Like old Flow Builder, Flow Builder Plus also offer the flexibility to bring customer logic in.
I had written a post for old Flow Builder: '
Flow Builder: Using exit to fetch HBKID/HKTID for Accounting Documents missed those information' which target to fulfill house bank/house bank account in flows for those accounting documents missing such information.
This post, like the old one which I wrote, will do the same. It will also update final flows for fetching house bank/house bank accounting from GL master data if the flows without bank account.
In old Flow Builder, the customer need create their own AMDP based class, and re-generate loading class for Flow Builder before the logic could be used.
In Flow Builder Plus, the whole process is simplified. What you need to do is, implement a BAdI implementation. And Flow Builder Plus support two BAdI with its initial release:
- FCLM_FB2_EXT. This new BAdI consists of five methods for customer to control the Flow Builder Plus chain tracing logic. This post won't cover that part.
- BADI_FQM_FLOW_ADJUST_CORE. This BAdI isn't new to SAP Cash management user as it has been used for other source applications already, like SD, BS, TRM, etc.
- ADJUST_FLOW. The only method in this BAdI interface which will be called before the flows are saved to database. This method takes only one CHANGING parameter CT_FLOWS.
New steps for Flow Builder Plus are:
- Step 1. Create a new implementation for BAdI BADI_FQM_FLOW_ADJUST_CORE.
You need maintain the filter values for your BAdI, as this BAdI was commonly used in One Exposure. Flow Builder Plus using 'BSEGV' (same source application as the flows).
BAdI Filter
- Step 2. Implement the logic.
Unlike old Flow Builder, the BAdI implementation logic is purely ABAP.
Method ADJUST_FLOW accepts only one CHANGING parameter ct_flows. This table will be fulfilled with the flows where Flow Builder Plus generated,
An sample code as following:
METHOD if_fqm_flow_enhancements_core~adjust_flows.
WHERE house_bank IS INITIAL OR house_bank_account IS INITIAL OR bank_account_id IS INITIAL.
" Fulfill the bank account from GL
SELECT SINGLE HouseBank, HouseBankAccount FROM I_GLAccountInCompanyCode
WHERE GLAccount = @<fs_flow>-fi_account AND CompanyCode = @<fs_flow>-company_code
INTO @DATA(ls_glaccount).
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND ls_glaccount IS NOT INITIAL.
<fs_flow>-house_bank = ls_glaccount-HouseBank.
<fs_flow>-house_bank_account = ls_glaccount-HouseBankAccount.
" Recalculate the Bank Account.
IF <fs_flow>-house_bank IS NOT INITIAL AND <fs_flow>-house_bank_account IS NOT INITIAL.
FROM i_bankaccountlinkage as a
WHERE a~companycode = @<fs_flow>-company_code AND a~housebank = @<fs_flow>-house_bank
AND a~housebankaccount = @<fs_flow>-house_bank_account
AND a~validitystartdate <= @<fs_flow>-transaction_date AND a~validityenddate >= @<fs_flow>-transaction_date
INTO @DATA(ls_t012k).
IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND ls_t012k IS NOT INITIAL AND ls_t012k-bankaccountinternalid <> <fs_flow>-bank_account_id.
<fs_flow>-bank_account_id = ls_t012k-bankaccountinternalid.
- Step 3. Activate you codes and BAdI implementation.
Activate your codes and the BAdI implementation, you can have a try directly with Flow Builder Plus. And Flow Builder Plus shall call your logic as you wished.
* Please be aware that the information in this post is purely for OP releases.