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Service with Advanced Execution is a new service business process in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition. This is based on the integration of Service with Maintenance Management. To know more about this offering, please refer the blog:

Service with Advanced Execution

This blog explains the Execution Status in Service with Advanced Execution.

Status lifecycle in Service Item

                                                           Status lifecycle in Service Item

The above diagram represents the status flow for an item in Service Order Quotation and Service Order. However, these statuses denote different stages in the two documents depending on the context.

Status in Service Order:

    1. Open – This is the default status for item when it is created and indicates that the processing has not started yet.
    2. In Process – This status indicates that the processing and planning has started but the execution is not yet started.
    3. Released – This status indicates that the service details and planning has been finalized and execution can be started.
    4. Completed – This status indicates that either the service execution is completed, or the service is rejected.

Status in Service Order Quotation:

    1. Open – This is the default status for item when it is created and indicates that the processing has not started yet.
    2. In Process – This status indicates that the processing for the service order quotation has started but is yet to be sent to the customer.
    3. Released – This status indicates that the service order quotation details have been finalized and the document can be sent to the customer.
    4. Completed – This status indicates that either the service order quotation has been accepted or rejected by the customer. 

Status lifecycle in Maintenance Order

                                                     Status lifecycle in Maintenance Order

The above diagram illustrates all the significant system statuses available on the maintenance order, along with the overall status flow.

Status in Maintenance Order:

    1. Created – This status indicates that the planning can be started but the execution is not yet started.
    2. Released – This status indicates that the planning is completed and the execution can be started.
    3. Technically Completed – This status indicates that the maintenance execution is completed.
    4. Business Completed – This status indicates that the related financial accounting is completed.
    5. Do Not Execute – This status indicates that the planning is not completed and order is closed.

Introduction to Execution Status

Execution status is a status on the execution order item in a service order quotation or service order. It reflects a particular state or phase in the lifecycle of the corresponding billable maintenance order. Execution status could help the customer service manager to determine whether the maintenance order is in planning phase, or whether the planning is completed and execution has started, and so on.

Execution status is not editable in the execution order item. It is only determined by the system from the active statuses on the execution order item and the corresponding billable maintenance order. This status is persisted for the execution order item in the database table CRMS4D_SERV_I field STAT_MAINTENANCE. This status is also aggregated from multiple items of a document to the execution status at the header level of the document and persisted in the database table CRMS4D_SERV_H field STAT_MAINTENANCE.

Values of Execution Status in Execution Order Item


Execution StatusShort descriptionSystem StatusBusiness Transaction
Not AvailableThis is the default state when no execution status is set.-EXNA
Execution PlanningThis status is set when the maintenance order is in planning phase.I1922INPL
Planning CompletedThis status is set when the basic planning is completed in the maintenance order for the purpose of resource-related quotation. This status is only available in the service order quotation.I1928PLCD
In ExecutionThis status is set when the maintenance order is in the execution phase. This status is only available in the service order.I1924INEX
Execution DoneThis status is set when the execution is completed. This status is only available in the service order.I1926EXCO
CancelledThis status is set when the service is rejected.I1929EXCA
Not RelevantThis status is set when the execution status is not relevant anymore.I1923EXNR

Aggregation of Execution Statuses from items to header

The execution status at the header level is determined by aggregating the execution statuses of all items in the service document. The rules to determine header execution status are as follows:


Header Execution StatusShort description
In ExecutionThe execution has started, or execution is completed for at least one item.
Execution PlanningThe planning has started for at least one item.
Planning CompletedThe planning is completed for all the items.
Execution DoneThe execution is completed for all the items.
CancelledAll the items are rejected.
Not RelevantThe execution status is not relevant anymore for all the items.


The execution status in the execution order item denotes the status of planning and execution of the corresponding maintenance order. This status helps the customer service manager to keep a track on the progress of the service.