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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Dear Reader,

I am a Product Expert for the area of Knowledge Provider (KPro). KPro is a framework that is used in Document Manage Systems.

I receive queries on performing the migration of the content repositories. In this post, I would like to introduce to possible ways in which you can perform the migration of the content repositories.


Approach 1) SAP report RSIRPIRL SAP Note  389366 and 1536325

This report works with attachments that are stored with applications like DMS (Transaction CV0*N / Attachment Service), CRM (CRM attachments), GOS (Generic object services / Services for object), SRM (SAP Records and Case Management), SOLMAN attachments and so on.

The report would use the PHIO class header table to get the list of attachments; and thus if the attachments are stored via Archivelink, the attachments would remain untouched in the repository.There may be some orphan/corrupt/dummy attachments which would remain untouched in the original repository.

The report copies the attachments from the source repository to the destination repository and then deletes them from the source repository. Therefore, you must take a backup of the repositories before performing the migration with this report.

This report has the following inputs:-

Document Area:- In case, you would like to perform the migration for all PHIO Classes within a document area.                                    (I have not seen anyone using this actively.)

PHIO Class         :-  PHIO Class which is used for storing the attachments.

Target Category :-  Destination category where you would like to move the documents(Transaction OACT).

Source Category:- Current storage category which is used for storing the attachments(Transaction OACT).

DATUM                :- Creation date of the documents.

Test Run             :- The documents would not be moved (if the test run is checked) but (and) customer would get a list of the documents what would be moved.

You should make sure that the storage category should point to different content repositories ( content repositories are created with transaction OAC0).

Approach 2 ) SAP Development provided report Z_DOC_COPY  SAP note 2774469 

This report works with documents that are stored with the SAP repository (Database / SAP HTTP repository). Report requests content server for document list to the content server ( Command  'adminContRep' & operation 'docIdList').  This command would provide the list of attachments from the content server.

The report would use a list of attachments received from the content server and copy the attachments from the source repository to the destination repository one by one. This report also compares the list of attachments from between source and destination before actual copy and thus even if the report gets terminated for any reason, restart is possible.

Destination Repository  < P_REPDST > Repository from Transaction OAC0

Source Repository  < P_REPSRC > Repository from Transaction OAC0

Document List  < SEL_LIST > This should be used in case you want to copy the specific documents and do not want to copy all the documents.

Approach 3 ) Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK  SAP note 1043676 - Migration of ArchiveLink Documents.

This report is specifically for Archivelink attachments where the attachment selection is done based on the link tables of Archivelink. The report will get the link entries from all the link tables (TOA01, TOA02, TOA03, TOAHR...) for a given repository and then perform a copy of the attachments from the source repository to destination repository.

The report would also adjust the link table entries. The documents are not deleted from the source repository. Link tables are updated with newly generated document ID and destination repository. Old documents remain orphans in the source repository. 

Approach  4 ) RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA  2293171 For GOS attachments. 

You need to relocate the contents of SAPoffice documents relevant to the GOS attachments that are managed by KPro from one category to another.

This report works similar to RSIRPIRL and it has the GOS context attached. Selection screens have GOS related options.

This should be used when the customer wants to move the attachments created from certain applications only e.g. Mail attachments.


Not much documentation available but again similar to RSIRPIRL and adds DMS context to it. In other words, it works for DIR (Document Info Record).

This should be used when the customer wants to move the attachments created with specific document types (e.g. DRW / FOL / SRF and so on) and Document status.


This should be used when the customer wants to move the attachments created with SAP Records and Case Management.

Approach 7) Migration of the documents via Transport Layer.

There are also other reports RSCMSEXT / RSCMSEXA /  RSCMSIM / RSCMSCPY using SAPKPROTP. I have seen some issues. Also, it uses transport files. Troubleshooting is very difficult in the case of SAPKPROTP.  This is not usually recommended for large migration. You can use this report if you have a small list of documents that you want to migrate.



In cases where you are aware of the application that is used to store the attachment. Please use the program from the corresponding application That will give users more control over what is being migrated. In case you just want to copy the documents irrespective of the application you can use report Z_DOC_COPY.

In the next blog post I am planning to explain the difference in Report RSIRPIRL, Z_DOC_COPY, Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Reader,

You can check the Part II here 


0 Kudos
HI Sagar,

Thank you for the informative document.

I am new to the Content Repository Migration functionality and thus I need your expert inputs for the requirement that we have from the client.

