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In the SAP Fiori launchpad, you can directly access WebClient UI applications in integrated mode. FLP serves as a single entry point to all the Apps available in catalogs based on roles assigned to users.


In SAP S/4HANA for customer management 2.0 FPS1 (Release SAP S/4HANA 1809 FPS1), the integration is enabled with Generic Intent (Semantic Object: Shell , Action: startWCF).

The details are provided in SAP Note 2700701.

In SAP S/4HANA Service (Release SAP S/4HANA 1909), the full integration with the intent based navigation is supported.

The Mass Maintenance tool and launchpad designer can be used to create the content with process similar to other classic technologies.

More details are available here:
Integration of WebClient UI Applications

Fiori Launchpad Integrated mode for WebClient UI


In the Fiori app reference library, search for your apps.

Eg: ‘Search Service Requests’.

In the Implementation Information tab, find the business role corresponding to the App.

For Service scenarios, the role is: SAP_BR_SERV_REP_T.

Assign the role to your user in the frontend.

The apps should show up in the FLP homepage.

WebClient UI Apps are loaded without webcuif shell which is replaced by FLP.

Users can seemlessly navigate between WebClient UI and other Apps in FLP.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Thanks Saminder! I've added this to the SAP Fiori for SAP S/4HANA wiki > All About Apps page
0 Kudos
Thanks jocelyn.dart !
0 Kudos
Thanks Saminder for this post. Is this integration also possible without S/4 HANA ? I am looking at a Fiori Frontend Server 5.0 connected to SAP CRM EHP4 with a belize theme.
0 Kudos
Hi boba1987

The Fiori Launchpad Integration is enabled only for SAP S/4HANA Releases.

The SAP CRM EHP4 can only be launched from FLP in a standalone mode (in a separate window) by using a static app launcher tile.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi saminder.kaur

Thank you for the nice post. We have enabled few WebClient UI based tiles in FLP. We have assigned the business role that was created in tcode, CRMC_UI_PROFILE to user via user profile in SU3 (parameter CRM_UI_PROFILE). It's a custom business role.

We customized the UI (webclient UI based on our requirement and the changes are appearing in WebClient UI standalone (tcode WUI_SSO) but the changes are not reflecting in Fiori tile. Cleared all kind of Fiori caches. It seems that the Fiori is fetching the UI based on default profile or something.

How can we bring the changes in WUI in Fiori tile as well? Is there a parameter that should be configured in Fiori tile/target mapping?

I couldn't find any SAP documents that talks about this and wonder if you have the answer handy.

Thank you,



Hi shen.sundaresan

The FLP Integrated mode does not consider the old business roles and the navigation bar profiles. It always loads one internal default profile.

It looks like you are using Function Profiles for your custom changes. You need to assign the required function profiles to your Fiori Launchpad catalogs in a customizing activity as described here:

Function Profiles in FLP Integrated Mode

Your user must have PFCG Role assigned in the backend which contains the catalogs. The same catalog must have function profile assigned with required values. The system will consider these function profiles in the runtime when using FLP Integrated mode.

Hope this will resolve the issue.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Awesome! Thanks for the quick response, Saminder. Really appreciate it. Yes, we are using Function Profiles for the custom changes. Let me try. It should work. Thank you.
0 Kudos

Hi saminder.kaur

thanks for the post!

just to be sure about the layout configuration changes (hiding fields, rearranging fields on screen adding other standard or AET fields) which are done with reference to a role configuration key (which in the "old world" of CRM ist directly attached to a business role and NOT to a function profile):

is it really true we have no chance to assign the use of the desired role configuration key to a user or profile so it also is respected in Fiori Launchpad??

So in consequence I am either forced to

a) use the CRM UI natively outside of FLP

or either

b) change the default screens which SAP delivers (which I normally avoid to do 🙂 ) if I have a simple scenario where all users shall use the same screen layouts


Thanks for a feedback!






Hi oliver.felix

The concept for configuration stays and works as it is in standalone mode.
Only difference is that you cannot use 'Role Config Key' in FLP Integrated mode.
In the FLP Integrated mode, the business roles and related customizing in the backend is not considered.
The role config key <DEFAULT> is always used in FLP integrated mode.
You can create your own customer configuration for Default key and it will be used in runtime for FLP integrated mode.
There are multiple keys in the configuration that can also be used to create customer configurations based on your business requirements.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Thanks for the post. Is there a way to get the list of all the business roles related to the 1809 SP2 CRM add-on. We just had the add-on installed but wanted to find-out all the relevant business roles to explore all the capabilities this add-on has to offer.
0 Kudos
Hi nithin95555

The business roles for FLP Mode are delivered in 1909 release along with IBN(Intent based Navigation). In 1809, only the generic intent based FLP integration was available.

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Thanks for your response. Regarding the capabilities, I only noticed service related objects are available in S4 as part of this add-on? Reading through the Guide, it was also mentioned that capabilities such as lead and opportunities, Order entry are available but was not clear if they need additional licenses. We are on a roadmap for next year to upgrade to 2021, so is there a note or blog that mentioned what capabilities are available out of the box in S4 and which need additional licenses?
0 Kudos
Hi Saminder,

Can we create a tile for opening a particular application with parameters ( lets say "Search Service Requests" ). I tried creating a reference of the standard tile provided by SAP, and added a parameter to it. But it showed me a validation error. Could you please guide through the process for the same?


Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Hello oghadashi

For creating launchpad content, please check SAP Note: 3170196 and SAP Help documentation  mentioned in this note.

Best Regards,
