see the full job log.
- In common case, the Flow Builder running with Delta Table only process a few entries (a few FI doc), you can easily to fetch out the original document which raised this issue.

Given that document key in the table, you can take a look about the document chain.
- In case there are tons of delta table, and it turns out that a local report will help you to perform that analysis. You can use the following code snippet to fetch all document keys:
CLIENT = SY-MANDT " Defaults to user's client.
JOBLOG_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 01 " Log already deleted
JOBLOG_IS_EMPTY = 02 " Job has just started. If exception recurs, there is probably a system problem.
NO_JOBLOG_THERE_YET = 03 " Job not yet started.
NO_SHOW_PRIVILEGE_GIVEN = 04 " Calling user does not have display privileges for the requested job.
OTHERS = 99. " System errors
The Job number can be fetched in SM37 via 'Job Detail' button.
Now you have an internal table storing all document keys (you need filter out unrelevant information string).
- [For release 1709 and earlier release]The loading class which used by Flow Builder provided a method GET_REL_DOC_ALL which can be used to fetch all document chains:

- [For release 1809 and higher] We provided a class CL_FCLM_FB_TOOLS which ships a method GET_REL_DOCS_ALL to achieve same target as step 4.
Hope the information above helps.