Requirement - The current content repository is external and is Archivelink repository as an HTTP content server. This repository is going sunset. The requirement is to store all the documents (Invoices in PDF ) in local repository i.e in SAP database itself.

For this I have created a new Archivelink repository of storage type "SAP System Database". This is working and all the new documents data is getting stored in SAP database Z table as defined in the local repository. The link table TOA01 is also getting updated with the new document ID and new content repository ID.

Issue I am facing is to migrate the already present documents in OLD HTTP Archivelink repository to new Local SAP Database table Archivelink repository.

As per the details in the blog post, I tried with Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK  SAP note 1043676 – Migration of ArchiveLink Documents. But I see via this report, the links in the table TOA01 get created as per the new Local repository but the actual document data is not moved from the old external ArchiveLink content server to the new SAP Database table Archivelink Content repository Z table.

Can you please guide as in how to move all the already present document data from the external content  server to the SAP database in a  Z table as defined in the Local Archivelink Cotent repository?


Sarang Akhare.


0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,

The issue I was facing is resolved now. The documents were not getting copied to the SAP database tables via program  "Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK  SAP note 104367", was because the connection with the source HTTP ArchiveLink Content Repository was not active. Once the connection was activated again, it program "Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK" stared working as expected.



Sarang Akhare
0 Kudos
Seems like this is a good place to ask about migration questions. My use case is to migrate attachments from vault storage to external content server (SharePoint) . We are using a DM4SAP third party product and it works fine storing into SharePoint document libraries.  For DMS originals migration I'm planning to use two convert reports "DMS_KPRO_CONVERT" and "DMS_KPRO_CONVERT2."  It will be great if you throw some inside on these reports beside generic documentation.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Faisal Not really Sure Sorry 😞
0 Kudos
Hello Sagar,

Very Nice post..!!
However I m facing some issue while relocating the attachments.

Program RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA is not migrating text documents or .txt files to external server. Do you know any procedure for the same?


Also, why execution of this program does not have any data in linkage tables like TOA01, TOA02, TOA03. Please clarify.


Best Regards,

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Abdul,


GOS sometimes handle Text attachment differently and they if the attachments are not stored with KPro thus they are untouched / migrated.


0 Kudos
Thanks for the reply. sorry for a late reply


I do have another question to ask, If documents are attach to business objects using custom GOS menu option using archivelink how do we move those attachments from custom menu to Attachment List?? I believe there must be a way to do this

I;m migrating documents from opentext to SharePoint and all attachments done using custom GOS instead of "store business document" option .


0 Kudos
I want to migrate DMS documents to KPRO in target system. Do you only need DMS_KPRO_CONVERT2 to do this? What are the other steps involved? Can you provide more information for this please? Thanks
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Sonja,


Can you add more details? Do you mean you want to convert the documents from the vault to KPro?



0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


Thanks for sharing the steps. I am having problem transferring documents which are in IA status(in work and not released). How do we transfer such documents.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Which report you are using ? Your document status in CV0*N does not matter if you are using report RSIRPIRL. The status of your DIR and Actual document are independent


0 Kudos
Hi Sagar, Could you help me. I have migrated Kpro document SOFFPHIO(From table storage to external storage). But for DMS this is first time, details :Already attachment are storing in SAP contact server and need to migrate to opentext. But if i use the report RSIRPIRL, i have input fields as


target category : ?

source category : ?

Current Category AA -> tagged Repo as A1 -> which has 123 as content server name

Target category also AA, because in the CV03N attachment list, for respective file attachment, business user will continue to select the storage category as AA(as per business functional spec designed- manual select)  and shouldn't change the process design on category selection in CV03N for shake migration activity.

so do i need to create a AB as dummy category (AB->A2 content node -> which has 456 as content server name) ?, with below 

Actions need can follow ?:

AA source category -> tagged Repo as A1 -> which has server as 123 as SAP CONTENT server

Migration to target below

AB target category -> tagged Repo as A2 -> which has server as 456 as opentext server name.


target category : AB (opentext)

source category : AA (SAP content)

once all documents migration is done(above actions), moved to AB, Below actions


then, change the A1 repository server as 456 as opentext server from 123 content server, trigger migration

AB source category -> tagged Repo as A2 -> which has server as 456 as opentext server name.

Migration to target below

AA target category -> tagged Repo as A1 -> which has server as 456 as opentext server name.

trigger migration report


target category : AB (opentext)

source category : AA (OPENTEXT)


This is the solution for DMS migration or any other  migration report, will work ? Please guide me


0 Kudos

Hi Sagar,

Can we migrate data from the Opentext content server to SAP DMS or SAP Content Server via standard SAP program?

