About the Author
I am a Product Owner for SAP PLM Process Industries, helping customers and defining requirements towards the development team.
Related blog posts
Part 1 –
Basic concept
Part 2 –
Layouts, per stream calculation, not maintained data and nutrients
Part 3 –
Composition, Cost, Intra-formula contribution calculations, losses
Part 4 –
Scaling, exporting, PO limits, Energy based contribution
1.1 Standard Composition Handling
Substance presence in your recipe could be very important. Also their % value. To support this, composition specific substances can be added to the view and you can see if they are contributing or not to the PO. In the layout we introduced two possibilities (check the relevant chapter for layout configuration in the previous post) where you can select items that are present in the current recipe and also you can freely add substances to the layout. The latter is usable for so-called “banned substance” checks, to make sure that a certain substance is not present in any value in your recipe.
For calculation, values are used from the related input specification's Standard Composition property.

Composition entries (Source SAP)
Here is a video about Compositions:
Composition contribution (Source SAP)
1.2 Cost Contribution
With cost contribution you can identify the most expensive components in your actual recipe, and you can find a calculated cost per input item. First thing you shall do is to enable cost relevant fields in your layout (described in the Layout chapter of the previous post). Once relevant fields are visible:

Cost Contribution (Source SAP)
Please note that "calculated price" fields are calculated based on "100g Primary Output / EUR" as it can be seen on the table header (see the above picture).
Price ID can be set on cost calculation tab per item (it cannot be changed on the Contribution view):

Price ID selection (Source SAP)
Changes will be reflected on the Contribution tab as well. In case of manual price, values can be set on the Calculation results - costs tab
Manual Price (Source SAP)
Here is a video about cost contribution:
Cost contribution (Source SAP)
1.3 Intra-Formula Calculations
Majority of the intra-formula related fields can be found in the contribution view and you can add them to the screen via your layout. These columns can be found under the general fields (please check the layout settings in the previous post).
Supported fields are the following:
MASS per STR/PO [%]
VOL per STR/PO [%]
Density [RHO]

Intra-formula columns (Source SAP)
Total solid and connected fields are also supported but those will be discussed in the next chapter.
1.4 Total Solids and Evaporation/Absorption
Total solids and evaporation/absorption can also be set and calculated with on the Contribution view. The functionality is the same as you would do it on the input/output tab. Necessary columns in the layout can be found under the Basic Columns category.

Total solid fields (Source SAP)
After adding them to the table, the respective columns appear:

Calculation modes (Source SAP)
From here you can define in the calculation mode column per output stream which option you would like to apply. Working with the calculate quantity and input item quantity, you can determine which quantities shall be calculated. Also please note that if you are using these functions then you might need to have a so called
"balancing item" setting in place which you can do that from an other application (outside of the context of the current blog series).
1.5 Process and Storage Losses
Process loss and storage loss profiles can also be added or removed and loss calculated values can be seen in the Contribution view. To enable this, you have to turn on this in your layout (see relevant chapter in layout settings of the previous post). After it is set, the respective new lines shall appear in the table below the output streams as well as below the PO line. You can also assign loss profiles from the Contribution view. The values calculated with losses will be applied to the table. See on the picture here:

Losses (Source SAP)
Also loss considered calculated values will appear in the cells of the loss rows, so you can always can determine how the values will look like per stream after losses are applied. Just for the clarification Storage loss profiles always can only be applied to Primary Output, that's why they are not visible on stream level as you may have recognized.
In my final blog post, I will talk about additional useful functions and with that I'll close the Contribution view topic. Stay tuned!