It hardly needs be said, but there can be no compromises on compliance. Companies need to properly protect their assets and the investments of their customers, partners, and investors, which means that they need to establish the necessary risk-management and control functions.
This post provides an overview of one-way SAP supports its customers in their compliance efforts.
Auditor Direct Access SOX Compliance Audit
Auditor Direct Assess SOX Compliance Audit is a variant of the
Auditor Direct Access that is used for audits performed under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The Goal is to have a central entry point for accessing all SOX-relevant applications. Click
here for more details.
The following apps are enabled and accessible to external auditors from within the Auditor Direct Access SOX Compliance Audit dashboard:
- Change History
- Change Log - Activity Types
- Change Log - Cost Centers
- Change Log - Financial Closing
- Change Log - Profit Centers
- Display Changes of Recurring Entry
- Display Changes to Customers
- Display Changes to Suppliers
- Display Item Change Log - Customer
- Display Item Change Log - Supplier
- Monitor Mass Changes - Purchase Contracts
- Monitor Mass Changes - Purchase Orders
- Monitor Mass Changes - Purchase Requisitions
- Monitor Mass Changes - Purchasing Info Records
- Monitor Mass Changes - Purchasing Info Records
- Show Change Documents
- Track Mass Changes - Business Partners
- Track Mass Changes - Business Partner Relationships
- Track Mass Changes - Products
How to Launch Application 'SOX Compliance Dashboard'
By default, Auditor Direct Access – SOX Compliance Dashboard will not appear under External Auditing or Home. To add the SOX compliance dashboard, use the App Finder to locate it and then add it to whichever group you want.
App Finder
To open SOX Compliance dashboard, select Audit Structure 'S4H_AUDIT_DASHBOARD'.
For more information about the 'Check Number' field, see
here .
Audit Selection Screen
Once you finish setting up your audit selection and run the program, the list of applications mentioned above will appear on the screen.
Compliance Dashboard Screen
If you have any queries, feel free to comment below.
Useful links