We had a requirement like to move our data(pdf files and other formats) from an external content server repository (OpenText) to SAP DMS.

We used to store our Report shipping MSDS/SDS  files in the External content Repository and now we want to move those data completely to our SAP DMS.


Raaj Ch


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Raaj,


You can use report RSIRPRIL for this migration.  Report Z_DOC_COPY may not work and you need to give the list of documents that you want to copy if you want to use Z_DOC_COPY


Sagar S Bhide
0 Kudos
Hello Sagar,


Thanks for the post which helped in understanding the migration. We are going through an issue - recently we migrated out SAP Content Server from 650 to 753. We can able to retrieve all documents. But after migrating SAP application to new hardware the same documents are not opening but newly created docs we can able to open. It would be great if you provide some in inputs on this.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
I do not have enough information to comment on this . Please get in touch with SAP Support.
0 Kudos
Gm Sagar,


We are planning to upgrade our DMS from 6.40 to 7.53. Can this be done in the same sever (Linux).  Is it possible to do in-plan upgrade?   Thanks for the support..




Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


This is very Good Information. But I am still Confused. I have seen various blogs but There is no clarity. I would like to see a proper Way of informative blog


  1. Business Scenario

  2. Detail Requirement

  3. High level Architecture of Tech Solution

  4. Details of Each step.

Your information is good but not in details for us to understand. There are various level of Functional and Technical consultant who don't understand  whats written.

I hope you will take it in positive way and help us in better way.


With Warm Regards


Mangesh Pande
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


In my scenario Existing ECC system - Documents are stored in GOS as attachment and now we are planning to move it to S4 system, but in S4 we have DMS setup.  Can we migrate the GOS documents to DMS, do we have any standard program to perform this activity. Can you please provide guidance on this
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Shailaja,

I am sorry but I cannot answer specific question. What I believe is that you have GOS attachments in ECC and they will not be converted to DMS, New documents will get created with DMS. I am not aware of any program which will perform conversion of GOS attachments to DMS.


0 Kudos
Thanks for the document. It helped in understanding the different approaches for Migration.
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


Your detailed post was very helpfull and interesting. Thanks for the same.

I have a scenario where we are migrating SAP DMS ocuments from one SAP system to another. In the source SAP system originals are stored in SAP Database. In the target SAP System, customer wants to have documents saved in content server. Is there any approach to migrate the documents when the IDOCs are processed in the target system?

One approach we tested is to migrate the document to SAP Database in the target SAP system and run standard DMS_KPRO_CONVERT program to migrate to content server. This approach works but it makes the work double.

We are looking for an approch where this storage migration can happen as part of IDOC processing.

Please let me know if you have any thougts or solution for this requirements
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


I have a scenario whereby we had a custom program which used Logical File Path to store atatchments for financial documents in FB03. Is there any way to migrate those documents from File share to content repository?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Mofizur,


This is surely possible you may need to develop custom program for the same.


0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


Thank you for all the Information, however i still cannot find a solution to my "Problem", as i cannot decide which method would be the best.


I have an Content Server 6.5 (File System based Storage) and want to migrate to a new 7.53 (MAXDB) Content Server.

What Report / way would you suggest is the most fitting for this scenario? I wasn't able to find any specific documentation on that constelation.


Thank you very much


0 Kudos
How can we cover all the documents? I mean How can we be sure what is where?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Alessandro,

As you are going to do a Content server migration, If I am at your place, I will choose Z_DOC_COPY. (Please note that this is not a recommendation. Please do your analysis to confirm if this approach works for you)

Best Regards

0 Kudos
can we defined share point as content repository for GOS attachments ? so that instead of storing GOS attachment in SAP database ,external content repository can be used ?

0 Kudos

Hi Sagar, Thanks for sharing the information

For the two options Z_DOC_COPY or Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK. Once we migrate the data from one repository to another does it maintain the arc_doc_id (from link table) or does it create a new one during migration?




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK generate NEW document ID . Z_DOC_COPY tries to retain the document ID
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


Currently, our SAP  system stores documents/txt file/jpg files stored in the HTTP content server using the archivinglink.


Repository Name: AY

Now Business wants to shift all the data from HTTP Content Server to the SAP Content Server.

