In relation to the use of Document Information Extraction (which is part of the SAP AI Business Services Portfolio) with Electronic Documents Import Wizard for importing documents to SAP Business One, the additional functionality coming in the release of SAP Business One FP 2305 include the following s several interesting enhancements.
In this blog I would like to provide some tips and tricks how to better use its potential.
The basic functionality is described in the relevant SAP Note
3060961 (and related SAP Notes)
The enhancements are mainly relevant also for the Electronic Documents Import Wizard available in SAP Business One.
- For the creation of a document is SAP Business One there is a need to have Business Partner identified. Therefore, it is essential to have it extracted from the original document. Apart from the option of the constant value (when using the template feature) it is possible to specify the value right in the step 2 of the Electronic Documents Import Wizard. The value will be then used further in the process of creation of the document draft, regardless of the value in the imported document.

The definition of the parameters for the Business Partner identification is in the step1 of the Electronic Documents Import Wizard:

- The similar cases with the item codes. There are in general 4 rounds of the search done by the system based on the imported values – the system is checking the item code, item description, values in Business Partner Catalogue or bar code. If the search is unsuccessful, it is possible to select the value manually by the user directly in the grid of the Electronic Documents Import Wizard.

- It is possible also to create the document as service type (not item), In this case the wizard allows the specification of service G/L account manually. The option here is also to check the Electronic File Manager mapping for Document Information Extraction import in which it is possible to predefine the account to be used for specific condition. For example:

- In the Electronic Documents Import Wizard, it is possible not to import all the rows. For example in case that the Document Information Extraction service is recognizing the additional rows which are not really available on the original document. In this case you can use “Skip” option for particular row.

- The processing document received from the Document Information Extraction service is based on use of the Electronic File Manager import mapping file. It is possible to based on the system one, to create your own version by adjusting it. For example for the definition of condition for the G/L account for service document.
- For the testing purposes it is possible to take the imported file in a form of XML Data Source - on step 2 of the Electronic Documents Import Wizard, so you can validate the mapping on the real data.

The adjusted mapping can be then imported to SAP Business One and used for the import process.
- The Electronic Document Import Wizard currently allows also the possibility to create Sales Orders from the Purchase Orders. If you have the relevant JSON file for the processed Purchase Order by the Document Information Extraction service then you can import it via the Electronic Documents Import Wizard as a Sales Order. For more details see the SAP Note 3251295.
What’s next?
This is an overview of the possibilities to use this functionality in SAP Business One. It should help to increase the system flexibility when importing the electronic documents. It is not relevant only to import for the Document Information Extraction but also other Electronic Documents Protocols.
In the related
blog there is described the function related to the "template" option for the Document Information Extraction service with use "autoselect" option.
In case you have used the functionality, I would like to ask you to share your feedback or thoughts in a comment or ask questions in the Q&A tag area here:
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