I have gone through your content and the programs you mentioned,

"RSIRPIRL" is only available in our system but the "Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK" is not available in our system.

Could you please guide me on this how should I proceed as there is a risk of metadata and content mismatch?
0 Kudos
Hello All,


Could anyone please provide the codes for the following two reports?




0 Kudos


Could anyone please provide the code for the following reports?






0 Kudos
Hello Sagar,

I've implemented the note 1043676 - Migration of ArchiveLink Documents and trying to use the programs in there to migrate the archlinks from opentext to SAP CM. Both the repositories and are accessible form my SAP system, however when trying to run these reports in "Test" mode, I don't see any documents being captured in the job spool. Any idea why this could be happening?


Akshay Pandit
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


We are trying to migrate content server from one content server which is on sap ecc to content server on SAP S/4 HANA system . We have copied program ZMIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK_FILES_ENH from note 1043676 and trying to execute the same on the target system, However , we are getting error NO DOCUMENTS TO MIGRATE . Could you please provide some input as what could be the issue as all the connections are working and configuration are done in the target system.




Sonal Musale
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,


We are trying to migrate content server from one content server which is on sap ecc to content server on SAP S/4 HANA system . We have copied program ZMIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK_FILES_ENH from note 1043676 and trying to execute the same on the target system, However , we are getting error NO DOCUMENTS TO MIGRATE . Could you please provide some input as what could be the issue as all the connections are working and configuration are done in the target system.



Sonal Musale
0 Kudos
Hi Sagar!


In the next year we will migrate our ECC System to S4/HANA using a greenfield approach. So we will start from scratch with HANA system and only migrate the most important data into the new system, like Material master, vendors/customers (Business Partner) and maybe some others. For these onbjects we use GOS functionality and store the attachments in our Contentserver into the MaxDB database.

When we carry out the migration we want to take over the attachments to the new system AND to a new Contentserver. So we have to migrate the "phsysical documents" from Contentserver A to B and also move the Document Links from SAP System X to Y. Is this possible and what would be the best approach to do it?


Thanks a lot!

0 Kudos
Hello Sagar,


We have a Direct Vault Access setup via FTP in which around 100K files are available which we need to migrate to Content Server on MaxDB. From your blog I was not able to find this approach. Can you help in confirming firstly if this is feasible and secondly which method or report to be used for the same?


Thanks in advance.
0 Kudos
Hello Sagar,


We have Content management server we use for archiving in production and looking for specific content server repository migrations to non production environments. Looks like above blogs are specific to DMS type of application and wont help for CMS application which we use currently , please confirm.


Thanks in Advance,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Dear Vaibhav,

May be Z_DOC_COPY would work for you.


0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,

We have content server for SOFFCONT1. But since users use GOS button for attachments different document objects like BUS2032, BUS2031, BKPF are saved in same content server.

Since we have now business attachments in content server, we want to migrate these to different content repos.

We are planning to use RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA for the same. Wanted to check if there will be any iusses w.r.t. accessing attachments after migration, also any corruptions can occur.


Kind Regards,

0 Kudos
Hi Sagar,

We are trying to use SAP DMS service Integration Option with repository entitlement. Could you please help understand the process/configuration for integration between S4hana onprem and SAP DMS?

what are the configurations required in S4hana to connect to SAP DMS integration option?



0 Kudos

Hi SSB, 

what about Document Info Record linkage to these files in content repository? 

Before CR migration, we have to create Document Info Record?

please help me understand how these files in CR will be automatically attached to DIR?



0 Kudos

Thanks for the very helpful blog.

I've used a modified version of Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK before with good effect to migrate over 3.5 million files from a FileNet system to a SAP DMS. I now need to migrate a smaller number (crica 20K files) of KPro/DMS/HTTP content server documents from the FileNet system into a new repository on the SAP DMS system.

I had found RSIRPIRL already but don't like the idea of a program that actually deletes things in case it makes an error. Looking at Z_DOC_COPY that had the advantage that it doesn't delete anything in the source system in case there is a problem. Does it also update ECC at the same time to change the link from the old backend to the new one?

0 Kudos

I also tried using Z_MIGRATE_ARCHIVELINK to migrate our PBS PCL ContentLink repository to SAP Content Server 7.5 but says there are no documents to migrate. The PCL server is using ArchiveLink as the document area, so not sure why this wouldnt work. I do see that tables TOA01, TOA02, etc are empty. Is there something that can assist me in migrating from the PCL server to the SAP Content Server?

Thanks in advance, 
